Faculty, Scholars, and Alumni Share Research and Ideas at 2019 Northeast Workshop. June 20, 2019


Joe Aldy on “Trade Shifts Pollution More than Regs Shift Trade. The Environmental Forum, Sep/Oct 2018

Joe Aldy on Improving Regulatory Transparency Through Retrospective Analysis. The Regulatory Review, August 2018


Joe Aldy on “Real World Policy Headwinds for Trump Climate Change Policy.” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, November 2017

Joe Aldy on Why a Minor Change to How EPA Makes Rules Could Radically Reduce Environmental Protection. The Conversation, June 2017

Antonio Weiss' op-ed in Bloomberg View, Financial Regulation Calls for 20/20 Vision and related policy brief published by the Peterson Institute 6/1/2017

Joe Aldy on “Advancing Regulatory Policy to Improve the Lives of the American People.” The Regulatory Review, May 2018

Joe Aldy featured in video: The Great Swap: A Bipartisan Solution to Climate Change 5/23/2017

Ben Heineman's blog post at the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, Wells Fargo Lessons: Will Leaders Ever Learn? 4/26/2017

Joseph Aldy's op-ed at The Conversation, Curbing climate change has a dollar value--here's how and why we measure it 3/12/2017

Systemic Risk Council, chaired by Paul Tucker, issues statement to the Finance Ministers, Governors, Chief Financial Regulators, and Legislative Committee Leaders of the G20 Countries 2/27/2017

Joseph Aldy op-ed at The Conversation, What Trump misses about regulations: They produce benefits as well as costs 2/5/2017


Daniel Cheung on The Regulatory Landscape Facing the Next President, a seminar led by Susan Dudley, former OIRA Administrator 10/13/2016

Daniel Cheung on A Bipartisan Proposal For Improving America’s Retirement Security and Personal Savings (seminar led by Brigitte Madrian) 9/20/2016

Comptroller Thomas Curry Releases OCC White Paper on Responsible Banking Innovation 4/1/16.

David Levine on OSHA: Job Killer or Stopping Jobs that Kill? 2/9/16.


Robert Lawrence and Robert Stavins on What the WTO can learn from Paris climate talks 12/7/15.

HPCA at COP21 coverage in the Harvard Gazette, Harvard's Stavins, Stowe compare climate change policies in Paris 12/6/15.

Robert Stavins on Why the Paris climate talks could yield a historic agreement 12/2/15.

Joseph Aldy on 'Trust but verify' should be a motto of Paris climate talks 11/30/15.

Jeffrey Frankel on The Trouble with International Policy Coordination 11/24/15.

Joseph Aldy on Designing Durable Climate Policy 10/20/15.

Kate Konschnik on Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals Reporting and Disclosure 9/22/15.

Jeffrey Frankel on The Right Time to Reform Fuel Pricing 8/7/15.

Jody Freeman and Kate Konschnik on A Climate Plan Businesses Can Like 8/3/15.

Jody Freeman on How Obama Plans to Beat His Climate Critics 8/3/15.

Robert Lawrence on Perhaps American Capitalism Isn't Broken After All 7/27/15.

Max Bazerman on Behavioral Science's Growing Role in Making Government Work Better 7/24/15.

Richard Lazarus on the US Supreme Court ruling blocking EPA's rules for power plants 6/30/15.

Joseph Aldy quoted in Natureon Getting a Fair Deal 5/21/15.

Hal Scott's Committee on Capital Markets Regulation releases quarterly financial penalties data5/12/15.

Joseph Aldy discusses climate change and divestment 4/14/2015.

Lewis B. Kaden shares lessons from the financial crisis at an RPP seminar 4/9/15.

Robert N. Stavins on the UN climate change body looks inward 3/9/15.

Mihaela Papa on the BRICS group in global regulation 2/26/15.

Richard Lazarus on no safety net 2/18/15.

Cass Sunstein on paying to slow climate change 2/9/15.

RPP faculty listed among SSRN's most-cited law school professors 1/29/15.

Guide to Courses on Regulation at Harvard University 1/26/15.

Cass Sunstein on the dangers of group think 1/14/15.

Robert Stavins' Harvard Project on Climate Agreements co-hosts two official side events at COP-20 1/7/15.

Lawrence Summers' op-ed in the Washington Post, Oil's Swoon Creates an Opportunity for a Carbon Tax 1/4/15.

Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis announces spring conference 1/3/15


See additional archived news items dating back to 2001 here.