Recognizing Our Consistent Donors

The HKS Loyalty Society honors individuals who give steadfastly to the HKS Fund. Membership begins with a donor's second consecutive annual gift and continues with ongoing yearly support at any level. Our community of over 2,100 donors provides crucial support that can be used immediately to address the needs of HKS students. Gifts of all sizes truly make a difference.

To thank our Loyalty Society donors, HKS offers the following benefits: 

David Chipanta MPA/ID 2005

“I received a grant from the Kennedy School, and that was because someone else contributed. I wish I could contribute more, but the feeling is that I am there with the School, and that I appreciate the incredible things the School does.”

Loyalty Donors

Mark P. Finks MC/MPA 1970
Carol Raphael HKSEE 1987, MC/MPA 1979
Daniel J. Kowalski MPP 1987
James H. McLaughlin MC/MPA 1991
Mirko Rakigjija HKSEE 1993
Lynn M. Hodge MC/MPA 1984
William S. Graham MC/MPA 1991
Patrick M. Costigan MC/MPA 1997
Alfred R. Johnson Jr. MC/MPA 1995
Lisa B. Sloane MPA 1987
Richard L. Larach MPA 1989
Marnie J. Rosenberg MPP 1993
David I. Shactman MC/MPA 1992
Donald E. Karl MPP 1976
Jack C. Ebeler MC/MPA 1980
Mary E. Blakeslee MC/MPA 1980
Kottayam V. Natarajan Jr. MPP 1994
Todd M. Harper MPP 1996


Thomas J. Shuster HKSEE 1984
Erika B. Emerson MPP 1999 
Nicole Y. Ireland MPP 2005
Jennifer D. Sparacino HKSEE 2001
Hiroshi Kobayashi MPA 2003
John F. O'Hern MPA 2002
Harriett T. Taggart 
Caroline M. Devine MC/MPA 1985
Christopher N. Palmer MC/MPA 1973
David R. Wohl MC/MPA 1987
Hidetaka Saeki MC/MPA 1978
Janna L. Rolland MC/MPA 2003

Rami Amin MPP 2010
Robert David Beck MPP 1981
Margaret A. Blood MC/MPA 1987
Hedy N. Chang MPP 1989
Ian D. Clark MPP 1972
Gail D. Danckert MC/MPA 1998
Hilary R. Hamlin MC/MPA 1987
Thomas D. Herman HKSEE 1983
Andrew H. Higley MPP 1999
Kessely C. Hong MPA 2000, PHD 2008
Michael A. Horne MPP 2009
Martin D. Hrivnak IV MPP 2004
Daniel J. Jones MPP 2003
Leslie A. Kirwan MPP 1984
Beth Kressley Goldstein MPP 1993
Peggy I. Lents MPA 1974
Martha B. Matloff 
Dana L. Miller MPP 1987
Douglas H. Ogden MPA 1995
Alice H. Peisch MC/MPA 2009
Michael J. Preiner 
Larry J. Rowe MPP 1983
Valerie L. Russo MPP 1993
John A. Shane 
Marc E. Steinberg MPP 1999
Christopher E. Tawa MC/MPA 1987
Peter J. Woodrow MC/MPA 1982
Robert B. Zoellick MPP 1981


