December 2020, Book Chapter: "This chapter provides an overview of the evolution of international business (IB) over time as well as the predominant strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs). It highlights how international strategizing becomes more complex over time with MNEs moving from being coordinators of resources and managers of geographical distance to orchestrators of global value creating centers, a role that is changing again as value chains are restricted in response to the growth of political nationalism. The chapter highlights the recent dialog between IB history and IB strategy, and the opportunities for further interdisciplinary collaboration between the two disciplines in the production of research that is of both academic and practical relevance. The chapter challenges the idea that many unexpected IB challenges require strategies by MNEs that are labeled as “new.” Overall, it demonstrates how history can refine theory and provide learning opportunities for IB strategy researchers, practitioners, and policy makers."
Non-HKS Harvard Author Website - Geoffrey Jones