Fellow & Graduate Student Working Papers
All Harvard graduate students and research fellows affiliated with CID are invited to submit their papers on international development, with prior approval from a CID faculty associate. Alumni students and fellows may submit papers for consideration so long as the papers are based on research conducted while affiliated with CID. For more information, please review our working paper submission guidelines.
What is South Africa's Crop Potential?
Federico Sturzenegger, Bailey Klinger, and Ivan Ordonez
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 149
May 2023
Scaling Partnerships to Activate Idle Community Land in South Africa
Bailey Klinger, Ivan Ordonez and Federico Sturzenegger
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 148
May 2023
The Connectivity Trap: Stuck between the Forest and Shared Prosperity in the Colombian Amazon
Patricio Goldstein, Timothy Freeman, Alejandro Rueda-Sanz, Shreyas Gadgin Matha, Sarah Bui, Nidhi Rao, Timothy Cheston and Sebastián Bustos
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 147
February 2023
Evaluating the Principle of Relatedness: Estimation, Drivers and Implications for Policy
Yang Li and Frank Neffke
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 146
March 2023
The Economic Tale of Two Amazons: Lessons in Generating Shared Prosperity while Protecting the Forest in the Peruvian and Colombian Amazon
Timothy Cheston and Alejandro Rueda-Sanz
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 145
February 2023
Diagnosing Human Capital as a Binding Constraint to Growth: Tests, Symptoms and Prescriptions
Miguel Angel Santos and Farah Hani
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 144
March 2023 (originally published July 2021)
The Value of Early-Career Skills
Christina Langer and Simon Wiederhold
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 143
February 2023
Search, Transport Costs, and Labor Markets in South Africa
Kishan Shah and Federico Sturzenegger
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 142
October 2022
The Long-run Effects of South Africa's Forced Resettlements on Employment Outcomes
Alexia Lochmann, Nidhi Rao, and Martin A. Rossi
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 141
October 2022
Diagnosing Drivers of Spatial Exclusion: Places, People, and Policies in South Africa's Former Homelands
Alexia Lochmann
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 140
November 2022
Getting Back on the Curve: South Africa's Manufacturing Challenge
Andres Fortunato
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 139
November 2022
Unraveling the Complexity: A User-centered Design Process for Narrative Visualization
Nil Tuzcu, Annie White, Brendan Leonard, and Steven Geofrey
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 136
October 2022
Diagnosing South Africa's High Unemployment and Low Informality
Kishan Shah
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 138
September 2022
A Measure of Countries' Distance to Frontier Based on Comparative Advantage
Ulrich Schetter
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 135
September 2022
Bringing Development Strategy Back In: New Insights from China, South Korea and Singapore
Karim Sarhan
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 134
July 2022
More (Inclusive) Entrepreneurship in South Africa: The Role of Franchising
Bailey Klinger
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 137
June 2022
The Quest for Increased Saudization: Labor Market Outcomes and the Shadow Price of Workforce Nationalization Policies
Michael Lopesciolo, Daniela Muhaj, and Carolina Pan
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 132
July 2021
Understanding Saudi Private Sector Employment And Unemployment
Farah Hani and Michael Lopesciolo
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 131
March 2021
Inequality, Openness, and Growth through Creative Destruction
Adrian Jäggi, Ulrich Schetter, Maik T. Schneider
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 130
February 2021
Assessing Ukraine’s Role in European Value Chains: A Gravity Equation-cum-Economic Complexity Analysis Approach
Matté Hartog, J. Ernesto López-Córdova and Frank Neffke
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 129
October 2020
Income Changes after Inter-city Migration
Eduardo Lora
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 128
October 2020
Air Transportation and Regional Economic Development: A Case Study for the New Airport in South Albania
Shreyas Gadgin Matha, Patricio Goldstein, Jessie Lu
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 127
June 2020
Quality Differentiation, Comparative Advantage, and International Specialization Across Products
Ulrich Schetter
