The Harvard Kennedy School cost of attendance for the 2024-2025 academic year is outlined below to help you plan financially for our master’s degree programs. Living expenses are based on residence in Cambridge and include the estimated cost of rent, utilities, and food. There may be other costs and/or expenses associated with attending HKS.

HKS tuition and fees are subject to change without notice.  The 2025-2026 academic year rates will be published in March 2025.

2024-2025 Tuition and Fees by Program

Master in Public Policy (MPP)

Course materials fee$574
HKS student activity fee$220
HUHS Student Health Fee (SHF)*$1,592
Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)*$4,202
Total tuition and fees$65,904
Estimated living expenses (9 months)$25,146
Personal expenses$2,349
Books and supplies$1,611
Total indirect costs$30,141
Total cost of attendance$96,045

Master in Public Administration (MPA)

Course materials fee$574
HKS student activity fee$220
HUHS Student Health Fee (SHF)*$1,592
Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)*$4,202
Total tuition and fees$65,904
Estimated living expenses (9 months)$25,146
Personal expenses$2,349
Books and supplies$1,611
Total indirect costs$30,141
Total cost of attendance$96,045

Master in Public Administration in International Development (MPA/ID)

MPA/ID Math Seminar**$2,120
Course materials fee$574
HKS student activity fee$220
HUHS Student Health Fee (SHF)*$1,592
Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)*$4,202
Total tuition and fees$68,024
Estimated living expenses (9 months)$25,146
Personal expenses$2,349
Books and supplies$1,611
Total indirect costs$30,141
Total cost of attendance$98,165

** Incoming students entering the first year of the MPA/ID Program will be assessed the MPA/ID Math Seminar.

Mid-Career Master in Public Administration (MC/MPA)

Mid-Career MPA Summer Program$9,032
Course materials fee$574
HKS student activity fee$220
HUHS Student Health Fee (SHF)*$1,592
Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)*$4,202
University Health Services (optional July  coverage)*$573
Total tuition and fees (excluding optional July health coverage)$74,936
Estimated living expenses (10 months)$27,940
Personal expenses$2,610
Books and supplies$1,895
Total indirect costs$33,595
Total cost of attendance$108,531

Mid-Career Master in Public Administration (MC/MPA) Edward S. Mason Program

Mason Program Seminar$3,942
Mid-Career MPA Summer Program$9,032
Course materials fee$574
HKS student activity fee$220
HUHS Student Health Fee (SHF)*$1,592
Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)*$4,202
University Health Services (optional July coverage)*$573
Total tuition and fees (excluding optional July health coverage)$78,878
Estimated living expenses (10 months)$27,940
Personal expenses$2,610
Books and supplies$1,895
Total indirect costs$33,595
Total cost of attendance$112,473

Mid-Career Master in Public Administration (MC/MPA) PLC Pathway
Summer & Fall

Mid-Career MPA Summer Program$9,032
Course materials fee$361
HKS student activity fee$110
HUHS Student Health Fee (SHF)*$796
Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)*$2,101
Total tuition and fees$49,769
Mason Program Seminar (Mason Fellows only)$2,483
Total tuition and fees (Mason Fellows)$52,252
Estimated living and personal expenses$20,955
Books and supplies$947
Total indirect costs$21,902
Total cost of attendance$71,671
Total cost of attendance (Mason Fellows)$74,154


Mid-Career Master in Public Administration (MC/MPA) PLC Pathway
Summer & Spring

Mid-Career MPA Summer Program$9,032
Estimated living and personal expenses$5,711
Total cost of attendance$14,743
Mason Program Seminar (Mason Fellows only)$2,483
Total cost of attendance (Mason Fellows)$17,226


Course materials fee$361
HKS student activity fee$110
HUHS Student Health Fee (SHF)*$796
Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)*$2,101
Total tuition and fees$40,737
Estimated living and personal expenses$15,244
Books and supplies$947
Total indirect costs$16,191
Total cost of attendance$56,928

* It is mandatory that you hold health insurance while enrolled full time at HKS. If you are enrolled in a comparable health insurance plan, you may be eligible to waive the Student Health Insurance Plan. Dental coverage is not included as part of the university health plan; it can be purchased at an additional cost. Visit the Harvard University Health Services website for details.

Note on Medical Insurance

Students will automatically be enrolled in the Harvard Student Health Plan unless proof of comparable alternative insurance coverage is provided. Comparable insurance might include:

  • Coverage under a parent’s health plan
  • Employer provided health insurance
  • Coverage under a spouse’s plan
  • Coverage through MassHealth
  • Coverage for active duty military personnel from the VA

Visit the Harvard University Health Services website for more information.

Only the cost of the Harvard Student Health Insurance Plan—or a plan that you, personally, are paying—can be included in your cost of attendance. Additionally, if you receive HKS scholarship assistance that covers the Student Health Insurance Plan, waiving it will result in a dollar-for-dollar reduction of your award.


If you will need childcare, we encourage you to consider that expense when you plan your time at HKS. In keeping with the general cost of living in the Cambridge/Boston area, the cost of childcare can be quite high. The type of childcare that is appropriate for a family will vary, however this website for Harvard-affiliated day care centers provides a fair example of the average cost of childcare in Cambridge.

Dependent Costs

The cost breakdown below is for international students’ reference only and cannot be used to increase the amount of scholarship, fellowship, or loan funding for which an international student is eligible. U.S. federal regulations prohibit HKS from including dependents’ day-to-day costs in domestic students’ cost of attendance.

U.S. health care costs are very high. Lacking medical insurance or being unable to pay for health care services may prevent spouses or children from receiving medical care.

Dependent Maintenance Costs

Number of Dependents Maintenance Costs
One $900 per month
Two $1,600 per month
Three $2,100 per month
More than three $2,100 per month plus $4,500 per additional dependent per academic year

HUSHP Rates for Dependents

Dependents Mandatory Health Fee Rates (Academic Year)*
Spouse $9,112
Child $4,716
Second Child $2,370
Additional Children $0

*The HUHS Student Health Fee (SHF) and Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) are required for all dependents.


For reference
2023-2024 academic year cost of attendance at Harvard Kennedy School