Faculty Working Papers
CID welcomes submissions from Harvard faculty and researchers (with faculty approval) on relevant topics in international development. Please visit our working paper submission guidelines for more information.
Pandemic-era Inflation Drivers and Global Spillovers
Julian di Giovanni, Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan, Alvaro Silva, and Muhammed A. Yildirim
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 440, November 2023
Towards a Sustainable Recovery for Lebanon's Economy
Ricardo Hausmann, Ugo Panizza, Carmen Reinhart, Douglas Barrios, Clement Brenot, Jesús Daboin Pacheco, Clemens Graf von Luckner, Frank Muci and Lucila Venturi
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 439, November 2023
How Pratham Learns While Scaling: A Case Study of Adaptive Design and Evaluation
Jossie Fahsbender, Siddhant Gokhale, and Michael Walton
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 438, November 2023
What Combination of Features Are Associated With Scalable and Sustainable Last-Mile Service Delivery Models? A Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Ojas and Siddhant Gokhale
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 437, October 2023
Inequality in Chile: Perceptions and Patterns
Ignacia Lecaros, Daniela Paz Cruzat, Ricardo Pommer Muñoz, Pablo Tillan, and Michael Walton
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 436, September 2023
Housing in Wyoming: Constraints and Solutions
Thảo-Nguyên Bùi, Tim Freeman, Ricardo Hausmann, Farah Kaddah, Lucas Lamby, Tim O’Brien, and Eric Protzer
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 435, April 2023
Growth Through Inclusion in South Africa
Ricardo Hausmann, Tim O’Brien, Andrés Fortunato, Alexia Lochmann, Kishan Shah, Lucila Venturi, Sheyla Enciso-Valdivia, Ekaterina Vashkinskaya, Ketan Ahuja, Bailey Klinger, Federico Sturzenegger, and Marcelo Tokman
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 434, November 2023
Process and Implementation Evaluations: A Primer
Patricia J. Rogers and Michael Woolcock
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 433, May 2023
A Growth Perspective on Wyoming
Thảo-Nguyên Bùi, Tim Freeman, Farah Kaddah, Lucas Lamby, Yang Li, Tim O’Brien, Eric Protzer, Alejandro Rueda Sanz, Ricardo Villasmil, and Ricardo Hausmann
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 432, March 2023
Facilitating learning and discovery-oriented industrial policy in Albania
Matt Andrews and Peter Harrington
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 431, March 2023
Seeing the Forest for More than the Trees: A Policy Strategy to Curb Deforestation and Advance Shared Prosperity in the Colombian Amazon
Timothy Cheston, Patricio Goldstein, Timothy Freeman, Alejandro Rueda-Sanz, Ricardo Hausmann, Shreyas Gadgin Matha, Sebastián Bustos, Eduardo Lora, Sarah Bui and Nidhi Rao
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 430, February 2023
Estimation of Nonlinear Exchange Rate Dynamics in Evolving Regimes
Jeffrey Frankel, Yao Hou, and Danxia Xie
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 429, March 2023
Adaptive Evaluation: A Complexity-Based Approach to Systematic Learning for Innovation and Scaling in Development
Siddhant Gokhale and Michael Walton
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 428, March 2023
A Growth Diagnostic of Kazakhstan
Ricardo Hausmann, Nikita Taniparti, Clement Brenot, Douglas Barrios, Can Soylu, Roukaya El Houda, Ekaterina Vashkinskaya, Felicia Belostecinic, Sophia Henn
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 427, February 2023
The Economic Complexity of Kazakhstan: A Roadmap for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
Ricardo Hausmann, Douglas Barrios, Clement Brenot, Nikita Taniparti, Eric Protzer, Sophia Henn
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 426, February 2023
Responding Adaptively to the COVID-19 Crisis in Indonesia: Insights and Implications from an Indonesian Governance Program
Maliki Achmad, Graham Teskey, Anna Winoto, and Michael Woolcock
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 425, February 2023
A Survey of Importers: Results of a Survey Conducted in Collaboration with the Ethiopian Economics Association
Ricardo Hausmann, Tim O’Brien, Tim Cheston, Nikita Taniparti, Ibrahim Worku Hassen, Can Soylu, Lucas Lamby, and Pablo Andrés Neumeyer
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 424, November 2022
Development in a Complex World: The Case of Ethiopia
Ricardo Hausmann, Tim O’Brien, Tim Cheston, Ibrahim Worku Hassen, Can Soylu, Kishan Shah, Nikita Taniparti, Pankhuri Prasad, and Pablo Andrés Neumeyer1
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 423, November 2022
Economic Costs of Friend-Shoring
Beata S. Javorcik, Lucas Kitzmueller, Muhammed A. Yıldırım, and Helena Schweiger
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 422, September 2022
An Integrated Epidemiological and Economic Model of COVID-19 NPIs in Argentina
Adolfo Rubinstein, Eduardo Levy Yeyati, Alejandro López Osornio, Federico Filippini, Adrian Santoro, Cintia Cejas, Ariel Bardach, Alfredo Palacios, Fernando Argento, Jamile Balivian, Federico Augustovski, and Andrés Pichón Riviere
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 421, November 2022
Yet It Endures: The Persistence of Original Sin
Barry Eichengreen, Ricardo Hausmann, and Ugo Panizza
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 420, November 2022
Leaning-against-the-wind Intervention and the "carry-trade" View of the Cost of Reserves
Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Juan Francisco Gómez
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 419, October 2022
Public policy actors view success differently, and it matters
Matt Andrews
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 418, October 2022
On The Design of Effective Sanctions: The Case of Bans on Exports to Russia
Ricardo Hausmann, Ulrich Schetter, and Muhammed A. Yildirim
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 417, September 2022
A Simple Theory of Economic Development at the Extensive Industry Margin
Dario Diodato, Ricardo Hausmann, and Ulrich Schetter
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 416, September 2022
What is public policy success, especially in development?
Matt Andrews
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 415, September 2022
Global Supply Chain Pressures, International Trade, and Inflation
Julian di Giovanni, Sebnem Kalemli-Özcan, Alvaro Silva, and Muhammed A. Yildirim
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 414, July 2022
This is How to Think About and Achieve Public Policy Success
Matt Andrews
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 413, May 2022
Cutting Putin's Energy Rent: 'Smart Sanctioning' Russian Oil and Gas
Ricardo Hausmann, Agata Łoskot-Strachota, Axel Ockenfels, Ulrich Schetter, Simone Tagliapietra, Guntram Wolff, and Georg Zachmann
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 412, April 2022
What Will it Take for Jordan to Grow?
Tim O’Brien, Thảo-Nguyên Bùi, Ermal Frasheri, Fernando Garcia, Eric Protzer, Ricardo Villasmil, and Ricardo Hausmann
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 411, March 2022
The Economic Complexity of Namibia: A Roadmap for Productive Diversification
Ricardo Hausmann, Miguel Angel Santos, Douglas Barrios, Nikita Taniparti, Jorge Tudela Pye, and Jessie Lu
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 410, March 2022
Managing for Motivation as Public Performance Improvement Strategy in Education & Far Beyond
Dan Honig
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 409, March 2022
Building Mass Support for Global Pandemic Recovery Efforts in the United States
Gautam Nair and Kyle Peyton
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 408, March 2022
Informality, Consumption Taxes and Redistribution
Pierre Bachas, Lucie Gadenne & Anders Jensen
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 407, September 2021
Getting Real about Unknowns in Complex Policy Work
Matt Andrews
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 406, February 2022
A Growth Diagnostic of Namibia
Ricardo Hausmann, Miguel Angel Santos, Douglas Barrios, Nikita Taniparti, Jorge Tudela Pye, Jose Francisco Muci, and Jessie Lu
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 405, February 2022
Macroeconomic risks after a decade of microeconomic turbulence: South Africa 2007-2020
Ricardo Hausmann, Federico Sturzenegger, Patricio Goldstein, Frank Muci, and Douglas Barrios
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 404, January 2022
Can Africa Compete in World Soccer?
Matt Andrews
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 403, January 2022
Successful Failure in Public Policy Work
Matt Andrews
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 402, December 2021
New Avenues for Colombia's Internationalization: Trade in Tasks
Ricardo Hausmann and Sebastian Bustos
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 401, December 2021
A Generation of Italian Economists
Enrico Nano, Ugo Panizza, and Martina Viarengo
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 400, May 2021
Let’s Take the Con Out of Randomized Control Trials in Development: The Puzzles and Paradoxes of External Validity, Empirically Illustrated
Lant Pritchett
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 399, May 2021
National Development Delivers: And How! And How?
