About the Series:
The Harvard Kennedy School Seminar in Conflict Management and Depolarization showcases cutting edge research on topics related to interpersonal, intergroup, organizational, and political conflict. The seminar offers an opportunity for scholars from psychology, political science, economics, organizational behavior and related disciplines to share research results and discuss their scientific and practical implications.
Upcoming Series Speakers and Events:
- Matthew Levendusky, Professor of Political Science and Faculty Director of the Fels Institute of Government at the University of Pennsylvania and Stephen and Mary Baran Chair in the Institutions of Democracy at the Annenberg Public Policy Center, presents "The Long Shadow of The Big Lie: How Beliefs about the Legitimacy of the 2020 Election Spill Over onto Future Elections"
Past Series Speakers and Events:
- Gordon Pennycook, Assistant Professor of Behavioural Science at the University of Regina’s Hill and Levene Schools of Business, presents: "Lazy, not biased: Failing to reason is more common than motivated reasoning"
- Kristin Laurin, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia, presents: "Friends Taking Enemies’ Perspectives"
- Laurie Weingart, Richard M. and Margaret S. Cyert Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory at the Carnegie Mellon University Tepper School of Business, presents: "Capturing the Experience of Conflict Expression of Individuals and Groups
- Juliana Schroeder, Assistant Professor at the University of California Berkeley’s School of Business, presents: "Improving Civil Discourse: The Role of Communication Medium in Conflict Resolution."
- Eli Finkel, Professor of Psychology and Management at Northwestern University, presents: "The Calvary is Not Coming."
- Brendan Nyhan, James O. Freedman Presidential Professor at Dartmouth College's Department of Government, presents: “Subscriptions and external links help drive resentful users to alternative and extremist YouTube videos”
- David Hagmann, assistant professor in the Department of Management at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, presents: "Agent-Selection and Belief Polarization in Distributive Bargaining."