July 2020, Paper: "The Online Appendix provides additional evidence and sensitivity checks. Section A shows the distribution of schooling by country-birth-decade. Section B details the sample construction process. In Section C we report validation checks of the IPUMS data on education with alternative cross-country and regional statistics. We also explore the relationship between educational attainment and various proxies of well-being across African regions using all available Demographic and Health as well as Afrobarometer Surveys. Section D provides details on family structure and cohabitation patterns across the millions of African households in our dataset. In Section E we report and discusses intergenerational mobility (IM) statistics, distinguishing between gender and rural-urban household residence. In Section F we present variable definitions and LASSO estimates for the correlational analysis where we associate educational mobility to at-independence, historical, and geographical features. In section G we describe sensitivity checks and additional results pertaining to the regional childhood exposure estimates."
Non-HKS Author Website - Alberto Alesina