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Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Matthew Stephenson
2021, Paper: "Most global corruption statistics are based on estimation, extrapolation, or generalisation. How plausible are they? We review ten of the most widely cited claims,…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Matthew Stephenson
September 2020, Paper: "Endemic corruption in developing countries often seems intractable. Yet most countries that currently have relatively high public integrity were, at an…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Matthew Stephenson
GAB | The Global Anticorruption Blog. Matthew Stephenson, 2014, Opinion. "The Global Anticorruption Blog is devoted to promoting analysis and discussion of the problem of…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Matthew Stephenson
Does Separation of Powers Promote Stability and Moderation? Matthew Stephenson, June 2013, Paper. "It is often asserted that separation of legislative powers tends to make…