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 126
April 2020
Does Birthplace affect Economic Complexity? Cross-country Evidence
Dany Bahar, Hillel Rapoport, Riccardo Turati
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 125
March 2020
Migrant Inventors and the Technological Advantage of Nations
Dany Bahar, Prithwiraj Choudhury, Hillel Rapoport
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 124
February 2020
Profit Sharing, Industrial Upgrading, and Global Supply Chains: Theory and Evidence
XiaoJi Liu, Haiyue Liu, ShiYi Liu, Jim H. Shen, Chien-Chiang Lee
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 123
February 2020
Skill Mismatch and the Costs of Job Displacement
Franke Neffke, Ljubica Nedelkoska, and Simon Wiederhold
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 122
January 2020
On Globalization and the Concentration of Talent
Ulrich Schetter and Oriol Tejada
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 121
December 2019, revised October 2020
A Structural Ranking of Economic Complexity
Ulrich Schetter
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 119
November 2019
Migration and Post-conflict Reconstruction: The Effect of Returning Refugees on Export Performance in the Former Yugoslavia
Dany Bahar, Andreas Hauptmann, Cem Özgüzel, and Hillel Rapoport
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 120
October 2019
Social Mobility Explains Populism, Not Inequality or Culture
Eric S. M. Protzer
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 118
September 2019 (Revised May 2021)
Tax Avoidance in Buenos Aires: The Case of Ingresos Brutos
Carolina Ines Pan
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 117
September 2019
Converge and European Value Chains: How Deep Integration Can Reignite Convergence in the EU
Marisa Rama
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 116
September 2019
Empleo Femenino en las Ciudades Colombianas: Un Método de Descripción Estadística
Eduardo Lora
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 115
May 2019
Forecasting Formal Employment in Cities
Eduardo Lora
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 114
May 2019
Minimizing Smuggling and Restoring Public Trust in the Philippine Bureau of Customs
Kenneth Abante
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 113
March 2019
Exit and Foreign Ownership: Evidence from Export-Oriented Firms in Sri Lanka
Daniel Stock
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 112
March 2019
Globalization and Protectionism: AMLO's 2006 Presidential Run
Sebastián Bustos and José Morales
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 111
February 2019
Production Ability and Economic Growth
Sebastián Bustos and Muhammed A. Yildirim
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 110
March 2019
The Impact of the Mexican Drug War on Trade
Jesus Gorrin, Jose Morales, and Bernardo Ricca
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 109
February 2019
Tabasco: Policy Recommendations
Douglas Barrios, Johanna Ramos, Jorge Tapia, and Ana Grisanti
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 108
September 2018
Tabasco: Economic Complexity Report
Douglas Barrios, Johanna Ramos, Jorge Tapia, Ana Grisanti, and José Ramón Morales
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 107
September 2018
Tabasco: Growth Diagnostic
Douglas Barrios, Johanna Ramos, Jorge Tapia, Ana Grisanti, and Juan Obach
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 106
September 2018
Tabasco: Industrial Diagnostic
Douglas Barrios, Johanna Ramos, Jorge Tapia, and Ana Grisanti
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 105
September 2018
Campeche: Industrial Diagnostic
Douglas Barrios, Johanna Ramos, Jorge Tapia, and Ana Grisanti
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 104
September 2018
Campeche: Policy Recommendations
Douglas Barrios, Johanna Ramos, Jorge Tapia, and Ana Grisanti
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 103
September 2018
Campeche: Economic Complexity Report
Douglas Barrios, Johanna Ramos, Jorge Tapia, Ana Grisanti, and José Ramón Morales
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 102
September 2018
Campeche: Growth Diagnostic
Douglas Barrios, Johanna Ramos, Jorge Tapia, Anna Grisanti, and Juan Obach
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 101
September 2018
Baja California: Policy Recommendations
Douglas Barrios, Johanna Ramos, Jorge Tapia, and Ana Grisanti
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 100
September 2018
Baja California: Industrial Diagnostic
Douglas Barrios, Johanna Ramos, Jorge Tapia, and Ana Grisanti
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 99
September 2018
Baja California: Growth Diagnostic
