Showing results 1 - 10 of 132

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Ricardo Hausmann
April 4, 2024, Opinion: "The emerging consensus among conservationists and environmental organizations is that the best way to save the Amazon rainforest is to cultivate a “…
Ricardo Hausmann standing side profile facing camera
Ricardo Hausmann
November 24, 2023, Opinion: "When it comes to building a well-functioning economy, is industrial policy a vital nutrient that must be taken regularly and in modest amounts to…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Ricardo Hausmann
November 15, 2023, Paper: "It is painfully clear that South Africa is performing poorly, exacerbating problems such as inequality and exclusion. The economy’s ability to create…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Ricardo Hausmann
November 2023, Paper: "When South Africans threw off the structures of apartheid three decades ago, the nation captivated the world. The early 1990s marked a victory for…
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Ricardo Hausmann, Carmen Reinhart, Clemens Graf von Luckner, Jesus Daboin Pacheco
November 2023, Paper: "Lebanon’s current economic crisis ranks among the worst in recent history. GDP has collapsed by 38% in real terms. The Lebanese lira, which was fixed to the…
Ricardo Hausmann standing side profile facing camera
Ricardo Hausmann
July 2023, Opinion: "The location of industrial activities reflects our carbon-based energy system, with its low storage and transportation costs. Green energy, by contrast, is…
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Ricardo Hausmann
2023, Paper: "Growth Diagnostics exercises aim to identify the most binding constraints to economic growth in a place, taking account of historical patterns of growth and testing…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Ricardo Hausmann
2023, Paper: "Since the end of the 1990s, Kazakhstan has relied on oil and gas as the main drivers of economic growth. While this has led to rapid development of the country,…
Ricardo Hausmann standing facing to the left along a wall
Ricardo Hausmann
April 2023, Paper: "Loreto is a place full of contrasts. Although it is the largest department in Peru, it is one of the least populated in the country. Its capital, Iquitos, is…
Ricardo Hausmann standing side profile facing camera
Ricardo Hausmann
February 28, 2023, Opinion: "As Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Colombian President Gustavo Petro seek to increase state control of the electricity sector to…