Joel Angiolillo 
Suzanne M. Anthony MPP 2009
Serguei Arkhipov MPA 2010
Shannon M. Ashford MPP 2007
Marilyn Averill MC/MPA 2000
Stephane Azoulay MPA 2013
Jonathan H. Bailey MPP 2012
Mary B. Barton MPP 1991
Stephen D. Biddle MPP 1985, PHD 1992
Edward R. Bowditch MPP 1992
Salvano J. Briceno MC/MPA 1984
Diane L. Bridge MC/MPA 1996
Xavier N. Briggs MPA 1993
Miriam F. Browning HKSEE 1993
Jeffrey C. Burrell MPA 2012
David J. Cotney MC/MPA 2001
Samuel E. Crewse MC/MPA 2007
Ayami H. Crowley MPA 1998
John M. Deault MC/MPA 1985
William J. Denn MPP 2015
James V. Doane MC/MPA 1986
Lynn G. Dondis MC/MPA 2001
David M. Eisenthal MPP 1985
Audrey W. Esposito MPP 1995
Robert J. Ferri Jr. MC/MPA 1986
Barry R. Finegold MC/MPA 2002
Susan C. Fortin MPP 1996
D. G. Freeland MC/MPA 1993
Tim R. Futrell MC/MPA 1995
Laura E. Gallant MPP 2003
David G. Gold MPP 1980
Charles H. Harvey HKSEE 2001
Masaki Hidaka MPP 1998
Julianne R. Howell MPP 1977, PHD 1980
Efen Huang MPP 1992
Michael D. Humphrys MC/MPA 2011
John A. Hurley HKSEE 1976/1979
Ravinder K. Jain MC/MPA 1980
Claudia Jasin MPP 1995
Eliot S. Jung MPP 2003
James A. Junke MC/MPA 1986
Kenneth I. Juster MPP 1979
Steven G. King HKSEE 2010
Shelley B. Klein MPP 1991
Benel D. Lagua MC/MPA 1997
Karen M. Larson MPP 1996
Linda R. Laughlin MC/MPA 1974
J. P. Lawson Jr. MC/MPA 1989
Melissa M. Lenk MC/MPA 2005
Russell W. Lenz MC/MPA 1986
Diane S. Liebenson MPP 1981
Sherif Lotfi MPP 1986
Mia S. MacDonald MPP 1993
Gail G. McCullagh 
Neil P. McCullagh MC/MPA 2009
Ross B. McLeod MC/MPA 2015
James F. McShane MC/MPA 1992
Laura T. Melle MPP 2015
Robert S. Metzger HKS 1978
Robert W. Miller Jr. MPP 1974
Rodney D. Miller MPP 1990
Linden R. Morrison MC/MPA 2004
Stephen V. Noble MC/MPA 1982
Song-Ae A. Noe MPP 1989
Walter E. North MC/MPA 1990
Mayte M. Oosterveld MPP 2001
Jon F. Pratt MC/MPA 1991
Kristina L. Redgrave MPP 2013
Halsey Rogers MPP 1989
Greg A. Rosenbaum MPP 1977
Paul L. Rosengren MPP 1986
James L. Sideras HKSEE 2005
Evan S. Simpson MPP 2010
Kevin R. Smith MCRP 1981
Brooke Suter MC/MPA 2014
Roopal Thaker MPP 2003
Nathan L. Townsend MPP 2007
Stephen J. Trachtenberg MPA 1966
James W. Tull MC/MPA 1997
Taeho Uhm MPP 2009
Earl A. Wayne MC/MPA 1984
Jennifer C. Wilka MPP 2011
John S. Yao MC/MPA 1999


