Negotiate WELL - Work, Education, Life, and Leadership

The Negotiate WELL Project at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for Public Leadership (CPL) produces evidence-based, multimedia educational materials to support diverse professionals negotiating pivotal life stages, including early career to executive leadership, work and family boundaries, and historically marginalized perspectives. The content produced is accessible via the Harvard Kennedy School case program. These materials are used across the United States and worldwide, based on downloads by educators at more than 50 institutions in 38 countries.

Find links to cases, a workbook, videos, slides, background readings, and teaching notes on the Harvard Kennedy School CASE webpage to facilitate in-class or asynchronous instruction. 

See links below to webinars on gender in negotiation:

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Negotiate WELL Podcast (hosted by Jesus Murillo with content direction by Hannah Riley Bowles)

  • Ep. 1: Be SURE Framework Introduction and Start with Your Goals
  • Ep. 2: Understand What You're Negotiating For
  • Ep. 3: Reducing Ambiguity about What, how, and with Whom You Might Negotiate
  • Ep. 4: Enhancing Your Negotiations Through Relationship + Your Relationships Through Negotiations 

Listen to the Negotiate WELL podcast on Apple Podcasts.

Publications for Practice


Leadership advancement at the Negotiate WELL project has been inspired by and developed through a twenty-year engagement with the 1,000 alumnae of the Harvard Kennedy School Women and Power Executive Program

The Negotiate WELL Project is engaged in research and teaching collaborations with the Leadership Academy and Led By foundation to support the career advancement of emerging professionals from diverse backgrounds.



The Negotiate WELL Project acknowledges the generosity and support of the Harvard Kennedy School Women and Public Policy Program and the Carol J. Hamilton Funds.

Faculty Leadership

Hannah Riley Bowles Photo

Hannah Riley Bowles

Co-Director, Women and Public Policy Program
Roy E. Larsen Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Management