Journal of Behaviour & Information Technology, 2021:

Authors: Bruno S. Sergi, Sumedha Chauhan, Sandeep Goyal, Amit Kumar Bhardwaj

This study investigates and compares the continuance intention of full-time business school students and faculty in India and Italy who moved from traditional pedagogy style to the digital classroom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The study found that perceived usefulness, satisfaction, and task-technology fit significantly impact the continuance intentions of students and faculty. Multigroup analysis of students indicates that Italian students are more driven by task-technology fit as compared to Indian students in their continuance intention; in comparison, Indian students rely more on gaining experience and know-how on technology. In line with these findings, the multigroup study of faculty suggests that Italian educators have a comparatively stronger orientation towards the fit between digital classroom technology and a portfolio of related tasks. In comparison, their Indian counterparts rely more on the perceived usefulness of technology.