Lant Pritchett
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 398, May 2021
The Role of the Diaspora in the Internationalization of the Colombian Economy
Ljubica Nedelkoska, Andre Assumpcao, Ana Grisanti, Matte Hartog, Julian Hinz, Jessie Lu, Daniela Muhaj, Eric Protzer, Annalee Saxenian, and Ricardo Hausmann
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 397, May 2021
Western Australia – Research Findings and Policy Recommendations
Ricardo Hausmann, Douglas Barrios, Ana Grisanti, Semiray Kasoolu, Tim O'Brien, Eric Protzer, Rushabh Sanghvi, Nikita Taniparti, Jorge Tapia
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 395, April 2021
Economic Complexity Report for Western Australia
Ricardo Hausmann, Eric Protzer, Jorge Tapia, Ana Grisanti
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 394, April 2021
Growth Perspective on Western Australia
Ricardo Hausmann, Douglas Barrios, Ana Grisanti, Semiray Kasoolu, Tim O'Brien, Eric Protzer, Rushabh Sanghvi, Nikita Taniparti, Jorge Tapia
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 393, April 2021
Sorting, Matching, and Economic Complexity
Muhammed A. Yildirim
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 392, March 2021
Lockdown Fatigue: The Diminishing Effects of Quarantines on the Spread of COVID-19
Patricio Goldstein, Eduardo Levy Yeyati, Luca Sartorio
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 391, February 2021
Melons as Lemons: Asymmetric Information, Consumer Learning and Seller Reputation
Jie Bai
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 389, March 2021
Buscando Virtudes en la Lejanía: Recomendaciones de Política para Promover el Crecimiento Inclusivo y Sostenible en Loreto, Peru
Ricardo Hausmann, Miguel Ángel Santos, Jorge Tudela Pye, Frank Muci, Yang Li, Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, Ana Cristina Grisanti, Jessie Lui
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 388, December 2020
Overcoming Remoteness in the Peruvian Amazonia: A Growth Diagnostic of Loreto
Ricardo Hausmann, Miguel Ángel Santos, Jorge Tudela Pye, Frank Muci, Ana Cristina Grisanti, and Jessie Lui
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 387, October 2022
La Riqueza Escondida de Loreto: Análisis de Complejidad Económica y Oportunidades de Diversificación Productiva
Ricardo Hausmann, Miguel Ángel Santos, Jorge Tudela Pye, Yang Li, and Ana Grisanti
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 386, October 2020
Emerging Cities as Independent Engines of Growth: The Case of Buenos Aires
Ricardo Hausmann, Douglas Barrios, Daniela Muhaj, Sehar Noor, Carolina Pan, Miguel Angel Santos, Jorge Tapia, and Bruno Zuccolo
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 385, October 2020
Leading with Intentionality: The 4P Framework for Strategic Leadership
Robert Wilkinson & Kimberlyn Leary
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 384, September 2020
Job Search and Hiring with Two-Sided Limited Information about Workseekers' Skills
Eliana Carranza, Robert Garlick, Kate Orkin, and Neil Rankin
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 383, July 2020
Horrible Trade-offs in a Pandemic: Lockdowns, Transfers, Fiscal Space, and Compliance
Ricardo Hausmann and Ulrich Schetter
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 382, July 2020
Labor Market Nationalization Policies and Firm Outcomes: Evidence from Saudi Arabia
Patricia Cortes, Semiray Kasoolu, Carolina Pan
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 381, July 2020
Countering Misinformation Via WhatsApp: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic in Zimbabwe
Jeremy Bowles, Horacio Larreguy, Shelley Liu
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 380, May 2020
Specificity of Human Capital: An Occupation Space Based on Job-to-Job Transitions
Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Martín Montané
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 379, April 2020 (Revised May 2020)
Gender Differences in Professional Career Dynamics: New Evidence from a Global Law Firm
Ina Ganguli, Ricardo Hausmann, Martina Viarengo
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 378, April 2020
Policy decisions and evidence use among civil servants: A group decision experiment in Pakistan
Laura Metzger, Teddy Svoronos, Adnan Qadir Khan
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 377, April 2020
You Get What You Pay For: Sources and Consequences of the Public Sector Premium in Albania and Sri Lanka
Ricardo Hausmann, Ljubica Nedelkoska, Sehar Noor
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 376, February 2020
Who Debates, Who Wins? At-Scale Experimental Evidence on Debate Participation in a Liberian Election
Jeremy Bowles, Horacio Larreguy
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 375, December 2019
A Roadmap for Investment Promotion and Export Diversification: The Case for Jordan
Ricardo Hausmann, Patricio Goldstein, Ana Grisanti, Tim O'Brien, Jorge Tapia, Miguel Angel Santos
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 374, December 2019, revised March 2020
The Impact of Intranational Trade Barriers on Exports: Evidence from a Nationwide VAT Rebate Reform in China
Jie Bai, Jiahua Liu
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 373, December 2019
India's Great Slowdown: What Happened? What's the Way Out?
Arvind Subramanian, Josh Felman
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 370, December 2019
Quid Pro Quo, Knowledge Spillover and Industrial Upgrading
Jie Bai, Panle Barwick, Shengmao Cao, Shanjun Li
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 368, November 2019
Employment Structure and the Rise of the Modern Tax System
Anders Jensen
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 371, October 2019
Overcoming the Global Despondency Trap: Strengthening Corporate Accountability in Supply Chains
Alice Evans
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 367, October 2019
Collective Reputation in Trade: Evidence from the Chinese Dairy Industry
Jie Bai, Ludovica Gazze, Yukun Wang
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 366, October 2019
Female Labor in Jordan: A Systematic Approach to the Exclusion Puzzle
Semiray Kasoolu, Ricardo Hausmann, Tim O'Brien, Miguel Angel Santos
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 365, October 2019
The Challenges of Universal Health Insurance in Developing Countries: Evidence from a Large-scale Randomized Experiment in Indonesia
Abhijit Banerjee, Amy Finkelstein, Rema Hanna, Benjamin A. Olken, Arianna Ornaghi, Sudarno Sumarto
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 362, October 2019
Tax Administration vs Tax Rates: Evidence from Corporate Taxation in Indonesia
M. Chatib Basri, Mayara Felix, Rema Hanna, Benjamin A. Olken
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 361, October 2019
Norms, Enforcement, and Tax Evasion
Timothy Besley, Anders Jensen, and Torsten Persson
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 372, September 2019
Creative Destruction or Idiot Winds: Schumpeterian Theory Meets the Educational Sector in Developing Countries
Mark H. Moore
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 360, September 2019
Putting Global Governance in its Place
Dani Rodrik
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 359, August 2019
Testing the Validity of the Single Interrupted Time Series Design
Katherine Baicker, Theodore Svoronos
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 364, July 2019
What Works for Active Labor Policies?
Eduardo Levy Yeyati, Martin Montane, Luca Sartorio
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 358, July 2019
Validating India's GDP Growth Estimates
Arvind Subramanian
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 357, July 2019
Trust in State and Non-State Actors: Evidence from Dispute Resolution in Pakistan
Daron Acemoglu, Ali Cheema, Asim I. Khwaja, James A. Robinson
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 369, July 2019
How Cities Erode Gender Inequality: A New Theory and Evidence from Cambodia
Alice Evans
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 356, June 2019
When Do Development Projects Enhance Community Well-Being?
Michael Woolcock
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 355, June 2019
India’s GDP Mis-estimation: Likelihood, Magnitudes, Mechanisms, and Implications
Arvind Subramanian
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 354, June 2019
The Cost of Holding Foreign Exchange Reserves
Eduardo Levy Yeyati, Juan Francisco Gomez
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 353, May 2019
Can Transparency and Accountability Programs Improve Health? Experimental Evidence from Indonesia and Tanzania
Jean Arkedis, Jessica Creighton, Akshay Dixit, Archon Fung, Stephen Kosack, Dan Levy, Courtney Tolmie
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 352, May 2019
How ETFs Amplify the Global Financial Cycle in Emerging Markets
Nathan Converse, Eduardo Levy-Yeyati, Tomas Williams
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 351, May 2019
Smart Development Banks
Eduardo Fernández-Arias, Ricardo Hausmann, Ugo Panizza
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 350, April 2019
Incentivising Pro-Labour Reforms
Alice Evans
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 349, March 2019
Reasons for Using Mixed Methods in the Evaluation of Complex Projects
Michael Woolcock
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 348, March 2019
Why Does Hirschmanian Development Remain Mired on the Margins? Because Implementation (and Reform) Really is 'a Long Voyage of Discovery'
Michael Woolcock
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 347, February 2019
Jordan: The Elements of a Growth Strategy
Ricardo Hausmann, Tim O'Brien, Miguel Angel Santos, Ana Grisanti, Semiray Kasoolu, Nikita Taniparti, Jorge Tapia, and Ricardo Villasmil
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 346, February 2019
Who Wins in the World Economy and English Football?
Matt Andrews
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 345, January 2019
Public Policy Failure: ‘How Often?’ and ‘What is Failure, Anyway’?
Matt Andrews
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 344, December 2018
Two-Stage Examinations: Can Examinations Be More Formative Experiences?
