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Jennifer Hochschild
Jennifer Hochschild
April 2021, Book: "Amid growing inequality within racial and ethnic groups, how do Americans decide where to live, where to work, and for whom to vote? While previous research has…
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David Deming, Jennifer Hochschild, Nathaniel Hendren, Will Dobbie, Daniel Schneider, Sandra Susan Smith, Danielle Allen, Cornell William Brooks, Dani Rodrik, Jason Furman, Michael Norton
January 2021, Video; "Each week five experts give their 8- minute pitch for a big question, important finding, promising policy solution, or research frontier for the next…
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Jennifer Hochschild
Political Inequality, “Real” Public Preferences, Historical Comparisons & Axes of Disadvantage. Jennifer Hochschild, June 28, 2019, Paper, "The essays in this issue of Dædalus…
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Jennifer Hochschild
Race, Class, Politics, and the Disappearance of Work. Jennifer Hochschild, June 5, 2017, Paper, ""When Work Disappears” has shaped research agendas on poverty, racial hierarchy,…
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Jennifer Hochschild
“Get your swabs out of my face!” Links between Institutional Context and Public Support for New Technologies. Jennifer Hochschild, June 6, 2016, Paper. "While not…
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Jennifer Hochschild
Redistributive Implications of Open Access, Jennifer Hochschild, June 2016, Paper. "This article addresses the virtues of gold open access (OA) from the perspective of its impact…
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Jennifer Hochschild
Race, Racial Inequality, and Biological Determinism in the Genetic and Genomic Era: Biological Determinism and Social Policy: Genetic Determinism, Technology Optimism, and Race:…