Framing the Fundamental Issues of Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

CID Faculty Working Paper No. 104

Akin L. Mabogunje
March 2004


This paper frames the fundamental issues of sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa. The paper begins by considering the general problems of development in sub-Saharan Africa and then frames the issues as the maintenance or enhancement of the region's capital stocks. It describes the integration of the region into the global capitalist economy and considers how to integrate science and technology into the development culture of the region through greater concern with social learning. A concluding section reflects on the imperative of a new value and cultural orientation if sub-Saharan Africa is to meet the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations and those of the New Partnership for Africa's Development articulated by African governments themselves.

Keywords: Sub-Saharan Africa, sustainable development, sustainability science, social learning, science and technology, S&T, globalization, social capital, knowledge systems

JEL subject codes: F02, N57, O19, O33, Q01, Q56, Z13