Dan Levy, Mae Klinger, Theodore Svoronos
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 363, September 2018
Place-specific Determinants of Income Gaps: New Sub-National Evidence from Chiapas, Mexico
Ricardo Hausmann, Carlo Pietrobelli, and Miguel Angel Santos
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 343, July 2018, Revised February 2020
Measuring Venezuelan Emigration with Twitter
Ricardo Hausmann, Julian Hinz and Muhammed A. Yildirim
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 342, May 2018
Opening Adaptation Windows onto Public Financial Management Reform Gaps in Mozambique
Matt Andrews, Tim McNaught and Salimah Samji
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 341, May 2018
Enhancing Public Health Outcomes in Developing Countries: From Good Policies and Best Practices to Better Implementation
Michael Woolcock
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 340, February 2018
Women and Work in India: Descriptive Evidence and a Review of Potential Policies
Erin K. Fletcher, Rohini Pande, and Charity Troyer Moore
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 339, December 2017
Autonomous Reform vs Global Isomorphism: Explaining Iran’s Success in Reducing Fertility
Masoomeh Khandan and Lant Pritchett
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 338, November 2017
Learning to Improve the Investment Climate for Economic Diversification: PDIA in Action in Sri Lanka
Matt Andrews, et al
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 337, October 2017
Learning to Engage New Investors for Economic Diversification: PDIA in Action in Sri Lanka
Matt Andrews, et al
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 336, October 2017
How to Cope with Volatile Commodity Export Prices: Four Proposals
Jeffrey Frankel
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 335, July 2017
Appraising the Economic Potential of Panama: Policy Recommendations for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
Ricardo Hausmann, Miguel Angel Santos, Juan Obach
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 334, May 2017
The Currency-Plus-Commodity Basket: A Proposal for Exchange Rates in Oil-Exporting Countries to Accommodate Trade Shocks Automatically
Jeffrey Frankel
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 333, March 2017
Learning to Target for Economic Diversification: PDIA in Sri Lanka
Matt Andrews, Peter Harrington, et al
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 332, January 2017
Institutions vs. Social Interactions in Driving Economic Convergence: Evidence from Colombia
Michele Coscia, Timothy Cheston and Ricardo Hausmann
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 331, February 2017
Welcome Home in a Crisis: Effects of Return Migration on the Non-migrants' Wages and Employment
Ricardo Hausmann and Ljubica Nedelkoska
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 330, January 2017
Explaining the Prevalence, Scaling and Variance of Urban Phenomena
Andres Gomez-Lievano, Oscar Patterson-Lomba, and Ricardo Hausmann
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 329, December 2016
Exploring the Uncharted Export: An Analysis of Tourism-Related Foreign Expenditure with International Spend Data
Michele Coscia, Ricardo Hausmann and Frank Neffke
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 328, November 2016
Weathering Collapse: An Assessment of the Financial and Operational Situation of the Venezuelan Oil Industry
Igor Hernández and Francisco Monaldi
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 327, November 2016
Special Economic Zones in Panama: A Critical Assessment
Ricardo Hausmann, Juan Obach and Miguel Angel Santos
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 326, October 2016
Shifting Gears: A Growth Diagnostic of Panama
Ricardo Hausmann, Luis Espinoza and Miguel Angel Santos
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 325, October 2016
Panama beyond the Canal: Using Technological Proximities to Identify Opportunities for Productive Diversification
Ricardo Hausmann, Jose Ramon Morales and Miguel Angel Santos
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 324, October 2016
Governance and the Challenge of Development Through Sports: A Framework for Action
Matt Andrews, Stuart Russell and Douglas Barrios
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 323, July 2016
Keeping One's Eye on the Ball: Exploring the Intensity of Sports Activities across Europe
Stuart Russell, Carla Tokman, Douglas Barrios and Matt Andrews
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 322, July 2016
Getting the Ball Rolling: Basis for Assessing the Sports Economy
Stuart Russell, Douglas Barrios and Matt Andrews
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 321, July 2016
Bringing Home the Gold? A Review of the Economic Impact
of Hosting Mega-Events
Douglas Barrios, Stuart Russell and Matt Andrews
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 320, July 2016
Classifying Exchange Rate Regimes: 15 Years Later
Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Federico Sturzenegger
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 319, June 2016
The Big Stuck in State Capability for Policy Implementation
Matt Andrews, Lant Pritchett and Michael Woolcock
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 318, January 2016
Towards a Prosperous and Productive Chiapas: Institutions, Policies, and Public-Private Dialog to Promote Inclusive Growth (Spanish)
Ricardo Hausmann, Timothy Cheston, Miguel Ángel Santos and Carlo Pietrobelli
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 317, March 2016
Bounding the Price Equivalent of Migration Barriers
Michael Clemens, Claudio Montenegro, and Lant Pritchett
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 316, March 2016
Scaling PDIA through Broad Agency, and Your Role
Matt Andrews, Lant Pritchett and Michael Woolcock
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 315, January 2016
The New Economic Case for Migration Restrictions: An Assessment
Michael Clemens and Lant Pritchett
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 314, February 2016
Doing Iterative and Adaptive Work
Matt Andrews, Lant Pritchett and Michael Woolcock
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 313, January 2016
Managing Your Authorizing Environment in a PDIA Process
Matt Andrews, Lant Pritchett and Michael Woolcock
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 312, January 2016
Off Pitch: Football’s Financial Integrity Weaknesses, and How to Strengthen Them
Matt Andrews, Peter Harrington
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 311, January 2016
The Workforce of Pioneer Plants
Ricardo Hausmann, Frank Neffke
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 310, January 2016
Evidence That Calls-Based and Mobility Networks Are Isomorphic
Michele Coscia and Ricardo Hausmann
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 309, December 2015
Debunking the Stereotype of the Lazy Welfare Recipient
Abhijit Banerjee, Rema Hanna, Gabriel Kreindler, and Benjamin A. Olken
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 308, October 2015
Doing Problem Driven Work
Matt Andrews, Lant Pritchett, and Michael Woolcock
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 307, December 2015
The Challenge of Building (Real) State Capability
Matt Andrews, Lant Pritchett, and Michael Woolcock
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 306, December 2015
Implementando Politicas de Desarrollo Productivo
En Chiapas: Marco Institucional
Filipe Campante, Albert Sole
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 305, September 2015
Diagnostico de Crecimiento de Chiapas
Ricardo Hausmann, Luis Espinoza, and Miguel Angel Santos
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 304, October 2015
Has Sweden injected realism into public financial management
reforms in partner countries?
Matt Andrews
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 303, September 2015
La Complejidad Economica de Chiapas
Ricardo Hausmann, Timothy Cheston, and Miguel Angel Santos
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 302, September 2015
CATalytic Insurance: The Case for Natural Disasters
Tito Cordella & Eduardo Levy Yeyati
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 301, September 2015
Why is Chiapas Poor?
Dan Levy, Ricardo Hausmann, Miguel Angel Santos, Luis Espinoza, and Miguel Flores
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 300, July 2015
Por Que Chiapas Es Pobre?
Dan Levy, Ricardo Hausmann, Miguel Angel Santos, Luis Espinoza, and Miguel Flores
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 300, July 2015
Being Special: The Rise of Super Clubs in European Football
Matt Andrews
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 299, January 2015
Mapping Peer Learning Initiatives in Public Sector Reforms in Development
Matt Andrews and Nick Fanning
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 298, April 2015
Value Subtraction in Public Sector Production: Accounting vs Economic Cost of Primary Schooling in India
Lant Pritchett and Yamini Aiyar
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 297, June 2015
Varieties of Capital Flows: What Do We Know?
Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Jimena Zuniga
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 296, May 2015
Trust, Voice, and Incentives: Learning from Local Success Stories in Delivery in MENA
Hana Brixi, Ellen Lust, and Michael Woolcock
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 295, May 2015
Moving to the Adjacent Possible: Discovering Paths for Export Diversification in Rwanda
Ricardo Hausmann, Jasmina Chauvin
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 294, April 2015
From Financial Repression to External Distress: The Case of Venezuela
Carmen Reinhart, Miguel Angel Santos
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 293, April 2015
Why are Indian Children so Short?
Seema Jayachandran, Rohini Pande
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 292, April 2015
Pyramid Capitalism: Cronyism, Regulation, and Firm Productivity in Egypt
Ishac Diwan, Philip Keefer, Marc Schiffbauer
CID Faculty Working Paper No. 291, March 2015
The Power of Transparency: Information, Identification Cards and Food Subsidy Programs in Indonesia
Abhijit Banerjee, Rema Hanna, Jordan C. Kyle, Benjamin A. Olken, and Sudarno Sumarto
CID Working Paper No. 290, February 2015
What Are The Headwaters of Formal Savings? Experimental Evidence from Sri Lanka
Michael Callen, Suresh De Mel, Craig McIntosh and Christopher Woodruff
CID Working Paper No. 289, December 2014
On the effectiveness of exchange rate interventions in emerging markets
Christian Daude, Eduardo Levy Yeyati, and Arne Nagengast
CID Working Paper No. 288, September 2014
Report Cards: The Impact of Providing School and Child Test Scores on Educational Markets
Tahir Andrabi, Jishnu Das and Asim Ijaz Khwaja
CID Working Paper No. 287, June 2014
Engaging with Fragile and Conflict-Affected States
Michael Woolcock
CID Working Paper No. 286, July 2014
This is PFM (En Français)
Matt Andrews, Marco Cangiano, Neil Cole, Paolo de Renzio, Philipp Krause, and Renaud Seligmann
CID Working Paper No. 285, July 2014
The Best of Rules and Discretion: A Case for Nominal GDP Targeting in India
Pranjul Bhandari and Jeffrey Frankel
CID Working Paper No. 284, July 2014
Why Distributed End Users Often Limit Public Financial Management Reform Success
Matt Andrews
CID Working Paper No. 283, May 2014
Better Knowledge Need Not Affect Behavior: A Randomized Evaluation on the Demand for Lottery Tickets in Rural Thailand
Juliane Zenker, Andreas Wagener, Sebastian Vollmer (HSPH)
CID Working Paper No. 282, April 2014
An Ends-Means Approach to Looking at Governance
Matt Andrews
CID Working Paper No. 281, April 2014
Trillions Gained and Lost: Estimating the Magnitude of Growth Episodes
Lant Pritchett, et al
CID Working Paper No. 279, March 2014
Can one retell a Mozambican reform story through Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation?