Douglas Barrios, Johanna Ramos, Jorge Tapia, Ana Grisanti, and Juan Obach
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 98
September 2018
Baja California: Economic Complexity Report
Douglas Barrios, Johanna Ramos, Jorge Tapia, Ana Grisanti, and José Ramón Morales
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 97
September 2018
There is a Future after Cars: Economic Growth Analysis for Hermosillo
Douglas Barrios, Ana Grisanti, Jose Ramon Morales, Juan Obach, Johanna Ramos, Miguel Angel Santos, and Jorge Tapia
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 96
October 2018
Growth Diagnostic for the State of Oaxaca
Rafael Rivera Sánchez, Angel Sarmiento Hinojosa and Sebastián Serra Wright
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 95
September 2018
On the Scaling Patterns of Infectious Disease Incidence in Cities
Oscar Patterson-Lomba and Andres Gomez-Leivano
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 94
September 2018
Is Our Human Capital General Enough to Withstand the Current Wave of Technological Change?
Ljubica Nedelkoska, Dario Diodato, and Frank Neffke
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 93
August 2018
The Exposure of U.S. Manufacturing Industries to Exchange Rates
Willem Thorbecke
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 92
March 2018
Growth Accelerations Strategies
Michele Peruzzi and Alessio Terzi
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 91
April 2018
Social Networks and the Intention to Migrate
Miriam Manchin and Sultan Orazbayev
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 90
March 2018
Why do Industries Coagglomerate? How Marshallian Externalities Differ by Industry and Have Evolved Over Time
Dario Diodato, Frank Neffke, and Neave O'Clery
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 89
February 2018
Macroeconomic Adjustment in the Euro Area
Alessio Terzi
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 88
February 2018
The Middle Productivity Trap: Dynamics of Productivity Dispersion
Dany Bahar
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 87
September 2017
The Birth and Growth of New Export Clusters: Which Mechanisms Drive Diversification?
Dany Bahar, Ernesto Stein, Rodrigo Wagner, and Samuel Rosenow
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 86
September 2017
The Hardships of Long Distance Relationships: Time Zone Proximity and Knowledge Transmission within Multinational Firms
Dany Bahar
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 85
August 2017 (Revised August 2019)
International Emigrant Selection on Occupational Skills
Alexander Patt, Jens Ruhose, Simon Wiederhold, and Miguel Flores
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 84
June 2017
Fool's Gold: On the Impact of Venezuelan Devaluations in Multinational Stock Prices
Dany Bahar, Carlos Alberto Molina, and Miguel Angel Santos
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 83
May 2017 (Revised June 2018)
Wide-reaching Structural Reforms and Growth: A Cross-country Synthetic Control Approach
Pasquale Marco Marrazzo and Alessio Terzi
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 82
April 2017
Sanctions and Export Deflection: Evidence from Iran
Jamal Ibrahim Haider
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 80
January 2017
Coworker Complementarity
Frank Neffke
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 79
January 2017
Of Knights and Squires: European Union and the Modernization of Albania
Ermal Frasheri
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 81
March 2016
The Path to Labor Formality: Urban Agglomeration and the Emergence of Complex Industries
Neave O’Clery, Andres Gomez-Lievano and Eduardo Lora
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 78
October 2016
City Size, Distance and Formal Employment
Neave O’Clery and Eduardo Lora
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 77
October 2016
Agglomeration Economies: The Heterogeneous Contribution of Human Capital and Value Chains
Dario Diodato, Frank Neffke, and Neave O’Clery
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 76
August 2016
Pobreza, cobertura de las Misiones y necesidades de protección social para la reforma económica de Venezuela
Luis Pedro España, José Ramón Morales, Douglas Barrios
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 74
June 2016
More Goals, More Growth? A Take on the Mexican Sports Economy through the Economic Complexity Framework
Alfredo Guerra
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 73
July 2016
Inter-industry Labor Flows
Frank Neffke, Anne Otto and Antje Weyh
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 72
March 2016
The Mobility of Displaced Workers: How the Local Industry Mix Affects Job Search Strategies
Frank Neffke, Anne Otto and Cesar Hidalgo
