HKS Affiliated Authors


2024, Opinion: "Cities are the nodes on our global lattice of travel and trade. They are the ports of entry for goods, people, ideas—and for viruses. The second of the IMF’s three critical missions is “encouraging the expansion of trade and economic growth.” Given the vital role that cities play in connecting the world, it’s almost impossible to think about the expansion of trade and economic growth without also thinking about cities. It is our belief that improving governance of the world’s cities and reducing the barriers that artificially divide them can help trade expand and economies grow. The link between cities and globalization is ong-standing. When ancient Athens was the hub of the Mediterranean region, it attracted human capital from across the Aegean Sea. As Athenians learned from outsiders and from each other, they generated a remarkable flourishing of genius in philosophy, sculpture, drama, architecture, and history. But connection to the outside world brought..."