Dorit Stein

Dorit Stein

CID PhD Affiliate, Concentrations in Health Systems,  Economics, & Decision Science

Dorit Stein is a global health policy and systems researcher and PhD student in the Global Health and Population department at HSPH. Dorit's research interests include studying health systems performance and governance, design of social protection schemes for health, and valuing welfare gains from chronic disease prevention in low- and middle-income countries. She currently works in Uganda with the National Population Council and Makerere University on projects to quantify health and social welfare impacts of a proposed national health insurance scheme and to understand variation in local health systems performance during the COVID pandemic using original survey and health management information system data. She is also developing computational epi-econ models (i.e., microsimulations) using multi-country survey data to empirically estimate the health equity and financial risk protection impacts of equitable improvements in hypertension management across over 50 countries.