
  • Kadijatou Diallo


By recognizing the long history of racism in the justice system, Americans can grasp why deaths like George Floyd's are symptomatic of a larger failure of American justice.

The horrific death, captured on video, of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man who died after a white Minneapolis police officer kneeled on his neck, spotlights the longstanding crisis of racism in policing.

To understand the protests that have erupted across the United States, one needs to understand the deeply troubled history of policing and race. Police brutality, racial discrimination, and violence against minorities are intertwined and rooted throughout US history. Technology has made it possible for the level and extent of the problem finally to be publicly documented. The anger expressed in the wake of Floyd's killing reflects the searing reality that Black people in the United States continue to be dehumanized and treated unjustly.


Kadijatou Diallo and John Shattuck. 6/1/2020. “George Floyd and the history of police brutality in America.” Boston Globe.