
Skidmore Book Cover

November 2023, Book: "Mission Zero is a landmark independent report into the delivery of the UK’s commitment to net zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. Its conclusions set out, for the first time, a new economic narrative for net zero and climate policy, demonstrating the vast financial opportunity that net zero can deliver.  Commissioned by the UK’s Prime Minister in September 2022, Mission Zero was the largest engagement exercise on net zero conducted to date. There were over 1,800 written evidence submissions to the review, which also held over fifty evidence roundtable sessions, visiting every devolved nation and region in the UK. Chaired by Chris Skidmore OBE, the former UK Energy Minister who signed net zero into law back in 2019, the Mission Zero report has been widely recognised as the most informative and detailed document which sets out what needs to be achieved on the UK’s pathway to net zero. Covering every sector and aspect of society, it is an indispensable guide to anyone interested in energy, climate and sustainability policy.  The report’s 129 recommendations have now been mostly adopted by the UK government, while its ten-year missions set out a fresh, long-term programmatic approach for delivering net zero more efficiently and at scale.  As all countries now set out their own delivery plans for achieving their Nationally Determined Contributions, as set out in the Glasgow Climate Pact at COP26, the Mission Zero review acts as a template for how all countries can map out future challenges and opportunities – and, above all, deliver their own pathway to net zero while also creating new jobs, industries and investment for the future."