Claudia M. Abendroth MPP 1997
Danielle M. Allen MPA 2013
Mohammed I. Alshamsi MC/MPA 2021
Carol C. Amick MC/MPA 1981
Kevin D. Barnard MC/MPA 2017
Michael Belinsky MPP 2012
Martin S. Bell MPA 2012
Kathryne L. Bernick MPP 1975
Vanita Bhargava MPP 1995
Marc B. Blaustein MPP 1987
G. A. Blauvelt MPP 1995
Pamela C. Brandman 
David J. Breen MC/MPA 2003
Peter Buijs MC/MPA 1995
Karin L. Burns MPA/ID 2001
Kari A. Burrell MPP 1995
Sharon L. Butler 
Craig P. Buxton MC/MPA 1981
Julia d. Callegari MPA 2020
Andrew G. Campbell MPP 2005
Josep Isidre Casas Turu MPA/ID 2020
Gurveen Chadha MPP 2020
Lily C. Cheng Zedler MC/MPA 2020
Daniel L. Comeaux MPP 2020
Christine M. Davenport 
Charles E. Davis MPP 1999
Robert P. Deyling 
Ankur Dhanuka MPP 2020
Danny Dweik MPA 2020
Susan M. Dwyer MC/MPA 2003
James G. Dyett MPP 2014
Lucie G. Edwards MC/MPA 1984
Katrin Eggenberger MC/MPA 2020
Nasir A. el-Rufai MC/MPA 2009
Stephen K. Epstein MPP 1992
Ioannis Farsaris MC/MPA 2012
Barbara M. Featherstonhaugh MC/MPA 1981
Anthony H. Fisher MPP 1982
Josephine T. Fisher MPP 2020
William O. Fisher MPP 1976
Anna E. Flynn MPA 2018
Barbara W. Frank MC/MPA 1998
Justin Freeh MPA 2015
Jinyue Gao MC/MPA 2003
Marianne A. Gawain Davis MPP 1981
Cassidy R. Gerber MPA/ID 2014
Alexander V. Giczy MPP 1989
Daniel K. Goldberg 
Adela J. Gondek PHD 1981
Anne L. Gorney MPP 1988
Michael T. Hales MPA 2000
Tonya L. Hales 
Judith E. Hamill MC/MPA 1982
Peter S. Holmes MC/MPA 1990
Malika Ibrahim LKY 2016
Tasso Jereissati 
Sahil V. Joshi MPA 2020
Elizabeth J. Kelly MPP 1998
Derek G. Kirkland MPP 1982
Bob P. Kolasky MPP 2002
Katherine A. Kramer MC/MPA 1983
Lawrence F. LeGree HKS 2014
Choo B. Leong LKY 2004
Dan Levitt 
Sean W. Lew MC/MPA 2020
Jennifer Little 
Richard J. Lundgren MC/MPA 1990
John B. Maggiore MPA 2000
Jesse A. Mainardi MC/MPA 2006
Christopher R. Maloney MPA/ID 2006
Kenneth E. Mapp HKSEE 1997, MC/MPA 2000
Erik Mielke MC/MPA 2010
Pamela D. Moore MPP 1987
Adrian T. Mucalov MPA/ID 2008
Joyce A. Murphy MC/MPA 1987
Lamar H. Murphy Jr. HKS 1988
Adam D. Murray MC/MPA 2018
Vincent Mut-Tracy MC/MPA 2008
Nancy W. Neville MPP 1982
Binh Q. Nguyen MPA 2020
Helen D. Nienhueser MC/MPA 1985
Daniel M. O'Connell MPA 2018
William A. Packer MPA 2020
Matti J. Parpala MPP 2015
Uchenna J. Pedro MC/MPA 2020
Indunil Ranaviraja MPP 2006
Bruce D. Rasmussen MC/MPA 1985
Cecilia Rey Hallisey MPP 1993
Enrique Rodriguez Fdez.-Hidalgo MPA 2020
Stephen H. Rogers MPA 1962
Janice K. Rowan 
Thomas G. Ryan MC/MPA 2015
Eduardo Salgado Sr. MPA 2018
Victoria I. Salinas MPP 2005
Unny Sankar MC/MPA 2014
Michael A. Santoro MPA 1990, PHD 1997
Glenn R. Schmitt MPP 1994
Da Eun Seong MPA 2020
Roger D. Sharpe MC/MPA 1980
Darrell C. Sheehan HKS 2019
Gangadhar P. Shukla MC/MPA 1986, PHD 1993
Susan B. Smith MPP 1988
Jordan L. Solomon MPA 2006
Julie B. Solomon 
Stephen Steacy MC/MPA 2009
Michelle Still Mehta MPP 1993
Melody S. Sugg MPP 2002
Maroof A. Syed MC/MPA 2017
Caitlin E. Syswerda MC/MPA 2021
Danny S. Tao MPP 1997
Kathleen W. Tregoning MPP 1998
Daniel E. Urgelles MPP 2019
Ariadne I. Valsamis 
Melissa A. Vanouse MPP 2003
Alice M. Veenstra MPA 1996
Jill A. Wagner MPA 1983
Marcia Weinandt HKSEE 2002, MC/MPA 2003
Beth A. Williams HKS 2015
Gordon C. Wilson MPP 1984
Wilfred Y. Wong MC/MPA 1987
Thomas F. Young HKS 1988
Matthew C. Zedler 
Minmin Zhang MPP 2002
Liping Zheng MC/MPA 1998
Jeff Zlonis MC/MPA 1992