There may be opportunities for you to work while enrolled at HKS to help you earn some modest income.
You should only look into possible employment opportunities after you have enrolled at HKS. If you are a first-year student, we strongly encourage you to focus on your studies. Your course schedule will be rigorous, and your studies should be your first priority. Once you have adjusted to your new schedule, part-time work may be a source of modest income.
International students interested in working while attending HKS should consult with the Harvard International Office before applying for employment.
Student Employment Resources
Teaching Assistant Program
Course Assistants, Teaching Fellows, and Course Coaches—TAs for short—assist faculty members with teaching courses at HKS.
Harvard University Proctors & Tutors
Proctors and Tutors support and advise undergraduate students in Harvard College.
JACK: Jobs and Careers for the Kennedy School
Available to students and alumni, this job bank has full-time, fellowship, summer internship, and on-campus positions.
Summer Internships
Most students in two-year programs complete a summer internship; funding is available to support public service internships.