News Archive
Sustainability Science Program
- Bill Clark gave a presentation at the Vatican for the 2018 Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on Transformative Roles of Science in Society: From Emerging Basic Science toward Solutions for People's Wellbeing [Conference Statement] [Presentation] (11/14)
- The Stockholm Seminar Series at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences featured a presentation by Bill Clark and Alicia Harley on the state of sustainability science [Video] (10/4)
- Seminar hosted on The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in India: Indirect management of groundwater through electricity sector reforms, Aditi Mukherji, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Nepal; and Coordinating Lead Author, Water Chapter/Working Group II, IPCC 6th Assessment Report (10/22)
- M-RCBG Seminar: How the Rise of Public-Private Partnerships is Changing International Governance. Liliana Andonova (Ruffolo Fellow '11), The Graduate Institute, Geneva (9/11)
- SSP Working Paper published, A Perfect Brew: Leveraging Intangible Capital to Move up the Coffee Value Chain (SSP 2018-01) coauthored by late HKS colleague Calestous Juma (5/23)
- Jess Newman (Goldberg Fellow '15) included in Forbes' "30 Under 30 in Energy 2018: Fueling A More Sustainable Future" [Profile] (11/14)
- Book released by Liliana Andonova (Ruffolo Fellow '11), Governance Entrepreneurs: International Organizations and the Rise of Public-Private Partnerships (Cambridge University Press) (10/31)
- Rachael Garrett (Ruffolo Fellow '14, '15) et al. on "Explaining the Persistence of Low Income and Environmentally Degrading Land Uses in the Brazilian Amazon" in Ecology and Society (9/21)
- Francisco Mello, Ruffolo Fellow '12 and Director of Brazil's National Secretariat of Food Security, shares news that their Cisterns Program won the Silver Future Policy Award, an initiative between the World Future Council and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification [Full policy] (9/11)
- University of Bergen Summer Research School hosted lectures by Bill Clark on state of sustainability science [Slide Presentation] and usable knowledge [Slide Presentation] (6/19)
- Alessandra Voena (Ruffolo Fellow '12) received 2017 Carlo Alberto Medal, rewarding an Italian scholar under 40 for outstanding contributions to economics, for her work on the economics of family in developed and developing countries, as well as the economics of knowledge and innovation (6/11)
- SSP Faculty featured on Harvard Speaks on Climate Change: Profs. Bill Clark, Dan Schrag, and Paul Moorcroft are among the 30+ Harvard faculty members presenting 5-minute video briefings on climate change and its connections with sustainability. [Harvard Gazette coverage] (4/24)
- Alumni Fellow Livio Valenti (Vaxess VP) announced Gates Foundation $6M support for Vaxess Technologies to develop a novel microneedle patch for eradication of polio, measles and rubella (3/6)
- Global Food+ 2017 conference featured 24 “speed talk” presentations highlighting current research findings at the important nexus between food, agriculture, health, society, and the environment Video and more on the Weatherhead Center Facebook page. Harvard Gazette coverage of the event (2/27)
- M-RCBG Business and Government Seminar featured Bill Clark on Pursuing Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities [Slide Presentation] (2/16)
- Anadon et al. on ‘Making technological innovation work for sustainable development’ in PNAS (8/15)
- Bill Clark gives keynote at National Academy of Sciences’ workshop on “Transitioning toward Sustainability (8/8)
- Bill Clark's talk at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research on "A framework for Linking Science and Practice" (6/17)
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences special feature on “Knowledge Systems for Sustainable Development” (6/1)
- The Sustainability Science Program at 10 (Harvard Gazette) (5/25)
- The Sustainability Science Program: Celebrating a decade of use-inspired research (HUCE Newsletter) (5/25)
