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Victoria Barnum

Victoria Barnum 

Program Coordinator and Faculty Assistant

Victoria Barnum is a Program Coordinator and Faculty Assistant at Evidence for Policy Design, a program at the Center for International Development, supporting Senior Lecturer Dan Levy and Lecturer Theodore Svoronos. Her work focuses on course management, research support, and coordinating Teachly, a web app developed at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) aimed at helping faculty teach more effectively and inclusively.

In Spring 2023, Victoria was honored as a Harvard Hero, an award that celebrates the accomplishments of Harvard staff whose work supports the mission of Harvard at the highest levels of contribution, impact and excellence. Levy and Svoronos nominated her for the award to recognize her persistence in pursing and winning $1.3M in funding to scale the Teachly tool for use across Harvard University over the next four years. With larger usage across the university, professors will be able to gather class participation data in real-time and assess the diversity of voices participating in the class based on the self-identifying profiles created by students. Not only will professors be able to assess and reflect on the data to improve their teaching, the team will have the resources to improve the technology for wider usage, making classrooms at Harvard and all over the world more inclusive. 

During the celebration ceremony, former Harvard University President Larry Bacow said of Barnum, "Your top tier contributions ensure that diverse student voices will help shape the future of policy development.”