Showing results 1 - 10 of 14

Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Jeffry Frieden
April 11, 2024, Audio: "Even optimal economic policies create winners and losers, and that’s where politics steps in. Trade liberalization is an example of a policy that can make…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Jeffry Frieden
March 2024, Opinion: "Politics is often messy, but it’s how society puts a value on things economists can’t measure. Even as the United States took its place as the world’s…
Jeffry Frieden Headshot
Jeffry Frieden
January 23, 2023, Audio: "Brazil and Argentina are expected to announce preliminary plans about a common currency this week. The two countries are now politically aligned,…
Jeffry Frieden Headshot
Jeffry Frieden
2022, Paper: "The growth rate of world trade appears to be slowing. Some of this slowdown is undoubtedly due to the combined impact of the global COVID pandemic, the Russian…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Jeffry Frieden
August 18, 2022, Paper: "Why do some societies embrace innovative technologies, policies, and ideas, while others are slow to adopt, and some even resist, them? Incumbent…
Jeffry Frieden
Jeffry Frieden
July 21, 2021, Paper: "Diversified business groups play a major role in the economies of many developing countries. Business group members, often from the same communal, ethnic,…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Jeffry Frieden
September 24, 2020, Video: "Two Friedens discuss the political economy of public health. Jeff is a Professor of Government at Harvard, Tom is a former CDC Director. Politics and…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Jeffry Frieden
September 19, 2020, Paper: "Why do some societies embrace innovation, while others resist it? New ideas, policies, and technologies often challenge existing patterns of social and…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Jeffry Frieden
2020, Paper: "For much of the post-World War Two period, the world seemed on a1 path of ever-greater collaboration among the principal economic centers. In the past2 decade,…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Jeffry Frieden
2020, Paper, "The COVID-19 pandemic strikingly illustrates the intersection of politics, economics, and other considerations. Public health experts have long warned that the world…