Alumni around the globe connect through a wealth of activities, events, informative speaking presentations, and volunteering opportunities.
Date | Title | Time |
February 7 | Unlocking Latin America's Potential INSTITUTE OF POLITICSHYBRID | 4 PM ET |
February 10 | EVs and the Road Ahead: Will the Trump Administration Stall Adoption? BELFER CENTER FOR SCIENCE AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRSVirtual | 12 PM ET |
February 10 | Stone Inequality & Social Policy Seminar: Jill Yavorsky Malcom wiener center for social policyIn-Person | 12 PM ET |
February 10 | Diversity Incentives Can Increase Women's Aspirations to Lead Women and Public Policy Program & Harvard Radcliffe InstituteVirtual | 3 PM ET |
February 10 | Can DOGE Reduce Government Regulation? Lessons from the U.K. INSTITUTE OF POLITICSHYBRID | 6 PM ET |
February 10 | Democracy, Culture, and Civil Society INSTITUTE OF POLITICSHYBRID | 7:30 PM ET |
February 11 | Saving the Planet Cost-Effectively: Designing Climate Policy for the Real World - Philadelphia, PA HARVARD KENNETH C. GRIFFIN gRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCESIn-Person | 6 PM ET |
February 12 | Capacity Building to Measure Progress toward Sustainable Development Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and GovernmentVirtual | 12 PM ET |
February 12 | HKS on the Road: Washington, DC Alumni Relations and Resource DevelopmentIn-Person | 6 PM ET |
February 13 | Ethnoracial Matching Between Students and Teachers: What We Know and What’s Next taubman center for state and local governmentIn-Person | 12 PM ET |
February 13 | The Real Reason Greenland Determines our Fate: Melting Ice and Drowning Coasts BELFER CENTER FOR SCIENCE AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRSVirtual | 12 PM ET |
February 20 | Alumni Relations and Resource DevelopmentVIRTUAL | 12 PM ET |
February 20 | Making Work Fair: A Fireside Chat with Siri Chilazi and Colleen Ammerman Women and Public Policy Program & Harvard Business SchoolIN-PERSON | 4 PM ET |
February 24 | Land Conservation and the Clean Energy Transition BELFER CENTER FOR SCIENCE AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRSVirtual | 12 PM ET |
February 24 | Setting Up the Gap, Gender Differences in Initial Salary Offers with Shiya Wang Women and Public Policy Program & Harvard Radcliffe InstituteVirtual | 3 PM ET |
February 25 | Housing America's Older Adults: Challenges and Innovations HKS NEW ENGLAND ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONVirtual | 8 AM ET |
February 26 | Capacity to adapt development pathways to protect human well-being Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and GovernmentVirtual | 12 PM ET |
February 26 | Race and Organizations: Affinity and Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) HARVARD DIVERSITY DISCUSSIONVirtual | 5 PM ET |
February 27 | Wiener Conference Call with Professor Rana Mitter Alumni Relations and Resource developmentVirtual | 12 PM ET |
February 27 | HKS Miami Alumni Event with Joe Aldy Alumni Relations and Resource DevelopmentIn-Person | 1 PM ET |
March 3 | Pay Transparency, Salary Negotiation & Gender Pay Gap with Ricardo Perez-Truglia Women and Public Policy Program & Harvard Radcliffe InstituteVirtual | 3 PM ET |
March 5 | International Women's Day Breakfast Women and Public Policy Program & Harvard Radcliffe InstituteIn-Person | 10 AM ET |
March 5 | Race and Childhood: Cultural Upbringing and Blended Families HARVARD DIVERSITY DISCUSSIONVirtual | 5 PM ET |
March 10 | Measuring Bias in Job Recommender Systems: Auditing the Algorithms Women and Public Policy Program & Harvard Radcliffe InstituteVirtual | 3 PM ET |
March 11 | Race and Immigration: Family and Experiences HARVARD DIVERSITY DISCUSSIONVirtual | 5 PM ET |
March 13 | taubman center for state and local governmentIn-Person | 12 PM ET |
March 24 | How to Reduce Bias and Discrimination in Hiring with Oliver Hauser Women and Public Policy Program & Harvard Radcliffe InstituteVirtual | 3 PM ET |
March 26 | End of Immunity: A Book Event with Chile Eboe-Osuji Carr Center for Human Rights PolicyIn-Person | 6 PM ET |
March 27 | Skills and Prosperity: On the Causes and Consequences of Student Achievement taubman center for state and local governmentIn-Person | 12 PM ET |
March 31 | The Glorious Future of Working from Home Women and Public Policy Program & Harvard Radcliffe InstituteVirtual | 3 PM ET |
April 2 | Finding Acceptance: Multiracial Identities and Social Complexities HARVARD DIVERSITY DISCUSSIONVirtual | 5 PM ET |
April 3 | Early College and Innovation Career Pathways as Human Capital Investments taubman center for state and local governmentIn-Person | 12 PM ET |
April 3 | Righting Wrongs: A Book Event with Kenneth Roth Carr Center for Human Rights PolicyIn-Person | 6 PM ET |
April 7 | The Gender Criteria Gap and its Implications for Labor Market Outcomes with Lata Gangadharan Women and Public Policy Program & Harvard Radcliffe InstituteVirtual | 3 PM ET |
April 14 | Make Work Fair: WAPPP Seminar with Abhay Aneja Women and Public Policy Program & Harvard Radcliffe InstituteVirtual | 3 PM ET |
April 17 | Race and Food: Cultural Narratives HARVARD DIVERSITY DISCUSSIONVirtual | 5 PM ET |
April 21 | Bottlenecks for Evidence Adoption with Elizabeth Linos Women and Public Policy Program & Harvard Radcliffe InstituteVirtual | 3 PM ET |
May 6 | Race and Leadership: Leveraging Lived Experience HARVARD DIVERSITY DISCUSSIONVirtual | 5 PM ET |
July 8 | Race and Disability: Intersections and Identities HARVARD DIVERSITY DISCUSSIONVirtual | 5 PM ET |
See the list of university-wide events organized by the Harvard Alumni Association.
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