Matt Andrews
CID Working Paper No. 278, February 2014
The risks to education systems from design mismatch and global isomorphism
Lant Pritchett
CID Working Paper No. 277, February 2014
Implied Comparative Advantage
Ricardo Hausmann, Cesar A. Hidalgo, Daniel P. Stock,
and Muhammed A. Yildirim
CID Working Paper No. 276, January 2014
How should Uganda grow?
Ricardo Hausmann, Brad Cunningham, John Matovu,
Rosie Osire and Kelly Wyett
CID Working Paper No. 275, January 2014
Does Religion Affect Economic Growth and Happiness? Evidence from Ramadan
Filipe Campante and David Yanagizawa-Drott
CID Working Paper No. 274, December 2013
Maintaining Local Public Goods: Evidence from Rural Kenya
Ryan Sheely
CID Working Paper No. 273, November 2013
The State, Socialization, and Private Schooling: When Will Governments Support Alternative Producers?
Lant Pritchett and Martina Viarengo
CID Working Paper No. 272, November 2013
Dishonesty and Selection into Public Service
Rema Hanna and Shing-Yi Wang
CID Working Paper No. 271, November 2013
Using case studies to explore the external validity of 'complex' development interventions
Michael Woolcock
CID Working Paper No. 270, October 2013
Overcoming the limits of institutional reform in Uganda
Matt Andrews, Lawrence Bategeka
CID Working Paper No. 269, October 2013
South Sudan's Capability Trap: Building a State with Disruptive Innovation
Greg Larson, Peter Biar Ajak, Lant Pritchett
CID Working Paper No. 268, October 2013
Explaining positive deviance in public sector reforms in development
Matt Andrews
CID Working Paper No. 267, October 2013
Looking like an Industry – Supporting Commercial Agriculture in Africa
Ishac Diwan, Olivier Gaddah, Rosie Osire
CID Working Paper No. 266, September 2013
Promoting Millennium Development Ideals: The Risks of Defining Development Down
Lant Pritchett, Charles Kenny
CID Working Paper No. 265, August 2013
Do international organizations really shape government solutions in developing countries?
Matt Andrews
CID Working Paper No. 264, August 2013
Debt Levels, Debt Composition, and Sovereign Spreads in Emerging and Advanced Economies
Salvatore Dell’Erba, Ricardo Hausmann, Ugo Panizza
CID Working Paper No. 263, August 2013
Truth-telling by Third-party Auditors and the Response of Polluting Firms: Experimental Evidence from India
Esther Duflo, Michael Greenstone, Rohini Pande, and Nicholas Ryan
CID Working Paper No. 262, May 2013
Going beyond heroic-leaders in development
Matt Andrews
CID Working Paper No. 261, June 2013
How do Governments get Great?
Matt Andrews
CID Working Paper No. 260, June 2013
Screening Peers Softly: Inferring the Quality of Small Borrowers
Asim Khwaja, Rajkamal Iyer, Erzo Luttmer, Kelly Shue
CID Working Paper No. 259, March 2013
Who Really Leads Development?
Matt Andrews
CID Working Paper No. 258, April 2013
Who are the Democrats? Leading Opinions in the Wake of Egypt’s 2011 Popular Uprisings
Ishac Diwan
CID Working Paper No. 256, January 2013
Does Elite Capture Matter: Local Elites and Targeted Welfare Programs in Indonesia
Rema Hanna, Vivi Alatas, Abhijit Banerjee, Benjamin A. Olken,
Ririn Purnamasari, Matthew Wai-Poi
CID Working Paper No. 255, January 2013
When is Prevention More Profitable than Cure?
Michael Kremer and Christopher Snyder
CID Working Paper No. 252, January 2013
Propaganda and Conflict: Theory and Evidence from the Rwandan Genocide
David Yanagizawa-Drott
CID Working Paper No. 257, August 2012
Ordeal Mechanisms in Targeting: Theory and Evidence from a Field Experiment in Indonesia
Rema Hanna, Vivi Alatas, Abhijit Banerjee, Benjamin A. Olken,
Ririn Purnamasari, Matthew Wai-Poi
CID Working Paper No. 254, November 2012
Who Needs the Nation State?
Dani Rodrik
CID Working Paper No. 253, May 2012
The Effect of Fertility Reduction on Economic Growth
Quamrul H. Ashraf, David N. Weil and Joshua Wilde
CID Working Paper No. 251, October 2012
Crony Capitalism in Egypt
Hamouda Chekir and Ishac Diwan
CID Working Paper No. 250, November 2012
It’s All About MeE: Using Structured Experiential Learning (‘e’) to Crawl the Design Space
Lant Pritchett, Salimah Samji, Jeffrey Hammer
CID Working Paper No. 249, December 2012
On Graduation from Fiscal Procyclicality
Jeffrey Frankel, Carlos Vegh, Guillermo Vuletin
CID Working Paper No. 248, July 2012
Conflicts Over Land and Threats to Customary Tenure in Africa Today
Pauline Peters
CID Working Paper No. 247, September 2012
Network Structure and the Aggregation of Information: Theory and Evidence from Indonesia
Rema Hanna, Vivi Alatas, Abhijit Banerjee, Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Benjamin A. Olken
CID Working Paper No. 246, August 2012
Learning Through Noticing: Theory and Experimental Evidence in Farming
Rema Hanna, Sendhil Mullainathan, Joshua Schwartzstein
CID Working Paper No. 245, September 2012
Does the Effect of Pollution on Infant Mortality Differ Between Developing and Developed Countries? Evidence from Mexico City
Rema Hanna, Eva Arceo, Paulina Oliva
CID Working Paper No. 244, June 2012
Negative Consequences of Overambitious Curricula in Developing Countries
Lant Pritchett, Amanda Beatty
CID Working Paper No. 243, August 2012
Can Good Products Drive Out Bad? Evidence from Local Markets for (Fake?) Antimalarial Medicine in Uganda
Martina Björkman-Nyqvist, Jakob Svensson, David Yanagizawa-Drott
CID Working Paper No. 242, August 2012
Up in Smoke: The Influence of Household Behavior on the Long-Run Impact of Improved Cooking Stoves
Rema Hanna, Esther Duflo, Michael Greenstone
CID Working Paper No. 241, April 2012
Escaping Capability Traps through Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA)
Matt Andrews, Lant Pritchett, Michael Woolcock
CID Working Paper No. 240, June 2012
Looking Like a State: Techniques of Persistent Failure in State Capability for Implementation
Lant Pritchett, Michael Woolcock, Matt Andrews
CID Working Paper No. 239, June 2012
Empirical confirmation of creative destruction from world trade data
Peter Klimek, Ricardo Hausmann, Stefan Thurner
CID Working Paper No. 238, April 2012
A Rational Framework for the understanding of the Arab Revolutions
Ishac Diwan
CID Working Paper No. 237, April 2012
The Dynamics of Nestedness Predicts the Evolution of Industrial Ecosystems
Sebastián Bustos, Charles Gomez, Ricardo Hausmann, and César A. Hidalgo
CID Working Paper No. 236, April 2012
Neighbors and the Evolution of the Comparative Advantage of Nations: Evidence of International Knowledge Diffusion?
