
By Author     (also available in Reverse Chronological format)

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Agrawal, Arun, Ashwini Chhatre, and Rebecca Hardin. 2008. Changing governance of the world's forests, Science 320: 1460-1462.

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Anadon, Laura Diaz, Gabriel Chan, Alicia Harley, Kira Matus, Suerie Moon, Sharmila L. Murthy, and William C. Clark. 2015. Making Technological Innovation Work for Sustainable Development. HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP15-079, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Kennedy School.

Anadon, Laura Diaz, Matthew Bunn, Gabriel Chan, Melissa Chan, Charles Jones, Ruud Kempener, Audrey Lee, and Venkatesh Narayanamurti. 2011. Transforming U.S. Energy Innovation: Harvard Energy Research Development, Deployment, and Demonstration Report. Cambridge, Mass.: Report for Energy Technology Innovation Policy research group, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School.

Andersson, Krister. 2008. Motivation to Engage in Social Learning about Sustainability: An Institutional Analysis. CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 26, Center for International Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

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Binz, Christian, Bernhard Truffer, Lars Coenen. 2016. Path creation as a process of resource alignment and anchoring: Industry formation for on-site water recycling in Beijing. Economic Geography 92(2): 172-200, DOI:10.1080/00130095.2015.1103177.

Binz, Christian, Bernhard Truffer, Li Li, Yajuan Shi, Yonglong Lu. 2012. Conceptualizing leapfrogging with spatially coupled innovation systems: The case of onsite wastewater treatment in China, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 79(1): 155-171.

Binz, Christian, Gabriel Chan, Claudia Doblinger, Joern Huenteler, Dongbo Shi, Tian Tang, Lei Xu, Laura Diaz Anadon. 2015. Energy Technology Innovation Policy in the Backdrop of the U.S.-China Emissions Agreement: Workshop Report. Workshop held in Tsinghua University, June 18-19, 2015. Cambridge, MA: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School.

Binz, Christian, Tian Tang, and Joern Huenteler. 2016. Spatial lifecycles of cleantech industries – The global development history of solar photovoltaics Energy Policy (article in press). doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2016.10.034.

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Bosetti, Valentina and Jeffrey Frankel. 2011. How to agree emissions targets at Durban, VoxEU, November 28.

Bosetti, Valentina and Jeffrey Frankel. 2011. Politically Feasible Emission Target Formulas to Attain 460 ppm CO2 Concentrations, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy (Oxford University Press) Winter 2011-12, doi: 10.1093/reep/rer022; Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Working Paper Research Working Paper 11-016, Feb. 2011. Revised from Global Climate Policy Architecture and Political Feasibility: Specific Formulas and Emission Targets to Attain 460PPM CO2 Concentrations, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 15516, Nov. 2009 and Harvard Project on International Climate Agreements Working Paper 09-30, Sept. 2009.

Bosetti, Valentina and Jeffrey Frankel. 2011. Politically Feasible Emissions Targets to Attain 460 ppm CO2 Concentrations. CID Working Paper No. 226, Center for International Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

Bosetti, Valentina and Jeffrey Frankel. 2011. Sustainable Cooperation in Global Climate Policy: Specific Formulas and Emission Targets to Build on Copenhagen and Cancun, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 17669, Dec. 2011, Cambridge, MA; Harvard Program on Climate Agreements Discussion Paper No. 46, Sept. 2011; and Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Working Paper 66, Sept. 2011.

Bossi, Andrea, Robert Howard, Davide Geneletti, and Simone Ferrari. 2012. UK and Italian EIA systems: A comparative study on management practice and performance in the construction industry, Environmental Impact Assessment Review 34: 1–11.

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Broadbent, Eben N., Angélica M. Almeyda Zambrano, Gregory P. Asner, Marlene Soriano, Christopher B. Field, Harrison Ramos de Souza, Marielos Peña-Claros, Rachel I. Adams, Rodolfo Dirzo, Larry Giles. 2014. Integrating stand and soil properties to understand foliar nutrient dynamics during forest succession following slash-and-burn agriculture in the bolivian amazon. PloS ONE 9(2): e86042.

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Buizer, James, Katharine Jacobs, and David Cash. 2010. Making short-term climate forecasts useful: Linking science and action, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi:10.1073/pnas.0900518107.

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Bursztyn, Marcel. "Think Locally, Act Globally: New Challenges to Environmental Governance." In Press. CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 33. Center for International Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

Bursztyn, Marcel. 2008. Sustainability Science and the University: Towards Interdisciplinarity. CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 24, February 2008. Center for International Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

Bursztyn, Marcel and M. Persegona. 2008. A Grande Transformação Ambiental: Uma Cronologia da Dialética Homem-Natureza. Rio: Ed. Garamond. [Bursztyn, Marcel and M. Persegona 2008. The Great Environmental Transformation: A Chronology of the Man-Nature Dialectics. Rio: Ed. Garamond.]

Bursztyn, Marcel. 2007. A exclusão e o local: Tempos e espaços da diversidade social. In Políticas de Desenvolvimento Regiona. C.D. Campolina, ed. Brasilia: Universidade de Brasília, pp. 79-102. [Bursztyn, Marcel. 2007. Social exclusion at the local level: Times and spaces of social diversity. In: Policies of Regional Development. C.D. Campolina, ed. Brasília: Universidade de Brasília, pp. 79-102.]

