The seminar takes place on Monday afternoons (4:00pm-5:30pm) in the Perkins conference room, Rubenstein-415.
Organizers: Jamal Ibrahim Haidar, Frank Neffke and Ricardo Hausmann.
Here is the schedule for 2016-2017:
September 19
Speaker: Juan Obach
Title: Assessing immigrant externalities in Panama
September 26
Speaker: Cem Ozguzel (Paris School of Economics)
Title: Wage Premium in Agglomerations: Learning or Matching?
Speaker: Michele Coscia
Title: The Organization of Government: An Internet Perspective on the United States
October 3
Speaker: Michele Coscia
Title: Network Backboning with Noisy Data
Speaker: Alessio Terzi (Hertie School of Governance)
Title: The dynamic impact of structural reforms – a synthetic counterfactual approach
October 11
Speaker: Tibor Besedes (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Title: Trade Integration and Fragility of Trade Relationships: Theory and Empirics
October 17
Speaker: Andre Ribeiro
Title: "When Google-search helps unemployment" and Other Cases for a Theory of Media
Speaker: Francisco Sercovich (University of Buenos Aires)
Title: Learning to innovate for catching up
October 24
Speaker: Fernando Yu
Title: From Ideas to Trade
Speaker: Balazs Lengyel
Title: Co-worker networks and agglomeration externalities
October 31
Speaker: Juan Pablo Chauvin
Title: What is Different About Urbanization in Rich and Poor Countries? Cities in Brazil, China, India and the United States
Speaker: Alfredo Guerra
Title: Importance of Quality for export growth and its value for enriching CID’s framework when engaging in Growth Diagnostics
November 7
Speaker: Arnaud Dyevre (London School of Economics)
Title: Internationalisation and the spread of innovation across cities in the world
Speaker: Gerhard Toews (Oxford University)
Title: Resource discoveries and FDI bonanzas
November 14
Speaker: Adeel Malik (Oxford University)
Title: The Politics of Partial Liberalization: Cronyism and Non-Tariff Protections in Mubarak's Egypt
Speaker: Jamal Ibrahim Haidar
Title: Do Political Connections Reduce Job Creation? Evidence from Lebanon
November 21
Speaker: Jann Spiess
Title: Match First, Regress Later
November 28
Speaker: Stelios Michalopoulos (Brown University)
Title: Landmines and Spatial Development
December 5
Speaker: Manuel Oechslin, (University of Lucerne)
Title: Smaller Measurement Errors, Better Economic Policies?
Speaker: Matte Hartog
Title: TBA
December 12
Speaker: Jose de Sousa (University of Paris-Saclay)
Title: Market Integration and Convergence in Consumption Patterns
Speaker: Taye Alemu Mengistae (World Bank)
Title: Sources of Productivity Growth in Uganda: The Role of Inter-industry and intra-industry misallocation in the 2000s
January 17
Speaker: Alfredo Morales
Title: Complex Systems and Human Behavior from Twitter Data
January 23
Speaker: Andres Gomez
Title: Modeling Cities Using Ideas from Economic Complexity and Cultural Evolution
January 30
Speaker: Tue Anh Nguyen
Title: The Impacts of Market Liberalization on Investment in Electricity Sector in ASEAN
February 6
Speaker: Alexia Lochmann
Title: The Effect of Language Training on Immigrants' Economic Integration: Empirical Evidence from France
February 13
Speaker: Michele Coscia
Title: Using Industry Spaces to Study the Structural Change of Regions
February 21
Speaker: Alexei Abrahams
Title: Deblurring DMSP Nighttime Lights
February 27
Speaker: Dario Diodato
Title: Structural Accounting: An Empirical Assessment of Cross-Country Differences in Productivity
March 6
Speaker: Jennifer Peck (Swarthmore College)
Title: The Effects of Nitaqat on Women's Employment in Saudi Arabia
March 13
Speaker: Marc Tobias Schiffbauer (World Bank)
Title: Cronyism, Regulation, and Firm Productivity in Egypt
March 27
Speaker: Liuchun Deng (Johns Hopkins University)
Title: Specialization Dynamics, Convergence, and Idea Flows
April 3
Speaker: Andre Ribeiro
Title: The Economic Self: when learning differences from others reveal optimal individual behavior for consumers, businesses and cities
April 10
Speaker: Sergio Petralia (Utrecht University)
Title: Unravelling the Trail of a GPT: The Case of Electrical & Electronic Technologies from 1860 to 1930
Speaker: Alje van Dam
Title: Mutual Information and Scaling of Occupations
April 17
Speaker: Julien Martin (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Title: Are Clusters Resilient? Evidence from Canadian Textile Industries
April 24
Speaker: Davide Luca
Title: Votes and Regional Economic Growth: Evidence from Turkey
Speaker: Michele Coscia
Title: The Struggle for Existence in the World Market Ecosystem
May 1
Speaker: Ljubica Nedelkoska
Title: Jobs at Risk of Automation
May 8
Speaker: Fernando Yu
Title: From Ideas to Trade
May 15
Speaker: Ana Fernandes (World Bank)
Title: Trade Effects of Customs Reform: Evidence from Albania
May 22
Speaker: Joao Manoel Pinho de Mello
Title: Productivity as the Key to Sustainable Growth
May 26
Speaker: Alexia Lochmann
Title: "California Dreamin’": An International Perspective on Global Competition for Permanent Employment in the United States
May 30
Speaker: Will Johnson
Title: Learning-by-Doing and the Evolution of Comparative Advantage
Speaker: Matte Hartog
Title: Labor Mobility, Knowledge Diffusion, and Exporting Behavior