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 71
March 2016
Do Political Connections Reduce Job Creation? Evidence from Lebanon
Ishac Diwan and Jamal Ibrahim Haidar
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 70
June 2016
What Bangs for Your Bucks? Assessing the Design and Impact of Transformative Policy
Matthijs Janssen
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 69
June 2016
One More Resource Curse: Dutch Disease and Export Concentration
Dany Bahar and Miguel Santos
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 68
May 2016
Report on the Poblacion Flotante of Bogota
Michele Coscia, Frank Neffke and Eduardo Lora
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 67
December 2015
New Insights About Wage Inequality in Colombia
Andres Gomez-Lievano, Juan Tellez and Eduardo Lora
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 66
December 2015
Piloto de Crecimiento Inclusivo en comunidades indígenas de Chiapas (Cruztón, Chamula)
Miguel Santos, Silvio Dal Buoni, Celeste Lusetti, Elisabeth Garriga
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 65
November 2015
The Right Fit for the Wrong Reasons: Real Business Cycle in an Oil-Dependent Economy
Miguel Santos
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 64
September 2015
The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance
Simon Weiderhold, et al
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 63
December 2014
Beyond Pay-As-You-Go and Full-Capitalization Pension Systems: Why Notional Accounts Are a Suitable Option for Latin America
Eduardo Lora
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 62
August 2014
Agents of Structural Change
Frank Neffke, Matté Hartog, Ron Boschma, and Martin Henning
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 75
April 2014
Screening Seguro Popular: The Political Economy of Universal Health Coverage in Mexico
José Carlos R. Pueblita
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 61
June 2013
Is Education a Safety Rope? A Longitudinal Study of Inter-generational Consequences of Temporal Shocks on Mexican Families
José Carlos R. Pueblita, Luis Rubalcava, Graciela Teruel
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 60
August 2013
A Capable State in Afghanistan
Frauke de Weijer
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 59
May 2013
Rethinking Approaches to Managing Change in Fragile States
Frauke de Weijer
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 58
September 2012
How and where do criminals operate? Using Google to track Mexican drug trafficking organizations
Michele Coscia, Viridiana Rios
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 57
August 2012
Socio-Economic Sustainability of Biofuel Production in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from a Jatropha Outgrower Model in Rural Tanzania
Elisa Portale
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 56
January 2012
Tackling the Capability Gap in Utility Firms: Applying Management Research to Infrastructure Sectors
Hagen Worch, Bernhard Truffer, Mundia Kabinga, Jochen Markard, and Anton Eberhard
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 55
January 2012
Integrating Ecosystem Services in Land Use Planning: Concepts and Applications
Davide Geneletti
CID Research Fellow & Graduate Student Working Paper No. 54
January 2012
Sustainable Agriculture Enterprise: Framing Strategies to Support Smallholder Inclusive Value Chains for Rural Poverty Alleviation
Daniele Guidi
CID Research Fellow & Graduate Student Working Paper No. 53
October 2011
Effect of Polyploidy on Ecophysiology of Four-Wing Saltbush: Implications for its Sustainable Use in Agriculture and Degraded Land Reclamation
Guangyou Hao
CID Research Fellow & Graduate Student Working Paper No. 52
August 2011
Linking Leaf Senescence to Ecosystem Productivity: Physiological Mechanisms and Ecological Processes
Juan Pablo Giraldo
CID Research Fellow & Graduate Student Working Paper No. 51
August 2011
Market Inefficiencies and the Adoption of Agricultural Technologies in Developing Countries
B. Kelsey Jack
CID Research Fellow & Graduate Student Working Paper No. 50
May 2011
Communal Taps: Assessing the Impact of Shared Pipe Water Supplies in Kyrgyzstan
Robyn Meeks
CID Research Fellow & Graduate Student Working Paper No. 49
April 2011
The Effect of Ethnic Violence on an Export-Oriented Industry
C. Ksoll, R. Macchiavello, and A. Morjaria
CID Research Fellow & Graduate Student Working Paper No. 48
December 2010
Environmental Regionalism: The Challenge of the Alpine Convention and the "Strange Case" of the Andean Community
Jon Marco Church
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 47
September 2010
Is the Tax Credit for SME in Chile an Effective Policy to Boost Investment?
