Sarah (Gandari) Williams was born and raised in Zimbabwe before moving to the U.S. for college. Sarah holds a Juris Doctor from the University of St. Thomas School of Law in Minnesota. There, she worked as a legal writer and contributing author for Thomson Reuters. Additionally, Sarah has a background advocating for cross-over youth in juvenile law and child protection matters. Sarah has assisted in litigation that tackles systemic inadequacies in education delivery in Minnesota. She is pursuing a master’s in Education Policy and Analysis with a concentration in Identity, Power, and Justice in Education. Sarah would like to assist in closing the achievement gap for lower-income students, those with disabilities, and English-language learners in Minnesota and worldwide. As a Zuckerman Fellow, Sarah will pursue a career that eliminates oppressive conditions that segregate students by race, income, language, and disability status. She will use her advocacy skills to shape education policy that is inclusive and culturally responsive to the needs of K-12 students.