October 21, 2021, Paper: "Chairwoman Waters, Ranking Member McHenry, and members of the Committee: Thank you for the invitation to discuss the importance of affordable housing to economic mobility. I appreciate the opportunity to testify today. Providing affordable housing in opportunity-rich neighborhoods can be a powerful lever for increasing upward economic mobility and breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty. The data are unequivocal: neighborhoods matter. From one’s future earnings, to their likelihood of attending college or becoming incarcerated to their health outcomes, neighborhoods play a key role in shaping children’s life trajectories. Unequal access to neighborhoods that provide opportunities for success amplify the stark racial and income disparities that are prevalent in America today. As I describe in the testimony that follows, increasing our supply of and improving families’ access to affordable housing in high-opportunity areas through federal support can help close these gaps and increase upward mobility, giving more children access to the American Dream." Read Via Publisher
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