Cristobal Marshall
CID Working Paper No. 46
July 2010
Managing the Risks of Mobile Money: The Banking Agent Reform in Kenya
A Scenario-Based Policy Analysis
Stefan Jansen
CID Working Paper No. 45
April 2010
Social Norms and Motivation Crowding in Environmental Protection: Evidence from a (Lab) Field Experiment
Giovanna d'Adda
CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 44
February 2010
The Impact of Natural Disasters on Human Development and Poverty at the Municipal Level in Mexico
Eduardo Rodriguez-Oreggia
CID Working Paper No. 43
January 2010
Alternative Consumer Price Indexes for Mexico
Carlos Guerrero de Lizardi
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 42
January 2010
Monetary Policy Channels of Pakistan and Their Impact on Real GDP and Inflation
Karrar Hussain
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 41, October 2009
Does Gender Influence Forest Management? Exploring Cases from East Africa and Latin America
Esther Mwangi, Ruth Meinzen-Dick and Yan Sun
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 40, October 2009
Causal Ordering Between Inflation and Productivity of Labor and Capital: An Empirical Approach for Pakistan
Karrar Hussain
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 39, October 2009
Aid and Fertility
Dany Bahar
CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 38, May 2009
Standardization, Certification and Labeling: Lessons from Theory and Practice
Kira JM Matus
CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 37, May, 2009
Medicines as Global Public Goods: The Historical Evolution of and Contemporary Debates on Technological Innovation for Global Health
Suerie Moon
CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 36, May, 2009
Auctioning Conservation Contracts in Indonesia - Participant Learning in Multiple Trial Rounds
Kelsey B. Jack
CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 35, May 2009
Boundary Organizations, Objects and Agents: Linking Knowledge with Action in Agroforestry Watersheds. Report of a Workshop held in Batu, Malang, East Java, Indonesia, 26–29 July 2007
Elizabeth C. McNie, Meine van Noordwijk, William C. Clark, Nancy M. Dickson, Niken Sakuntaladewi, Suyanto, Laxman Joshi, Beria Leimona, Kurniatun Hairiah, and Noviana Khususiyah
CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 34, December 2008
Think Locally, Act Globally: New Challenges to Environmental Governance
Marcel Bursztyn
CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 33, In Press
The Ruffolo Curriculum on Sustainability Science 2008 Edition
Krister Andersson, Michael Burns, Marcel Bursztyn, Adam Douglas Henry, Ann Laudati, Kira Matus, Elizabeth McNie
CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 32, December 2008
Economic Valuation of Mangroves in the Niger Delta: An interdisciplinary approach
Godstime James
CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 31, In Press
Ladies First? Gender and the Community Management of Water Infrastructure in Kenya
Jessica Leino
CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 30, In Press
Exploring sustainability science from a southern African perspective
Michael Burns and Alex Weaver
CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 29, In Press
Managing the Remaining Commons: Challenges to Sustainability in the Brazilian Northeast
Luiz Antonio Ferraro Júnior and Marcel Burztyn
CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 28, December 2008
Social Inclusion or Poverty Alleviation? Lessons from Recent Brazilian Experiences
Vanessa Maria de Castro and Marcel Bursztyn
CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 27, December 2008
Motivation to Engage in Social Learning about Sustainability: An Institutional Analysis
Krister Andersson
CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 26, December 2008
Linking Knowledge with Action Using Community Facilitators to Span Boundaries: Lessons from East Africa
David Nkedianye, Dickson Kaelo, Robin Reid, Moses Neselle, Leonard Onetu, Ogeli Makui, Mohammed Said, Steven Kiruswa, Patti Kristjanson, Ololtisatti Kamuaro, Shem Kifugo, Nancy Dickson, and William Clark
CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 25, December 2008
Sustainability Science and the University: Towards Interdisciplinarity
Marcel Bursztyn
CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 24, February 2008
Consumption Smoothing and Household Responses: Evidence from Random Exogenous Health Shocks
Manoj Mohanan
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 23, January 2008
Political Articulation and Accountability in Decentralization: Theory and Evidence from India
Ashwini Chhatre
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 22, November 2007
Integrating Science and Practice for the Mitigation of Natural Disasters: Barriers, Bridges, Propositions
Juergen Weichselgartner
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 21, October 2007
Decomposing World Export Growth and the Relevance of New Destinations
Andres Zahler
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 20, August 2007
Development Strategy, Optimal Industrial Structure and Economic Growth in Less Developed Countries
Justin Yifu Lin and Pengfei Zhang
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 19, July 2007
Environmental Regulation and Land Use Change: Do Local Wetlands Bylaws Slow the Conversion of Open Space to Residential Uses?
Katharine R. E. Sims and Jenny Schuetz
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 18, May 2007
Development Strategy and Economic Institutions in Less Developed Countries
Justin Yifu Lin and Pengfei Zhang
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 17, March 2007
Uncertainty in the Search for New Exports
Bailey Klinger
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 16, February 2007
Lessons Relearned: Can Previous Research on Incentive-Based Mechanisms Point the Way for Payments for Ecosystem Services?
B. Kelsey Jack, Carolyn Kousky, and Katharine Emans Sims
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 15, January 2007
Economic Development and Innovation: Problem-solving in Scarcity Conditions
Smita Srinivas and Judith Sutz
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 13, November 2006
Linking Knowledge and Action in Global Health – Current Concepts, Approaches, and Institutions
Nicole Szlezák
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 12, August 2006
Can Foreign Aid Create an Incentive for Good Governance? Evidence from the Millennium Challenge Corporation
Doug Johnson and Tristan Zajonc
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 11, April 2006
Vulnerability to Changes in Ecosystem Services
Dagmar Schröter
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 10, July 2005
Contraception as Development? New Evidence from Family Planning in Colombia
Grant Miller
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 9, May 2005
Dads, Disease and Death: Decomposing Daughter Discrimination
Joyce J. Chen
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 8, May 2005
Hepatitis B and the Case of the Missing Women
Emily Oster
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 7, March 2005 (Revised September 2005)
Instability and the Incentives for Corruption
Filipe R. Campante, Davin Chor, and Quoc-Anh Do
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 6, March 2005
The Quest for Global Sustainability: International Efforts on Linking Environment and Development
Henrik Selin and Björn-Ola Linnér
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 5, January 2005
Sexually Transmitted Infections, Sexual Behavior and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic
Emily Oster
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 4, January 2005
Characteristics of Leadership and Five Equator Prize 2002 Finalists
Vanessa Timmer
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 3, November 2004
Community-based Conservation and Leadership: Frameworks for Analyzing the Equator Initiative
Vanessa Timmer
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 2, November 2004
Institutions, Wages and Inequality: The Case of Europe and its Periphery (1500-1899)
Davin Chor
CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 1, September 2004