- Pursuing Sustainability: A Q&A with Bill Clark on connecting science and practice, balancing conservation with use (Harvard Gazette) (5/21)
- Rohini Pande’s teaching case on fighting pollution in India using environmental audits (2/17)
- Bill Clark presented the Keynote and Summary presentations at NAS retrospective on 15 years of sustainability science (1/24)
- Fellow Alicia Harley receives Switzer Environmental Fellowship (12/7)
- Rohini Pande and Anish Sugathan Punjab farm fires imperil Delhi’s air (11/24)
- Calling for Fellowship applications for AY 2016-17 on energy and sustainability in China and EU – applications due Jan 15, 2016 (11/16)
- Making government work: Pande & Khwaja group lead effort to aid 13 nations in solving practical problems(11)
- Prof. Laura Diaz Anadon on how tech innovation helps achieve sustainable development (11/2)
- Inaugural Ray Goldberg Fellowship in Global Food Systems awarded to Alicia Harley and Jessica Newman (10/28)
- Fellow Zhu Liu’s research covered in Scientific American - Cheap Goods from China Have High Carbon Cost (10/2)
- Fellow Zhu Liu’s research covered by NYT - China’s Exports Are Closely Linked to Its Emissions – NYT (10/1)
- Rohini Pande’s research covered “Closing India’s Implementation Gap on Pollution Control” (8/25)
- China Initiative colleagues Comment in Nature on Climate policy: Steps to China's carbon peak (6/18)
- Focus on food: Twenty-two faculty deliver lightning lectures on research (3/4)
- Prof. Rohini Pande receives grant from Harvard President Drew Faust’s Climate Change Solutions Fund that builds on India Initiative work (2/11)
- SSP's India Initiative supported work that lead to Gujarat's Pollution Control authority adopting environmental audit reforms (1/29)
- Gujarat’s Pollution Control authority adopts environmental audit reforms after impact study shows they reduce pollution (1/28)
- John Briscoe, co-leader of the Amazon Initiative, dies (11/19)
- Prof. William Clark serves as advisor for Harvard’s Sustainability Plan (11/5)
- Fellow Rachael Garrett receives Fulbright Regional Network for Applied Research (NEXUS) award (5/13)
- John Briscoe wins Stockholm Water Prize (3/24)
- Fellow Xiaoqi Xu on Achieving energy efficiency in urban buildings (3/17)
- Fellow Scott Moore on The United States of China in NYT (3/14)
- Fellow Scott Moore on Managing water resources in the Yellow River Basin in China (3/14)
- Greenstone & Pande NYT op-ed on India's Particulate Problem[background material]. (2)
- Fellows Anant Sudarshan and Nick Ryan on The right to clean air (2/7)
- Bill Clark presents at the University of California Davis Distinguished Speaker Series "Linking Knowledge with Action for Sustainability." (1/14)
- SSP Fellow Livio Valenti named in Forbes 30 under 30 in science and healthcare (1/6)
- Michael Greenstone's NYT Op Ed - See Red Flags, Hear Red Flags (12/11)
- Prof Rohini Pande and Post-doc Nick Ryan's work on how "India cut pollution by not letting the polluters pay to be audited" (10/10)
- Fellow Livio Valenti in Financial Times, "MBAs help to bring vaccines out of the cold" (9/26)
- Rohini Pande on "Environmental Accountability: Increasing Accurate Reporting and Reducing Emissions" (9/3)
- Fellow Zhu Liu on Energy policy: A low-carbon road map for China (8/19)
- SSP Fellows' workshop on The Role of Information and Communications Technology in Helping Decision-Makers Meet Food, Energy and Water Needs (8/14)
- Alumni Fellow Bernhard Truffer wins "best paper award" in the journal Regional Studies (8/14)
- Wall Street Journal on Rohini Pande's research "Paying Auditors for Honest Appraisals; An Experiment in India's Gujarat State Shows a Way to Realign Interests and Incentives" (7/29)
- Profs. Paul Moorcroft and John Briscoe hold workshop to explore potential impacts of climate change and deforestation in the planning and operation of hydropower plants in the Amazon (7/24)
- "From Earth Transformed to Sustainability Science" (7/19)
- Governance challenges in global health (3/12)
- Bill Clark on Energy, Technology and Development Challenges for Innovation Policy: What matters most? (1/29)
