
Authored By: Isabel Ebert

This paper has been written to inform the UN Human Rights B-Tech Project and has benefitted from expansive engagement with various stakeholders. I am very grateful to those individuals who volunteered their time and expertise to feed into the development of the UNGPs compass. I would especially like to express my gratitude to Lisa Hsin for her contributions to the expert focus groups and analytical reflections in autumn 2023, as well as to the B-Tech Project team from the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR). In particular, I would like to thank Lene Wendland and Nathalie Stadelmann at the B-Tech Project for their comments and support, and Florian Wettstein and Isabelle Wildhaber for their academic guidance. Special thanks also to Mathias Risse, Sushma Raman, and Laryssa da Silveira.




Isabel Ebert. 4/18/2024. “Fostering Business Respect for Human Rights in AI 
Governance and Beyond: A Compass for Policymakers to Align Tech Regulation 
with the UNGP”. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Kennedy School.