February 17, 2021, Video: "David Williams serves as the Director of Policy Outreach at Opportunity Insights, a research and public policy lab based at Harvard University dedicated to using big data to improve upward mobility in America. The lab is led by Professors Raj Chetty, John Friedman, and Nathaniel Hendren. David is tasked with supporting research and evidence-based policy change by creating and leading partnerships with communities across the country. Opportunity Insights’ current projects include Creating Moves to Opportunity (CMTO), a national housing mobility initiative, and the Charlotte Opportunity Initiative, a community-wide place-based initiative aimed at improving economic opportunity throughout Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. With a mission to develop scalable policy solutions that will empower families to rise through poverty, Opportunity Insights adopts a unique lab-based, team-based approach to economic research with a large team of “pre-doctoral” research fellows and policy experts. They believe they’re helping create the future of social sciences research." Watch Via The Policy Punchline Podcast
Non-HKS Harvard Author Website - David Williams