Dany Bahar, Ricardo Hausmann, Cesar Hidalgo
CID Working Paper No. 235, April 2012
Mauritius: African Success Story
Jeffrey Frankel
CID Working Paper No. 234, April 2012
The Natural Resource Curse: A Survey of Diagnoses and Some Prescriptions
Jeffrey Frankel
CID Working Paper No. 233, April 2012
What Small Countries Can Teach the World
Jeffrey Frankel
CID Working Paper No. 232, April 2012
Capital and Labor Mobility and the Size of Sub-national Governments: Evidence from a Panel of Mexican States
René Cabral Torres
CID Working Paper No. 231, February 2012
Long term impact of a Cash-Transfers Program on Labor Outcomes of the Rural Youth
Eduardo Rodríguez-Oreggia and Samuel Freije
CID Working Paper No. 230, January 2012
Structural factors and the "War on Drugs" effects on the upsurge in homicides in Mexico
Eduardo Rodríguez-Oreggia and Miguel Flores
CID Working Paper No. 229, January 2012
Limitations to crop diversification for enhancing the resilience of rain-fed subsistence agriculture to drought
M.E. Gilbert and N.M. Holbrook
CID Working Paper No. 228, November 2011
A Comparison of Product Price Targeting and Other Monetary Anchor Options, for Commodity Exporters in Latin America
Jeffrey Frankel
CID Working Paper No. 227, November 2011
Politically Feasible Emissions Targets to Attain 460 ppm CO2 Concentrations
Valentina Bosetti and Jeffrey Frankel
CID Working Paper No. 226, October 2011
The Effect of Pollution on Labor Supply: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Mexico City
Rema Hanna and Paulina Oliva
CID Working Paper No. 225, August 2011
Environmental Regulations, Air and Water Pollution, and Infant Mortality in India
Michael Greenstone and Rema Hanna
CID Working Paper No. 224, July 2011
Migration and cross-border equity portfolio flows
Maurice Kugler and Hillel Rapoport
CID Working Paper No. 223, July 2011
Migration, FDI and the Margins of Trade
Maurice Kugler and Hillel Rapoport
CID Working Paper No. 222, June 2011
Tradable Immigration Quotas
Jesus Fernandez-Huertas Mortaga and Hillel Rapoport
CID Working Paper No. 221, June 2011
Closing the Gender Gap in Education: Does it Foretell the Closing of the Employment, Marriage, and Motherhood Gaps?
Ina Ganguli, Ricardo Hausmann, and Martina Viarengo
CID Working Paper No. 220, April 2011
Globalization, Brain Drain and Development
Frederic Docquier and Hillel Rapoport
CID Working Paper No. 219, March 2011
From the Unity of Nature to Sustainability Science: Ideas and Practice
Robert W. Kates
CID Working Paper No. 218, March 2011
Emigration and Democracy
Frédéric Docquier, Elisabetta Lodigiani, Hillel Rapoport and Maurice Schiff
CID Working Paper No. 217, January 2011
A Solution to Fiscal Procyclicality: The Structural Budget Institutions Pioneered by Chile
Jeffrey Frankel
CID Working Paper No. 216, January 2011
Monetary Policy in Emerging Markets: A Survey
Jeffrey Frankel
CID Working Paper No. 215, January 2011
Readings in Sustainability Science and Technology
Robert W. Kates, Editor
CID Working Paper No. 213, December 2010
Sources of Corporate Profits in India - Business Dynamism or Advantages of Entrenchment?
Ashoka Mody, Anusha Nath, and Michael Walton
CID Working Paper No. 212, December 2010
How Business is Done and the 'Doing Business' Indicators: The Investment Climate when Firms have Climate Control
Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Lant Pritchett
CID Working Paper No. 211, November 2010
Deals Versus Rules: Policy Implementation Uncertainty and Why Firms Hate It
Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Gita Khun-Jush, and Lant Pritchett
CID Working Paper No. 210, October 2010
Building Social Capital Through Microfinance
Benjamin Feigenberg, Erica M. Field, and Rohini Pande
CID Working Paper No. 209, October 2010
How Far Have Public Financial Management Reforms Come in Africa?
Matthew Andrews
CID Working Paper No. 208, October 2010
Governance Indicators Can Make Sense: Under-five Mortality Rates are an Example
Matthew Andrews, Roger Hay, and Jerrett Myers
CID Working Paper No. 207, October 2010
Development as Leadership-led Change
Matthew Andrews, Jesse McConnell, and Alison Wescott
CID Working Paper No. 206, October 2010
Sanctions, Benefits, and Rights: Three Faces of Accountability
Merilee S. Grindle
CID Working Paper No. 205, October 2010
Constructing, Deconstructing, and Reconstructing Career Civil Service Systems in Latin America
Merilee S. Grindle
CID Working Paper No. 204, October 2010
Social Policy in Development: Coherence and Cooperation in the Real World
Merilee S. Grindle
CID Working Paper No. 203, October 2010
Good Governance: The Inflation of an Idea
Merilee S. Grindle
CID Working Paper No. 202, October 2010
Country diversification, product ubiquity, and economic divergence
Ricardo Hausmann and César A. Hidalgo
CID Working Paper No. 201, October 2010
How Good Politics Results in Bad Policy: The Case of Biofuel Mandates
Robert Z. Lawrence
CID Working Paper No. 200, September 2010
Toward a general theory of boundary work: Insights from the CGIAR’s natural resource management programs
William C. Clark, Thomas P. Tomich, Meine van Noordwijk, Nancy M. Dickson, Delia Catacutan, David Guston, and Elizabeth McNie.
CID Working Paper No. 199, July 2010
Enhancing Food Security in an Era of Global Climate Change: An Executive Session on Grand Challenges of the Sustainability Transition, San Servolo Island, Venice – June 6-9, 2010
William C. Clark, Patti Kristjanson, Bruce Campbell, Calestous Juma, Noel M. Holbrook, Gerald Nelson, and Nancy Dickson
CID Working Paper No. 198, July 2010
“Schooling Can’t Buy Me Love”: Marriage, Work, and the Gender Education Gap in Latin America
Ina Ganguli, Ricardo Hausmann, and Martina Viarengo
CID Working Paper No. 197, June 2010
Toward a Science of Sustainability: Report from Toward a Science of Sustainability Conference
Simon A. Levin and William C. Clark, Eds.
CID Working Paper No. 196, May 2010
The Natural Resource Curse: A Survey
Jeffrey Frankel
CID Working Paper No. 195, May 2010
Redemption or Abstinence? Original Sin, Currency Mismatches and Counter-Cyclical Policies in the New Millenium
Ricardo Hausmann and Ugo Panizza
CID Working Paper No. 194, February 2010
The Global Health System: Institutions in a Time of Transition
William C. Clark, Nicole A. Szlezak, Suerie Moon, Barry R. Bloom, Gerald T. Keusch, Catherine M. Michaud, Dean T. Jamison, Julio Frenk, and Wen L. Kilama
CID Working Paper No. 193, January 2010
Certification Strategies, Industrial Development and a Global Market for Biofuels
Ricardo Hausmann and Rodrigo Wagner
CID Working Paper No. 192, December 2009
Are Third World Emigration Forces Abating?
Timothy J. Hatton and Jeffrey G. Williamson
CID Working Paper No. 191, December 2009
Remittances and the Brain Drain Revisited: The microdata show that more educated migrants remit more
Albert Bollard, David McKenzie, Melanie Morten, Hillel Rapoport
CID Working Paper No. 190, December 2009
The Dynamics of Economic Complexity and the Product Space over a 42 year period
Cesar A. Hidalgo
CID Working Paper No. 189, December 2009
Water and Human Well Being: An Executive Session on Grand Challenges of the Sustainability Transition
CID Working Paper No. 188, November 2009
Biofuels and Certification: A Workshop at the Kennedy School of Government, May 11–12, 2009
CID Working Paper No. 187, November 2009
The Building Blocks of Economic Complexity
César A. Hidalgo and Ricardo Hausmann
CID Working Paper No. 186, September 2009
Are Bilateral Remittances Countercyclical?
Jeffrey Frankel
CID Working Paper No. 185, September 2009
Factor Adjustments after Deregulation: Panel Evidence from Colombian Plants
Marcela Eslava, John Haltiwanger, Adriana Kugler and Maurice Kugler
CID Working Paper No. 184, September 2008
The Quality-Complementarity Hypothesis: Theory and New Evidence from Colombia
Maurice Kugler and Eric Verhoogen
CID Working Paper No. 183, September 2008
Achieving Export-Led Growth in Colombia
Ricardo Hausmann and Bailey Klinger
CID Working Paper No. 182, September 2008
Growth Diagnostics in Peru
Ricardo Hausmann and Bailey Klinger
CID Working Paper No. 181, September 2008
In search of the chains that hold Brazil back
Ricardo Hausmann
CID Working Paper No. 180, September 2008
The Other Hand: High Bandwidth Development Policy
Ricardo Hausmann
CID Working Paper No. 179, September 2008
Schooling and Political Participation in a Neoclassical Framework: Theory and Evidence
Filipe R. Campante and Davin Chor
CID Working Paper No. 178, September 2008
Doing Growth Diagnostics in Practice: A 'Mindbook'
Ricardo Hausmann, Bailey Klinger and Rodrigo Wagner
CID Working Paper No. 177, September 2008
The Impact of the World Food Price Crisis on Nutrition in China
Robert T. Jensen and Nolan H. Miller
CID Working Paper No. 176, August 2008
Powerful Women: Does Exposure Reduce Bias?
Lori Beaman, Raghabendra Chattopadhyay, Esther Duflo, Rohini Pande and Petia Topalova
CID Working Paper No. 175, July 2008
Biofuels and Sustainable Development
Henry Lee, William C. Clark, and Charan Devereaux
CID Working Paper No. 174, July 2008
Linking International Agricultural Research Knowledge with Action for Sustainable Poverty Alleviation: What Works?
