
  • Margaret McConnell
Policy Points Pregnancy and childhood are periods of heightened economic vulnerability, but current policies for addressing health-related social needs, including screening and referral programs, may be insufficient because of persistent gaps, incomplete follow-up, administrative burden, and limited take-up. To bridge gaps in the social safety net, direct provision of cash transfers to low-income families experiencing health challenges during pregnancy, infancy, and early childhood could provide families with the flexibility and support to enable caregiving, increase access to health care, and improve health outcomes.


McConnell, Margaret, Sumit Agarwal, Erika Hanson, Erin McCrady, Margaret G. Parker and Kira Bona. 2023. Prescription for Cash? Cash Support to Low-Income Families in Maternal and Pediatric Health Care Settings. The Milbank Quarterly 102, no. 1 (November): 64-82.