Colleagues and friends of former HKS faculty member Shirley Williams at Somerville College, Oxford, have asked us to pass along the following information.
In April 2021, the world lost a model politician and human being whose significant contributions to the British and international political landscape will not be forgotten. For those who knew Shirley Williams as a colleague, teacher, role model, and friend, the loss is the greater for the impact she
had on our lives.
Her college at Oxford, Somerville, is seeking to establish a living legacy to her in the form of the Shirley Williams Fellowship in Politics, ensuring that the subject she loved (she was one of the early students of Philosophy, Politics and Economics) will forever be taught in her name, inspiring generations of students to follow in her footsteps.
Many of her British colleagues, friends, and admirers have supported this in her memory; £300,000 remains to complete the appeal. If you would like to support this initiative in tribute to an extraordinary woman, you can make a tax-effective gift through Americans for Oxford; simply select Somerville College in the dropdown menu and designate for Shirley Williams in the text box.
Learn more about the Shirley Williams Fellowship in Politics and contact Sara Kalim at the University of Oxford with any questions.