
  • Sunil Gupta


2023, Paper: "The present day phenomenon which we call ‘globalization’, and which we understand to be primarily rooted in a powerful economic dynamic, is manifested the world over through the spread of new techno-cultural standards, certain uniformities in business practices and transforming societies. The globalized economy has impacted far-flung communities in various ways, creating common lifestyles (food courts and malls), expanding markets for branded products, and triggering migration. All of this within the context of a rapidly evolving digitalscape. Globalization has been seen as both good and bad, depending upon benefits and losses for communities. Migration of people chasing opportunities, while considered by proponents of a globalized world as necessary for innovation and growth, has been perceived by many settled populations as disruptive of local culture and tradition. In Runaway World: How Globalization is Reshaping our Lives (2003), Anthony Giddens articulates the uncertainties of the emerging globalized world, pointing to the ‘manufactured risks’ of new technologies, such as the unknown consequences of digital technologies and genetics.1 He cautions that modern globalization should not be seen solely in economic terms, that it is ‘political, technological and cultural, as well as economic’."