Spring 2019 Meeting of the M-RCBG Advisory Council
(1) Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress
- Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress (Steven Pinker)
- The Enlightenment Is Working (Steven Pinker)
- Enlightenment Wars: Some Reections on ‘Enlightenment Now,’ One Year Later (Steven Pinker)
- Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers (Steven Pinker)
(2) Global Climate Change - Environment and Energy Science, Economics and Policy
- What Have We Learned from 30 Years of Cap-and-Trade Programs? (Robert N. Stavins)
- The Economics (and Politics) of Trump's Paris Withdrawal (Robert N. Stavins)
- Some Reflections on the Role of Economics in Environmental Policy (Robert N. Stavins)
- Let’s Talk About Geoengineering (David Keith)
- Is It O.K. to Tinker With the Environment to Fight Climate Change? (Recommended by David Keith)
- Toward a Responsible Solar Geoengineering Research Program (David Keith)
- As planet warms, scientists explore ‘far out’ ways to reduce atmospheric CO2 (David Keith)
(3) Wealth Taxes - Fact, Fiction and Policy
- A broader tax base that closes loopholes would raise more money than plans by Ocasio-Cortez and Warren (Lawrence H. Summers)
- Fair, comprehensive tax reform is the right path forward (Lawrence H. Summers)
- How would a progressive wealth tax work? Evidence from the economics literature (Recommended by Jason Furman)
- The Role and Design of Net Wealth Taxes in the OECD (Recommended by Jason Furman)
- The Inequality Illusion: Why a Wealth Tax Won't Work (Wojciech Kopczuk)
- What do we know about evolution of top wealth shares in the United States? (Wojciech Kopczuk)
- Recent Evolution of Income and Wealth Inequality: Comments on Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Wojciech Kopczuk)
(4) Economic Development and "Place-Based" Policies in 21st Century America
- Jobs for the heartland: Place-based policies in 21st Century America (Edward Glaeser)
- The War on Work—and How to End It: An agenda to address joblessness, the great American domestic crisis of the twenty-first century (Edward Glaeser)
- The Benefits of Business Improvement Districts: Evidence from New York City (Ingrid Gould Ellen)
- No Easy Answers: Cautionary Notes for Competitive Cities (Ingrid Gould Ellen)
- Can Gentrification Be Inclusive? (Ingrid Gould Ellen)
- Do Foreclosures Cause Crime? (Ingrid Gould Ellen)
Administrative Contacts
- Kelly_Friendly@hks.harvard.edu, cell: 617-631-0677
- Scott_Leland@hks.harvard.edu, cell: 617-413-0249