- Fellow Scott Moore on why Beijing must force tougher pollution curbs on industries (1/29)
- Alumni Fellow Szlezák on the The Making of Global Health Governance: China and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (11/26)
- Clark lectures at IIASA's 40th Anniversary Conference (11/1)
- Joel Cohen, Rockefeller and Columbia Universities on Sustainability, nations, globalization: Can we have them all with 7 billion people & more? (10/6)
- Bill Clark receives honorary Doctorate degree from Leuphana University, Germany for "outstanding contributions in the field of development and establishment of sustainability science as an independent and socially relevant area of research" (8/20)
- Bill Clark speaks at UPenn conference on "Sustainability: New Perspectives and Opportunities" (8/20)
- Kira Matus contributes to findings on sustainability certification (7/10)
- Co-authors Bill Clark and Nancy Dickson awarded Ecological Society of America 2012 Sustainability Science Award (6/12)
- Maffia Fellow Livio Valenti wins Harvard University President's Challenge for Social Entrepreneurship (6/4)
- Fellow Robyn Meeks wins Enel Endowment Prize for best environmental economics paper (5/17)
- Clark on "Boundary organizations" at National Academies Symposium (5/16)
- Suerie Moon testifies on how to ensure equitable access to HIV treatment (5/15)
- Summer Research Assistants wanted to work on "Innovation & Access to Technologies for Sustainable Development" project (4/10)
- Norberg-Bohm Fellowships awarded to Nilesh Fernando, Sam Stolper and Liz Walker (4/1)
- NYT interviews fellow Lantagne about cholera outbreak in Haiti (4/1)
- Borgemeister (ICIPE) on how "Pest control can help fight poverty" (3/23)
- Fellow Daniele Lantagne on ensuring clean water sources in rural areas of developing countries (2/21)
- Calestous Juma calls for an International Institute for Biotechnology in Africa (12/21)
- Bill Clark at WWF Fuller Symposium on "Conservation Science for Sustainable Development: Beyond 'fighting for the crumbs?'" (12/13)
- Bill Clark on "Environmental costs versus human benefit: Striking a moral balance for sustainability" (11/29)
- SSP Research Associate Corrado Clini appointed Minister of Environment in new Italian government (11/16)
- Developing fast, but sustainably – Harvard Gazette article (9/26)
- Seeking Research Fellows for International Water Policy Conference – applications due 9/28 (9/21)
- Rohini Pande's efforts to pilot a market-friendly emissions-trading system in India (8/18)
- Clark on "Boundary work for sustainable development" (8/17)
- Fellow Daniele Lantagne co-authors Report of the Independent Panel of Experts on the Cholera Outbreak in Haiti submitted to UN Secretary General (5/5)
- Bill Clark receives Phi Beta Kappa prize for excellence in teaching (5/5)
- Bill Clark receives the Spengler-Vautin Special Achievement Award at the Green Carpet Awards (4/25)
- Prof. Rohini Pande evaluates Indian government's pilot emissions trading program (3/25)
- Bill Clark on "Grand challenges of sustainability science" presented at Resilience 2011 (3/15)
- 2011-12 Sustainability Science Fellows announced (3/12)
- Bill Clark leads AAAS symposium on "Research Frontiers in Sustainability Science: Bridging Disciplines and Practices" (2/18)
- Fellow Xiaodong Chen on why jobs are more important than salary to Chinese when it comes to pro-environmental behavior (1/24)
- Prof. Robert Lawrence on "Biofuels: A Boon for the Misbegotten" (1/21)
- Africa can feed itself in a generation – The New Harvest: Agricultural Innovation in Africaby Calestous Juma (1/18)
- Fellow Daniele Lantagne appointed to UN Panel to investigate Haiti's cholera epidemic (1/13)
- Szlezak on global health governance (11/30)
- NSF workshop report on Toward a Science of Sustainability (Clark and Levin) (11/29)
- Ahuja and Kremer on "Providing safe water: Evidence from randomized evaluations" (11/03)
- Mwangi on the transition to private property in Maasailand, Kenya (11/03)
- Robert Lawrence on the impact of biofuels targets and mandates (10/22)
- SSP welcomes the 2010-11 Sustainability Science Fellows (8/19)
