
October 2023, Paper:
M-RCBG Associate Working Paper No. 218

The Local Mission Zero Network Report

Rt Hon Chris Skidmore OBE MP
Lord Ben Houchen

Introduction Excerpt

“There is plenty of regional, local and community will to act on net zero, but too
often government gets in the way.
The UK government must provide central leadership
on net zero, but it must also empower people and places to deliver. Place-based action
on net zero will not only lead to more local support but can deliver better economic
outcomes as well.” Mission Zero, The Net Zero Review

For the Net Zero Review, taking a place based approach to policy delivery was a theme that ran across the entire report. “There is clearly a role for national coordination and direction-setting on net zero’ the Mission Zero report stated; ‘But to achieve a place-based, place-sensitive, locally-led transition to net zero, government must place its trust in local leaders and communities to deliver. If it does this, government can galvanise the ambition of communities and ensure that every corner of the country feels the economic and social benefits of action on climate change.”

The Review was clear that at present, that degree of trust and confidence in placing net zero powers in the hands of regional and local government was lacking. “Often, local leaders are better placed to engage with communities and businesses on net zero, better placed to understand the challenges and opportunities their areas face in transitioning to net zero, and better placed to deliver locally-tailored net zero interventions. However, they currently face a lack of clarity over their role, a disjointed and short term approach to funding, and require further support to build the capacity and capability needed locally to deliver a successful transition.”