Patti Kristjanson, Robin Reid, Nancy Dickson, William Clark, Prasad Vishnubhotla, Dannie Romney, Peter Bezkorowajnyj, Mohammed Said, Dickson Kaelo, Ogeli Makui, David Nkedianye, Julius Nyangaga, Paul Okwi, Ranjitha Puskur, Shirley Tarawali, Susan MacMillan, Delia Grace, Tom Randolph, Hippolyte Affognon
CID Working Paper No. 173, July 2008
Experimentation under Hierarchy: Policy Experiments in the Reorganization of China’s State Sector, 1978-2008
Sebastian Heilmann
CID Working Paper No. 172, June 2008
Procurement Issues in South Africa that Affect Growth and Development
Steven Kelman
CID Working Paper No. 171, June 2008
Is Black Economic Empowerment a South African Growth Catalyst? (Or Could it Be...)
Matthew Andrews
CID Working Paper No. 170, May 2008
SACU Tariff Policies: Where Should They Go From Here?
Lawrence Edwards and Robert Lawrence
CID Working Paper No. 169, May 2008
Reconfiguring Industrial Policy: A Framework with an Application to South Africa
Ricardo Hausmann, Dani Rodrik, and Charles F. Sabel
CID Working Paper No. 168, May 2008
Striving for Normality in a Time of AIDS in Malawi
Pauline E. Peters, Peter A. Walker, and Daimon Kambewa
CID Working Paper No. 167, May 2008
Two Policies to Alleviate Unemployment in South Africa
James Levinsohn
CID Working Paper No. 166, May 2008
Estimating SARB's Policy Reaction Rule
Alberto Ortiz and Federico Sturzenegger
CID Working Paper No. 165, May 2008
Identifying Aggregate Supply and Demand Shocks in South Africa
Stan du Plessis, Ben Smit, and Federico Sturzenegger
CID Working Paper No. 164, May 2008
The Cyclicality of Monetary and Fiscal Policy in South Africa since 1994
Stan du Plessis, Ben Smit, and Federico Sturzenegger
CID Working Paper No. 163, May 2008
Examining Beneficiation
Ricardo Hausmann, Bailey Klinger, and Robert Lawrence
CID Working Paper No. 162, May 2008
Final Recommendations of the International Panel on ASGISA
Ricardo Hausmann
CID Working Paper No. 161, May 2008
Do Consumer Price Subsidies Really Improve Nutrition?
Robert T. Jensen and Nolan H. Miller
CID Working Paper No. 160, April 2008
Estimating the Impact of the Hajj: Religion and Tolerance in Islam's Global Gathering
David Clingingsmith, Asim Ijaz Khwaja, and Michael Kremer
CID Working Paper No. 159, April 2008
Do Value-Added Estimates Add Value? Accounting for Learning Dynamics
Tahir Andrabi, Jishnu Das, Asim I. Khwaja, and Tristan Zajonc
CID Working Paper No. 158, March 2008
Estimation of De Facto Exchange Rate Regimes: Synthesis of the Techniques for Inferring Flexibility and Basket Weights
Jeffrey Frankel and Shang-Jin Wei
CID Working Paper No. 157, March 2008
Investment in Schooling and the Marriage Market
Pierre-Andre Chiappori, Murat Iyigun, and Yoram Weiss
CID Working Paper No. 156, January 2008
Overcoming the Challenges to the Implementation of Green Chemistry
Kira J. M. Matus, Paul T. Anastas, William C. Clark, and Kai Itameri-Kinter
CID Working Paper No. 155, December 2007
The Formation of the Tibetan State Religion: The Geluk School 1419-1642
Rachel M. McCleary and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp
CID Working Paper No. 154, December 2007 (Revised January 2008)
Can Entrepreneurial Activity be Taught? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Central America
Bailey Klinger and Matthias Schündeln
CID Working Paper No. 153, December 2007
Productivity Effects on Mexican Manufacturing Employment before and after NAFTA
André Varella Mollick and René Cabral Torres
CID Working Paper No. 152, November 2007
Monotheism (From a Sociopolitical and Economic Perspective)
Murat Iyigun
CID Working Paper No. 151, October 2007 (Revised December 2007)
A Balance-Sheet Approach to Fiscal Sustainability
Eduardo Levy-Yeyati and Federico Sturzenegger
CID Working Paper No. 150, October 2007
Many Children Left Behind? Textbooks and Test Scores in Kenya
Paul Glewwe, Michael Kremer, and Sylvie Moulin
CID Working Paper No. 149, August 2007
Giffen Behavior: Theory and Evidence
Robert T. Jensen and Nolan H. Miller
CID Working Paper No. 148, July 2007 (Revised December 2007)
Parochial Politics: Ethnic Preferences and Politician Corruption
Abhijit V. Banerjee and Rohini Pande
CID Working Paper No. 147, July 2007
The Structure of the Product Space and the Evolution of Comparative Advantage
Ricardo Hausmann and Bailey Klinger
CID Working Paper No. 146, April 2007
Understanding Political Corruption in Low Income Countries
Rohini Pande
CID Working Paper No. 145, April 2007
Measuring the Contribution of Criminal Justice Systems to the Control of Crime and Violence: Lessons from Jamaica and the Dominican Republic
Todd Foglesong and Christopher Stone
CID Working Paper No. 144, April 2007
Through the Pass-Through: Measuring Central Bank Credibility
Roberto Rigobon
CID Working Paper No. 143, March 2007
Whose Security? Deepening Social Conflict over ‘Customary’ Land in the Shadow of Land Tenure Reform in Malawi
Pauline E. Peters and Daimon Kambewa
CID Working Paper No. 142, March 2007
Challenges in Land Tenure and Land Reform in Africa: An Anthropological Perspective
Pauline E. Peters
CID Working Paper No. 141, March 2007
What Works in Fighting Diarrheal Diseases in Developing Countries? A Critical Review
Alix Peterson Zwane and Michael Kremer
CID Working Paper No. 140, March 2007
On the Rand: Determinants of the South African Exchange Rate
Jeffrey Frankel
CID Working Paper No. 139, March 2007
Using Randomization in Development Economics Research: A Toolkit
Esther Duflo, Rachel Glennerster, and Michael Kremer
CID Working Paper No. 138, December 2006
The Implications of Dark Matter for Assessing the US External Imbalance
Ricardo Hausmann and Federico Sturzenegger
CID Working Paper No. 137, November 2006
Growth Collapses
Ricardo Hausmann, Francisco Rodríguez, and Rodrigo Wagner
CID Working Paper No. 136, October 2006
South African Trade Policy Matters: Trade Performance & Trade Policy
Lawrence Edwards and Robert Lawrence
CID Working Paper No. 135, October 2006
Why Has Unemployment Risen in the New South Africa?
Abhijit Banerjee, Sebastian Galiani, Jim Levinsohn, and Ingrid Woolard
CID Working Paper No. 134, October 2006
South Africa: Macroeconomic Challenges after a Decade of Success
Jeffrey Frankel, Ben Smit, and Federico Sturzenegger
CID Working Paper No. 133, September 2006
Competition and Productivity Growth in South Africa
Philippe Aghion, Matias Braun, and Johannes Fedderke
CID Working Paper No. 132, August 2006
Crime, Justice, and Growth in South Africa: Toward a Plausible Contribution from Criminal Justice to Economic Growth
Christopher Stone
CID Working Paper No. 131, August 2006
Understanding South Africa’s Economic Puzzles
Dani Rodrik
CID Working Paper No. 130, August 2006
South Africa's Export Predicament
Ricardo Hausmann and Bailey Klinger
CID Working Paper No. 129, August 2006
Structural Transformation and Patterns of Comparative Advantage in the Product Space
Ricardo Hausmann and Bailey Klinger
CID Working Paper No. 128, August 2006
Advance Market Commitments for Vaccines Against Neglected Diseases: Estimating Costs and Effectiveness
Ernst R. Berndt, Rachel Glennerster, Michael R. Kremer, Jean Lee, Ruth Levine, Georg Weizsäcker, and Heidi Williams
CID Working Paper No. 127, July 2006
China and the Global Economy: Medium-term Issues and Options - A Synthesis Report
Edwin Lim, Michael Spence, and Ricardo Hausmann
CID Working Paper No. 126, June 2006
Economic Growth: Shared Beliefs, Shared Disappointments?
Ricardo Hausmann
CID Working Paper No. 125, June 2006
Global Imbalances or Bad Accounting? The Missing Dark Matter in the Wealth of Nations
Ricardo Hausmann and Federico Sturzenegger
CID Working Paper No. 124, January 2006 (Revised September 2006)
What You Export Matters
Ricardo Hausmann, Jason Hwang, and Dani Rodrik
CID Working Paper No. 123, December 2005 (Revised March 2006)
Schools, Teachers, and Education Outcomes in Developing Countries
Paul Glewwe and Michael Kremer
CID Working Paper No. 122, September 2005
Why is Mobility in India so Low? Social Insurance, Inequality, and Growth
Kaivan Munshi and Mark R. Rosenzweig
CID Working Paper No. 121, July 2005
Science for Global Sustainability: Toward a New Paradigm
William C. Clark, Paul J. Crutzen, and Hans J. Schellnhuber
CID Working Paper No. 120, March 2005
Sharing the Burden of Disease: Gender, the Household Division of Labor and the Health Effects of Indoor Air Pollution
Mark M. Pitt, Mark R. Rosenzweig, and Md. Nazmul Hassan
CID Working Paper No. 119, March 2005
A Half-Century of Development
Richard N. Cooper
CID Working Paper No. 118, March 2005
Contractionary Currency Crashes In Developing Countries
Jeffrey Frankel
CID Working Paper No. 117, February 2005
Slow Passthrough Around the World: A New Import for Developing Countries?
