
  • Niall Ferguson


November 21, 2021, Opinion: "The pandemic is over. The pandemic is not over.  The transition from the pandemic to the endemic phase of Covid-19 is rife with uncertainty and confusion. This is why the world economy, and particularly the U.S. labor market, look so weird right now.  Let’s start with the topsy-turvy world of American work. Talk to almost any employer in almost any sector and you’ll hear the same lament. Turnover and absenteeism are ubiquitous. Transportation and warehousing firms have especially severe shortages. And younger hires lack the skills and experience to do the jobs. I’ve heard this from the highest of high-tech firms and I’ve heard it from the lowliest of home-building contractors. I’ve heard it in California and I’ve heard it in Florida and Texas."

HKS Author - Niall Ferguson