
  • William Kerr


2021, Paper: "As  trade  barriers  such  as  tariffs  have  been  progressively  removed  in  multilateral  forums  and  preferential  trade  agreements,  further  trade  liberalization  requires  changes  that  reach  deeply  into  domestic  regu-latory  competency  and  territoriality.  Anti-globalization  activists  often  decry  the  erosion  of  sovereignty  that  such  liberalization  entails.  This  mingling  of  domestic  and  trade  policy  is  termed  intermestic  and  sug-gests  that  policy  initiatives  need  to  be  cognizant  of  the  concerns  of  both  spheres.  The  intermestic  nature  of  trade  liberalization  can  com-plicate  the  policymaking  environment.  As  a  result,  despite  the  good  intentions of policymakers when trade agreements are signed, progress may  be  slower  than  was  envisioned  prior  to  a  trade  agreement  com-ing into force. In some areas of policy, despite the cross-border nature of the issues, the development of policy is only notionally intermestic, while the reality is that policy development remains de facto domestic in  response to territorially defined forces, or alternatively can be dom-inated  by  international  initiatives  where  significant  aterritorial  forces  stimulate cooperation.Provisions for...."

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