Jeffrey Frankel, David Parsley, and Shang-Jin Wei
CID Working Paper No. 116, February 2005
Political Insecurity and State Failure in Contemporary Africa
Robert H. Bates
CID Working Paper No. 115, January 2005
Political Reform
Robert H. Bates
CID Working Paper No. 114, January 2005
Sustainability Values, Attitudes, and Behaviors: A Review of Multi-national and Global Trends
Anthony A. Leiserowitz, Robert W. Kates, and Thomas M. Parris
CID Working Paper No. 113, December 2004
The Illusion of Sustainability
Michael Kremer and Edward Miguel
CID Working Paper No. 112, November 2004
Why is There No AIDS Vaccine?
Michael Kremer and Christopher M. Snyder
CID Working Paper No. 111, October 2004
Probing the Sources of Political Order
Robert H. Bates
CID Working Paper No. 110, October 2004
Incentives to Learn
Michael Kremer, Edward Miguel and Rebecca Thornton
CID Working Paper No. 109, October 2004
Indian Higher Education Reform: From Half-Baked Socialism to Half-Baked Capitalism
Devesh Kapur and Pratap Bhanu Mehta
CID Working Paper No. 108, September 2004
Institutions and Development
Robert H. Bates, Avner Greif, Macartan Humphreys, Smita Singh
CID Working Paper No. 107, September 2004
Monetary Policy and the Currency Denomination of Debt: A Tale of Two Equilibria
Roberto Chang and Andrés Velasco
CID Working Paper No. 106, September 2004
Tough Policies, Incredible Policies
Alejandro Neut and Andrés Velasco
CID Working Paper No. 105, September 2004
Framing the Fundamental Issues of Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Akin L. Mabogunje
CID Working Paper No. 104, Sustainable Development Program, CID, March 2004
The Impact of the Crisis - Decline and Recovery
Joseph J. Stern
CID Working Paper No. 103, January 2004
Sustainable Development in Ijebu-Ode, Nigeria: The Role of Social Capital, Participation, and Science and Technology
Akin L. Mabogunje and Robert W. Kates
CID Working Paper No. 102, Sustainable Development Program, CID, January 2004
Democratic Transitions
David L. Epstein, Robert Bates, Jack Goldstone, Ida Kristensen, and Sharyn O’Halloran
CID Working Paper No. 101, January 2004
The Rise and Fall of the Indonesian Economy
Joseph J. Stern
CID Working Paper No. 100, June 2003
Micro-Economic Approaches to Evaluating the Burden of Malaria
Pia Malaney
CID Working Paper No. 99, April 2003
Political Institutions and Economic Growth in Africa
Janvier D. Nkurunziza and Robert H. Bates
CID Working Paper No. 98, March 2003
Institutions Rule: The Primacy of Institutions over Geography and Integration in Economic Development
Dani Rodrik, Arvind Subramanian, Francesco Trebbi
CID Working Paper No. 97, October 2002
Small Producer Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: Integrating Household Structure and Economic Circumstance in Behavioral Explanation
Marcellus Caldas, Robert Walker and Stephen Perz
CID Working Paper No. 96, October 2002
Targeted Programs in an Economic Crisis: Empirical Findings from Indonesia’s Experience
Lant Pritchett, Sudarno Sumarto, Asep Suryahadi
CID Working Paper No. 95, September 2002
Political Institutions and Economic Policies: Lessons from Africa
Macartan Humphreys and Robert Bates
CID Working Paper No. 94, September 2002
Nutrition Knowledge Versus Schooling in the Demand for Child Micronutrient Status
Steven Block
CID Working Paper No. 93, August 2002
Impact of Patents on Access to HIV/AIDS Drugs in Developing Countries
Joan-Ramon Borrell and Jayashree Watal
CID Working Paper No. 92, May 2002
Institutions, Geography, Regions, Countries and the Mobility Bias
Andrew Warner
CID Working Paper No. 91, May 2002
Did Indonesia's Crisis in 1997/98 Affect Child Nutrition? A Cohort Decomposition Analysis of National Nutrition Surveillance Data
Steven A. Block, Lynnda Keiss, Patrick Webb, S. Kosen, Regina Moench-Pfanner, Martin W. Bloem, and C. Peter Timmer
CID Working Paper No. 90, April 2002
A Decade of Economic Reforms in India: The Unfinished Agenda
Nirupam Bajpai
CID Working Paper No. 89, March 2002
Understanding Regional Economic Growth in India
Jeffrey D. Sachs, Nirupam Bajpai, and Ananthi Ramiah
CID Working Paper No. 88, March 2002
Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health: Options for TRIPS Council
Amir Attaran
CID Working Paper No. 87, March 2002
The Impact of G-3 Exchange Rate Volatility on Developing Countries
Gerardo Esquivel and Felipe Larraín B.
CID Working Paper No. 86, February 2002
Foreign Investment in the Andean Countries
Joaquin Vial
CID Working Paper No. 85, January 2002
Grants vs . Investment Subsidies
Ashok S. Rai and Tomas Sjöström
CID Working Paper No. 84, December 2001
Economic Growth in Colombia: A Reversal of 'Fortune'?
Mauricio Cardenas
CID Working Paper No. 83, December 2001
The Price of Democracy: Sovereign Risk Ratings, Bond Spreads and Political Business Cycles in Developing Countries
Steven Block and Paul M. Vaaler
CID Working Paper No. 82, December 2001
Mobilizing Resources for Health:The Case for User Fees Revisited
Dyna Arhin-Tenkorang
CID Working Paper No. 81, December 2001
Multiparty Competition, Founding Elections and Political Business Cycles in Africa
Steven A. Block, Smita Singh and Karen E. Ferree
CID Working Paper No. 80, October 2001
Political Conditions and Currency Crises: Empirical Regularities in Emerging Markets
Steven A. Block
CID Working Paper No. 79, Revised March 2002
Elections, Electoral Competitiveness, and Political Budget Cycles in Developing Countries
Steven A. Block
CID Working Paper No. 78, Revised March 2002
Geography, Economic Policy and Regional Development in China
Sylvie Démurger, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Wing Thye Woo, Shuming Bao, Gene Chang and Andrew Mellinger
CID Working Paper No. 77, October 2001.
Rich nations, poor nations: how much can multiple equilibria explain?
Bryan S. Graham and Jonathan Temple
CID Working Paper No. 76, September 2001
Presidential Leadership and Decision-Making in Policy Reforms. The First 150 Days of Vicente Fox
Rocío Ramos de Villarreal
CID Working Paper No. 75, September 2001
An Empirical Inquiry into the Nature of South Korean Economic Growth
Francisco Garcia-Blanch
CID Working Paper No. 74, September 2001
Political Pluralism Versus Political Monopoly: Effects of Political Monopoly of the Ruling Elite on the Extend of the Market, Income Distribution, and Development
Wai-Man Liu and Xiaokai Yang
CID Working Paper No. 73, June 2001
Determinants of Labor Demand in Colombia, 1976-1996
Mauricio Cardenas and Raquel Bernal
CID Working Paper No. 72, June 2001
Organizing Violence
Robert Bates, Avner Greif, and Smita Singh
CID Working Paper No. 71, June 2001
Recent Claims of China's Economic Exceptionalism: Reflections Inspired by WTO Accession
Wing Thye Woo
CID Working Paper No. 70, June 2001
Offshore Investment Funds: Monsters in Emerging Markets?
Woochan Kim and Shang-Jin Wei
CID Working Paper No. 69, June 2001
Political Competition in Weak States
Eliana LaFerrara and Robert H. Bates
CID Working Paper No. 68, June 2001
International Donor Support for Phasing Out POPs: Recommendations for Poor Countries at INC-5
Amir Attaran
CID Working Paper No. 67, May 2001
Negative Alchemy? Corruption, Compositions of Capital Flows, and Currency Crises
Shang-Jin Wei and Yi Wu
CID Working Paper No. 66, March 2001
Sustaining High Rates of Economic Growth in India
Nirupam Bajpai
CID Working Paper No. 65, March 2001
Expanding Foreign Direct Investment in the Andean Countries
Howard J. Shatz
CID Working Paper No. 64, March 2001
Are Greener National Accounts Better?
Jeffrey R. Vincent
CID Working Paper No. 63, February 2001
Environment and Development Paper No.5.
