Malalgoda, C., Samaraweera, P. & Stock, D., 2018. Targeting Sectors For Investment and Export Promotion in Sri Lanka. Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Noor, S., O'Brien, T., & Stock, D., 2018. Can Industrial Zones Address the Binding Constraints to Sri Lanka’s Growth?, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Hausmann, R., 2018. Accessing Knowhow for Development, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Malalgoda, C., Samaraweera, P., & Stock, D., 2018. Targeting Sectors For Investment and Export Promotion in Sri Lanka, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Gunawardana, D.C.A., Kapukotuwa, S., Marra, P., O'Brien, T., Siriyalatha, N., & Stock, D., 2018. Opportunity Analysis of Agriculture Products in Sri Lanka, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
2018. Sri Lanka Growth Diagnostic, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University.
Hausmann, R., 2018, Increasing Your Chances of Success While Leaving Your Comfort Zone: Adapting Sri Lanka's Growth Model, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Frasheri, E., Nedelkoska, L., Noor, S., O'Brien, T., & Stock, D., 2017, Immigration Policy Research, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Klissurski, G. & Zuccolo, B., 2017. Diversification in the Industrial Sector of Albania: Identifying Strategic Areas, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Halff, A., Monaldi, F.; Palacios, L., & Santos, M., 2017. Apocalypse Now: Venezuela, Oil and Reconstruction, Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs
O'Brien, T., Nedelkoska, L. & Frasheri, E., 2017. What is the Binding Constraint to Growth in Albania?, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Guven, D. & Miagkyi, M., 2016. Albania's Credit Market, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Center for International Development, 2016. Targeting Investment from Japan: Promising Leads in Targeted Sectors in Sri Lanka, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Hausmann, R., 2016. Constraints to Sustained and Inclusive Growth in Sri Lanka, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Center for International Development, 2016. Sri Lanka's Edible Oils Exports, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Obuchi, R., Lira, B. & Raguá, D., 2016. Microeconomic binding constraints on private investment and growth in Venezuela, A. Guerra, ed., Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Jimenez, A., 2016. Increasing Exports of Albanian Cultivated Fish to the EU, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Nedelkoska, L. & Khaw, N., 2015. The Albanian Community in the United States: Statistical Profiling of the Albanian-Americans, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Paul, B.V., 2015. Assessing the Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Albania, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Kumar, R., 2015. Conditions for Re-Opening Exports of Albanian Mussels to to the EU, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Orozco, M., 2015. The Demand for and Supply of Nostalgic Products among the Albanian-Americans: A Survey, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Ali, O., 2015. Revitalizing the Albanian Electricity Sector, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Alsweilem, K., Cummine, A., Rietveld, M., & Tweedie, K., 2015. Sovereign Investor Models: Institutions and Policies for Managing Sovereign Wealth, Center for International Development at Harvard University, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Alsweilem, K., Cummine, A., Rietveld, M., & Tweedie, K., 2015. A Comparative Study of Sovereign Investor Models: Sovereign Fund Profiles, Center for International Development at Harvard University, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Alsweilem, K., 2015. A Stable and Efficient Fiscal Framework for Saudi Arabia, Center for International Development at Harvard University, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Kramarz, F., & Viarengo, M., 2015. Using Education and Training to Prevent and Combat Youth Unemployment, European Expert Network on Economics of Education Analytics Report No. 22
Ajzenman, N., 2014. Fresh Tomatoes: Ideas to Build a Productive Ecosystem, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University.
Lawrence, R., Frasheri, E. & Qazi, M., 2014. Integration in the Balkans: Albania and Kosovo, Growth Lab, Center for International Development at Harvard University
Hanna, Rema, Vivi Alatas, Abhijit Banerjee, Benjamin Olken, Matthew Wai-Poi, and Ririn Purnamasari. 2014. Targeting the Poor: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Indonesia. 12th ed. Vol. Impact Evaluation Report. International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), Impact Evaluation Report, 12.
Pande, Rohini, Michael Greenstone, Raahil Madhok, and Hardik Shah. 2013. Water Pollution and Public health in India: The Potential for a Market-friendly Approach. Harvard South Asia Institute, 61-67.