collage of 8 graduating students posed for picture
From building government’s institutional memory to strengthening opportunities for Boston's Black community, graduates of the Class of 2023 are making their mark.

Our community is coming together this week to celebrate our graduates’ remarkable achievements before they head around the world in service of their communities. Families and friends have descended upon the Harvard campus to celebrate their loved ones’ accomplishments, and Harvard Square is a flurry of activity.

Take a moment to learn about some of our exceptional 2023 graduates.

“If you have the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s quality of life, you have the responsibility to make that difference. That’s why I do what I do.” - Yasmin Kayali MC/MPA 2023

Moving Brazil’s criminal justice system towards solving problems rather than punishing people

Catarina Correa MC/MPA 2023 is combining her experience as a judge with the skills she learned at Harvard Kennedy School to launch a program for police charged with criminal offenses.

Reaching for the stars, a new graduate heads for U.S. Space Force

A rocket enthusiast and marathon runner, Megan Cordone MPP 2023 combines her strengths in physics and policy to pursue a public service career.

Finding a blend between law and policy

Lawyer Eliazar Chacha MC/MPA 2023 looks to HKS to bridge his legal career with his advocacy work.

Strengthening public institutions and empowering public servants

Austin Boral MPP/MBA 2023 wants public officials to retain and share what they learn tackling the most complex public problems—from election administration to homelessness response—and build government’s institutional memory along the way.

Veteran storyteller pushes for new narrative

A film director and producer, Ian Daniel MC/MPA 2023 looks to policy to help change the trajectory of centuries-old injustice.  

Preparing for a future in technology policy design

Siew Sanz Ng MPA/ID 2023 plans to explore the intersection between technology, public policy, and equity upon graduation from Harvard Kennedy School. 

Making an impact in the Middle East by raising the voices of people on the ground

Yasmin Kayali MC/MPA 2023 is combining her humanitarian drive, business experience, and the skills and knowledge she has gained at HKS to make a difference in the region.

Joining the U.S. Department of State

U.S. Air Force veteran Korde Inniss MPA 2023 will join the U.S. Foreign Service to work on issues related to diversity in the Department of State, an issue he explored at Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.

Hope Persists for Champion of Egyptian Democracy

Shady ElGhazaly Harb MC/MPA 2023, a prominent youth activist during the 2011 uprising, finds new ways to understand the continuing struggle for democracy in Egypt during his time at Harvard Kennedy School.

Re-envisioning a new Black agenda for Boston

David Corbie MPA 2023 is sparking a new conversation about how to shift the paradigm in Boston and strengthen opportunities for the city’s Black community. 

Preparing to rebuild even as war with Russia rages

Deputy mayor of Kyiv Konstantin Usov MC/MPA 2023 makes bet on a better future in leaving his homeland for training at Kennedy School. 

Working at the intersection of AI and public policy

Grace Park MPP 2023 came to Harvard Kennedy School with an interest in cybersecurity policy, an issue they worked on as an officer in the U.S. Army. But upon arriving at HKS, they became more interested in the intersection of artificial intelligence and public policy. 

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