Headshot of Sandra Portocarrero
WAPPP Fellow
Postdoctoral Research Scholar in the Faculty of Business, Columbia Business School

Dr. Sandra Portocarrero is an organizational ethnographer and qualitative field researcher who studies the dynamics of diversity, equity, and inclusion in relation to the maintenance of exclusion and inequality. She examines the organizational lives of workers and how organizations continue to exclude people from minoritized racial groups and disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds despite their intentions to build an inclusive climate. As a WAPPP fellow, Sandra will use an intersectional approach to examine racialized and gendered ideal worker prototypes and how established images might perpetuate inequality in the workplace. Sandra is a Postdoctoral Research Scholar in the Management Division at Columbia Business School (CBS). At CBS, she is developing a project where she examines the ventures of Latina undocumented necessity entrepreneurs in New York. Sandra holds a PhD, M Phil, and MA in Sociology from Columbia University and a BA in Sociology from the University of California, Berkeley.