- Enhancing Food Security in an Era of Global Climate Change workshop report (8/10)
- Alumni fellow Kate Sims on Protected Areas Reduced Poverty in Costa Rica and Thailand (7/20)
- Climate Change and the Integrity of Science – letter to Science (5/10)
- Program explores the changing nature of global health institutions (4/21)
- Kamal Bawa on "China, India and the environment" in Science (3/25)
- Four faculty grants awarded for research on sustainable use of land and water resources (3/2)
- Clark on "Integrating science and society" at Long Term Ecological Research Network All Scientists Meeting in Sept 2009 (1/19)
- Bill Clark discusses the role of sustainability science in development (9/9)
- Sustainability Science doctoral, post-doctoral and mid-career fellowship applications accepted through December 1, 2009 (8/25)
- Sustainability Science Fellows biographies and research abstracts (8/25)
- 2009 Sustainability Science Faculty Grant Awards announced (5/19)
- 2009-10 Sustainability Science Fellows announced (5/15)
- Bill Clark's interview on EarthSky about sustainable development (5/7)
- Seeking Summer Research Assistant (4/1)
- Deworm the World to expand programmes in 15 countries in 2009 (3/26)
- John Holdren (SSP Steering Group member) confirmed as director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Executive Office of the President (3/20)
- Linking international agricultural research knowledge with action (3/18)
- Sustainability Science Program Steering Group member John Holdren named Obama's Science Advisor (12/19)
- 2009 Sustainability Science Faculty grant applications accepted through February 1, 2009 (8/18)
- 2009 Vicki Norberg-Bohm Fellowship applications for HKS PhD candidates accepted through February 1, 2009 (8/18)
- Controlling greenhouse gases, universities, individuals matter (10/23)
- Gore: Universities have important role in sustainability (10/22)
- President Faust: Sustainability Celebration (10/22)
- Harvard Sustainability Celebration Oct 22 (10/15)
- Italian Ministry for Environment gives $9.5 million for Sustainable Develpment Fund (10/15)
- Fuel for Thought: Considering the pros and cons of the biofuels industry (10/10)
- 2008-09 Sustainability Science Fellows arrive (8/18)
- Biofuels and Sustainable Development: Report of An Executive Session on the Grand Challenges of a Sustainability Transition (7/31)
- Harvard University Greenhouse Gas Task Force report co-chaired by William Clark (7/24)
- 2009 Sustainability Science Fellowship applications accepted through January 15, 2009
- Biofuels and Sustainable Development: Report of An Executive Session on the Grand Challenges of a Sustainability Transition
- 2008 Water and Development Student Research applications accepted through April 8, 2008
- AAAS Symposium on "Global Partnerships for Sustainability Science"
- Italian Government provides $9.5 million to support Sustainability Science Program through 2012
- Holdren on "Science and Technology for Sustainable Well Being"
- 2008 Sustainability Science Faculty grant applications accepted through March 1, 2008
- 2008 Vicki Norberg-Bohm Fellowship applications accepted through March 1, 2008
- SSP collaborator John Schellnhuber leads Nobel Laureates in Global Sustainability Symposium
- Water, Pollution and the Environment at NEUDC Oct 27
- Kira Matus awarded EPA STAR fellowship
- Fellowships in Sustainability Science honor Giorgio Ruffolo, Italy’s Founding Minister of the Environment
- Sustainability Science at Harvard: A Celebration, 21 September 2007
- SSP is pleased to announce the 2007 Fellows
- Mwangi on Socioeconomic Change and Land Use In Africa
- Suerie Moon awarded Hauser grant for research on civil society engagement in technical policy advocacy
- Workshop report on "Implications of a Future Global Biofuels Market"
- Italian Government provides additional support for Sustainability Science Program
- May 11 Symposium on The Impact of the Global Water Crisis on Health and Human Development
- Closing the Knowledge-Action Gap in Global Health: Lessons from Malaria
- AAAS Symposium on "Grand Challenges of Sustainability Science"
- Clark on "Sustainability science: A room of its own"