CID’s Faculty and PhD Affiliates are invited to participate in events throughout the year, explore opportunities for research and teaching collaborations, and have their work amplified through various forums. 

CID Faculty Affiliates have access to Community Core Services, which focus on promoting and amplifying faculty research and welcoming their research teams to CID student and researcher programming. 

CID PhD Affiliates have access to several opportunities through their affiliation with the Center. CID PhD Affiliates are Harvard PhD students with a focus on development and who are advised by at least one of CID’s Faculty Affiliates. If you qualify, please nominate yourself as a CID PhD affiliate by completing this brief survey

group photo
CID Faculty Director Asim I. Khwaja joined by Professors Gordon Hanson and Michela Carlona (left) and Professors Teddy Svoronos, Anders Jensen, Rema Hanna, and Jay Rosengard (right).

Opportunities for Faculty and PhD Affiliates:

Research Scholars Program 

All CID Faculty and PhD Affiliates: CID will help match an undergraduate or master’s student with the skills required to support your research through our Research Scholars program. This program is open to all CID Faculty Affiliates and PhD Affiliates. There is a limited amount of need-based funding available, with preference given to PhD students and Junior Faculty. Apply now. 

Research Dissemination 

All CID Faculty Affiliates: to amplify your work through CID's website and social media, please reach out to Valerie Krempus. The CID team is equipped to support (or connect you to specialists) for writing projects such as policy briefs, webpage redesign, or Op-Eds. 

All CID PhD Affiliates:  Starting in AY24-25, CID intends to amplify PhD Affiliate Job Market Papers through CID Voices. Please reach out to Eve Margolis to let us know you’re interested in sharing your JMP.  

Research Administration

All CID Faculty Affiliates: As of Spring 2024, we are pleased to offer sponsored research administration to all HKS affiliated faculty. We intend to expand these services across more Harvard schools in 2025. Please let us know if you are interested in such an offering.

Annual CID PhD Development Retreat

All CID  Faculty and PhD Affiliates: Led by CID Faculty Affiliate Eliana La Ferrara, CID hosts an annual PhD Development Retreat in the beginning of the spring semester. The goal is to bring together DEV PhD students and faculty in an informal setting, to create an opportunity to present ongoing work and interact. In 2024, the PhD Development Retreat was cohosted with the Yale Economic Growth Center.

PhD Development Economics Lunches

All CID Faculty and PhD Affiliates: PhD Affiliates are invited to attend the PhD Development lunch, an opportunity for students to present their research and receive feedback from faculty and peers. You join the listserv here. For any questions, please email us

Harvard/MIT Development Seminars

All CID Faculty and PhD Affiliates: Harvard and MIT cohost a weekly seminar in Economic Development that rotates between Harvard and MIT each semester. Learn more here.

Lunch on International Economic Policy (LIEP)

All CID Faculty Affiliates: An informal Monday faculty lunch seminar at Harvard Kennedy School, LIEP brings together CID Faculty Affiliates and invited guests to discuss ongoing research projects and the latest work in international development. Topics are meant to be highly policy oriented, and presentations need not take the form of a finished paper intended for an academic journal. For any questions about LIEP, email us.

Fall 2024 Schedule (subject to change)

DateSeminar GuestTitle
September 9Adrien Bilal (Harvard, Dept. of Economics)"The Macroeconomic Impact of Climate Change: Global vs. Local Temperature"
September 16David Canning  (HSPH)"Policy Challenges of Population Aging in Asia and Africa"
September 23Charles Taylor (HKS)"Topics in global land use and climate change"
September 30TBA 
October 7Roberto Rigobon (MIT Sloan)"Aggregate Confusion: An update on ESG rating discrepancy"
October 21Sultan Mehmood (New Economic School, Moscow)"The Rise and Fall of an Independent Judiciary"
October 28Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan (Professor, Economics Dept., Brown University)"Monetary Policy and the Short-Rate Disconnect in Emerging Economies" (with Pierre De Leo and Gita Gopinath)


Explore cutting-edge research by CID faculty affiliates on every topic in development.