Global citizens and governments grapple with critical research questions driven by widening gaps in income, education, healthcare, and clean environments between rich and poor countries. The Harvard Center for International Development actively seeks and applies answers to these questions, serving as a research hub advancing understanding of global development challenges.


Global Education and Research: Unlocking Potential (GEAR:UP)

Transforming education systems and developing personalized learning journeys at scale.


Growth Lab

Conducting innovative research on economic growth and development policies to foster inclusive prosperity. 


Reimagining the Economy

Producing scholarship that helps reshape economic narratives.


Social Economics Lab

Creating and conducting large-scale online social economic surveys and experiments that shed light on people’s understanding and reasoning about economic matters.


Social Protection Initiative

Researching change and empowering global impact with social protection.


Visiting Researcher Program

CID's Visiting Researcher Program welcomes PhD and Postdoc researchers to pursue their research for a year in residence at Harvard Kennedy School and join the tight-knit research community at CID.

The Center for International Development (CID) at Harvard University launches programs and projects on an ongoing basis—all with the goal of advancing the understanding of development challenges and offering viable solutions.