The Decade of Development: Goal Setting and Policy Challenges in India
Jeffrey D. Sachs and Nirupam Bajpai
CID Working Paper No. 62, February 2001
Natural Openness and Good Government
Shang-Jin Wei
CID Working Paper No. 61, February 2001
Corruption and Composition of Foreign Direct Investment: Firm-Level Evidence
Beata K. Smarzynska and Shang-Jin Wei
CID Working Paper No. 60, February 2001
Quality of Bureaucracy and Open-Economy Macro Policies
Chong-En Bai and Shang-Jin Wei
CID Working Paper No. 59, February 2001
Intel: A Case Study of Foreign Direct Investment in Central America
Felipe Larrain B., Luis F. Lopez-Calva, and Andres Rodriguez-Clare
CID Working Paper No. 58, December 2000
Tropical Underdevelopment
Jeffrey D. Sachs
CID Working Paper No. 57, December 2000
Economic Growth and the Environment
Theodore Panayotou
CID Working Paper No. 56, July 2000
Environment and Development Paper No.4.
Environmental Sustainability and Services in Developing Global City Regions
Theodore Panayotou
CID Working Paper No. 55, July 2000
Environment and Development Paper No.3.
Population and Environment
Theodore Panayotou
CID Working Paper No. 54, July 2000
Environment and Development Paper No.2.
Globalization and Environment
Theodore Panayotou
CID Working Paper No. 53, July 2000
Environment and Development Paper No.1.
The Economic Burden of Malaria
John Luke Gallup and Jeffrey D. Sachs
CID Working Paper No. 52, July 2000
Measuring the Economic Impact of Civil War
Kosuke Imai and Jeremy M. Weinstein
CID Working Paper No. 51, June 2000
Africa's Growth Trap: A Political-Economy Model of Taxation, R&D and Investment
Margaret S. McMillan and William A. Masters
CID Working Paper No. 50, June 2000
Law and Finance in Transition Economies
Katharina Pistor, Martin Raiser and Stanislaw Gelfer
CID Working Paper No. 49, June 2000
Law and Development Paper No.4.
Climate and Scale In Economic Growth
William A. Masters and Margaret S. McMillan
CID Working Paper No. 48, June 2000
A Trojan Horse Behind Chinese Walls?: Problems and Prospects of US-Sponsored "Rule of Law" Reform Projects in the People’s Republic of China
Matthew C. Stephenson
CID Working Paper No. 47, May 2000
Law and Development Paper No.3.
India's Decade of Development
Nirupam Bajpai and Jeffrey D. Sachs
CID Working Paper No. 46, May 2000
Incomplete Contingent Labor Contract, Asymmetric Residual Rights and Authority, and the Theory of the Firm
Xiaokai Yang
CID Working Paper No. 45, May 2000
The Politics and Incentives of Legal Transplantation
Frederick Schauer
CID Working Paper No. 44, April 2000
Law and Development Paper No.2.
Economic Reforms and Constitutional Transition
Jeffrey D. Sachs, Wing Thye Woo, and Xiaokai Yang
CID Working Paper No. 43, April 2000
International Data on Educational Attainment: Updates and Implications
Robert J. Barro and Jong-Wha Lee
CID Working Paper No. 42, April 2000
Multiple Use Management of Tropical Forests: On the Superiority of Land Use Specialization
Marco Boscolo
CID Working Paper No. 41, March 2000
Is Grameen Lending Efficient?
Ashok S. Rai and Tomas Sjostrom
CID Working Paper No. 40, Revised December 2001
Economic Development, Legality, and the Transplant Effect
Daniel Berkowitz, Katharina Pistor, and Jean-Francois Richard
CID Working Paper No. 39, March 2000
Law and Development Paper No.1.
Saving in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ernest Aryeetey and Christopher Udry
CID Working Paper No. 38, January 2000
African Land Ecology: Opportunities and Constraints for Agricultural Development
R. L. Voortman, B. G. J. S. Sonneveld, and M. A. Keyzer
CID Working Paper No. 37, January 2000
The Augmented Solow Model and the African Growth Debate
Anke E. Hoeffler
CID Working Paper No. 36, January 2000
Characteristics and Behavior of African Commodity/Product Markets and Market Institutions and Their Consequences for Economic Growth
Afeikhena Jerome and Olawale Ogunkola
CID Working Paper No. 35, January 2000
The International Dimension of African Economic Growth
Augustin Kwasi Fosu
CID Working Paper No. 34, January 2000
Education and Health at the Household Level in Sub-Saharan Africa
Simon Appleton
CID Working Paper No. 33, January 2000
Inequality and the Dynamics of Poverty and Growth
Ali A. Ali and Ibrahim A. Elbadawi
CID Working Paper No. 32, December 1999
Characteristics and Behaviour of African Factor Markets and Market Institutions and Their Consequences for Economic Growth
Adeola F. Adenikinju and Olugboyega Oyeranti
CID Working Paper No. 31, December 1999
Economic Consequences of Health Status: A Review of the Evidence
Amar A. Hamoudi and Jeffrey D. Sachs
CID Working Paper No. 30, December 1999
Technological Change, Investment in Human Capital, and Economic Growth
Yong Jin Kim and Jong-Wha Lee
CID Working Paper No. 29, November 1999
Does Microcredit Reach the Poor and Vulnerable? Evidence from Northern Bangladesh
Sajeda Amin, Ashok S. Rai, and Giorgio Topa
CID Working Paper No. 28, Revised December 2001
Ethnicity, Capital Formation, and Conflict
Robert H. Bates
CID Working Paper No. 27, October 1999
Currency Crises: Is Central America Different?
Gerardo Esquivel and Felipe Larraín
CID Working Paper No. 26, September 1999
Border, Border, Wide and Far, How We Wonder What You Are
David C. Parsley and Shang-Jin Wei
CID Working Paper No. 25, September 1999
Climate, Water Navigability, and Economic Development
Andrew D. Mellinger, Jeffrey D. Sachs, and John L. Gallup
CID Working Paper No. 24, September 1999
Local Growth Empirics
Jordan Rappaport
CID Working Paper No. 23, July 1999
Financial Institutions, Financial Contagion, and Financial Crises
Haizhou Huang and Chenggang Xu
CID Working Paper No. 21, July 1999
Ownership and Managerial Competition: Employee, Customer, and Outside Ownership
Patrick Bolton and Chenggang Xu
CID Working Paper No. 20, July 1999
Local Growth Theory
Jordan Rappaport
CID Working Paper No. 19, June 1999
International Trade and Income Distribution
Xiaokai Yang and Dingsheng Zhang
CID Working Paper No. 18, June 1999
In Quest of the Political: The Political Economy of Development Policy Making
Merilee S. Grindle
CID Working Paper No. 17, June 1999
Theoretical Foundation of Economic Development Based on Networking Decisions in the Competitive Market
Guangzhen Sun, Xiaokai Yang, and Shuntian Yao
CID Working Paper No. 16, June 1999
Demographic Change and Economic Growth in Asia
David E. Bloom, David Canning, and Pia N. Malaney
CID Working Paper No. 15, May 1999
Pattern of Trade and Economic Development in the Model of Monopolistic Competition
Jeffrey D. Sachs, Xiaokai Yang, and Dingsheng Zhang
CID Working Paper No. 14, April 1999
An Infra-marginal Analysis of the Ricardian Model
Wen-Li Chen, Jeffrey D. Sachs. and Xiaokai Yang
CID Working Paper No. 13, April 1999
A Ricardian Model with Endogenous Comparative Advantage and Endogenous Trade Policy Regimes
Wen Li Cheng, Meng-chun Liu, and Xiaokai Yang
CID Working Paper No. 12, April 1999
Gradual Spread of Market-Led Industrialization
Jeffrey D. Sachs and Xiaokai Yang
CID Working Paper No. 11, April 1999
Division of Labor, Transaction Cost, Emergence of the Firm and Firm Size
Pak-Wai Liu and Xiaokai Yang
CID Working Paper No. 10, April 1999
An Inframarginal Analysis of the Heckscher-Olin Model with Transaction Costs and Technological Comparative Advantage
Wen Li Cheng, Jeffrey D. Sachs, and Xiaokai Yang
CID Working Paper No. 9, April 1999
The Division of Labor, Investment, and Capital
Xiaokai Yang
CID Working Paper No. 8, March 1999
Specialization, Information, and Growth: A Sequential Equilibrium Analysis
Yew-Kwang Ng and Xiaokai Yang
CID Working Paper No. 7, March 1999
Foreign Portfolio Investors before and during a Crisis
Woochan Kim and Shang-Jin Wei
CID Working Paper No. 6, March 1999
The Big Players in the Foreign Exchange Market: Do They Trade on Information or Noise?
Shang-Jin Wei and Jungshik Kim
CID Working Paper No. 5, March 1999
Overinvestment, Collateral Lending, and Economic Crisis
Yong Jin Kim and Jong-Wha Lee
CID Working Paper No. 4, March 1999
Trade Pattern and Economic Development when Endogenous and Exogenous Comparative Advantages Coexist
Jeffrey D. Sachs, Xiaokai Yang, and Dingsheng Zhang
CID Working Paper No. 3, March 1999
The Changing Global Distribution of Malaria: A Review
Amar Hamoudi and Jeffrey D. Sachs
CID Working Paper No. 2, March 1999
Geography and Economic Development
John Luke Gallup and Jeffrey D. Sachs, with Andrew Mellinger
CID Working Paper No. 1, March 1999