Bursztyn, Marcel. 2007. Da proteção social à proteção socioambienta. In: Encontros e Caminhos: Formação de educadoras(es) ambientais e coletivos educadores. Brasilia: MMA-DEA, v.2, pp. 289-298. [Bursztyn, Marcel. 2007. From social protection to social-environmental protection. In Gatherings and Paths for the Training of Environmental Educators. Ferraro, L.A., ed. Brasília: MMA-DEA, v.2, pp. 289-298.]

Bursztyn, Marcel. 2007. Modernidade e Exclusão In Nos Limites da Ação: Preconceito, Inclusão e Deficiência. R.S. Bartholo Jr. ed., São Carlos: EduESCar, pp. 31-40. [Bursztyn, Marcel. 2007. Modernity and exclusion. In At the Boundaries of Action: Prejudice, Inclusion and Physical Disabilities. R.S. Bartholo Jr.ed., São Carlos: EduESCar, pp. 31-40.]


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Carranza, Eliana. 2012. Soil endowments, production technologies and missing women in India, Policy Research Working Paper Series 5974, The World Bank.

Casaburi, Lorenzo, Michael Kremer, and Sendhil Mullainathan. 2012. Contract farming and agricultural productivity in Western Kenya. In African Economic Successes: Sustainable Growth. Sebastian Edwards, Simon Johnson, and David N. Weil (Eds.) Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

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Cash, D.W., W. Adger, F. Berkes, P. Garden, L. Lebel, P. Olsson, L. Pritchard, and O. Young. 2006. Scale and cross-scale dynamics: Governance and information in a multilevel world. Ecology and Society 11(2): 8.

Cash, D. W., J. C. Borck, and A. G. Patt. 2006. Countering the loading-dock approach to linking science and decision making: Comparative analysis of El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) forecasting systems. Science, Technology and Human Values 31: 465 – 494.

Cash, David, William C. Clark, Frank Alcock, Nancy Dickson, Noelle Eckley, David Guston, Jill Jäger, and Ronald Mitchell. 2003. Knowledge systems for sustainable development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100(14): 8086-8091.

Cash, David, William C. Clark, Frank Alcock, Nancy Dickson, Noelle Eckley, and Jill Jäger. 2002. Salience, Credibility, Legitimacy and Boundaries: Linking Research, Assessment and Decision Making. Faculty Research Working Paper RWP02-046. Cambridge, MA: Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

Cash, David. 2001. Integrating Information and Decision Making in a Multi-Level World: Cross-Scale Environmental Science and Management. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the subject of Public Policy, Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

Cash, David, and William C. Clark. 2001. From Science to Policy: Assessing the Assessment Process. Faculty Research Working Paper RWP01-045. Cambridge, MA: Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

Catacutan, Delia and Caroline Duque-Pinon. 2009. The policy environment of vegetable-agroforestry system in the Philippines: Are there incentives for smallholders? International Journal of Ecology and Development 14(F09): 47-62.

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Cavender-Bares, Jeannine, James Heffernan, Elizabeth King, Stephen Polasky, Patricia Balvanera, and William C. Clark. 2013. Sustainability and biodiversity. In: Simon Levin (ed.) Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, second edition, Vol 7, pp. 71-84. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.

Chaudhary, Pashupati, Suman Rai, Siddhant Wangdi, Akai Mao, Nishat Rehman, Santosh Chettri, Kamaljit S. Bawa. 2011. Consistency of local perceptions of climate change in the Kangchenjunga Himalaya landscape. Current Science. 101(4):504-513.

Chan, Gabriel, Robert Stavins, Robert Stowe, Richard Sweeney. 2012. The SO2 Allowance-Trading System and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: Reflections on 20 Years of Policy Innovation. National Tax Journal, 65: 419-452;

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Chapin III, F. Stuart,Stephen R. Carpenter, Gary P. Kofinas, Carl Folke, Nick Abel, William C. Clark, Per Olsson, D. Mark Stafford Smith, Brian Walker, Oran R. Young, Fikret Berkes, Reinette Biggs, J. Morgan Grove, Rosamond L. Naylor, Evelyn Pinkerton, Will Steffen and Frederick J. Swanson. 2009. Ecosystem stewardship: Sustainability strategies for a rapidly changing planet. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 25(4):241-249.

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Chen, Xiaodong, M. Nils Peterson, Vanessa Hull, Chuntian Lu, Graise D. Lee, Dayong Hong, Jianguo Liu. 2011. Effects of attitudinal and sociodemographic factors on pro-environmental behaviour in urban China. Environmental Conservation. DOI: 10.1017/S037689291000086X, published online: 18 Jan 2011.

Chen, Xiaodong, Frank Lupi, Li An, Ryan Sheely, Andrés Vina, Jianguo Liu. 2011. Agent-based modeling of the effects of social norms on enrollment in payments for ecosystem services. Ecological Modelling, doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2011.06.007.

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Chhatre, Ashwini. 2007. Political Articulation and Accountability in Decentralization: Theory and Evidence from India. CID Working Paper No. 22, Center for International Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

Chhatre, Ashwini and Arun Agrawal. 2008. Forest commons and local enforcement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(36): 13286-13291

Chhatre, Ashwini and Vasant Saberwal. 2006. Democracy, development and (re-)visions of nature: Rural conflicts in the Western Himalayas. Journal of Peasant Studies. 33(4): 678-706.

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Church, Jon Marco. 2010. Environmental Regionalism: The Challenge of the Alpine Conven-tion and the "Strange Case" of the Andean Community. CID Research Fellow and Graduate Student Working Paper No. 47. Center for International Development at Harvard University.

Clark, W. C., R. B. Mitchell and D. W. Cash. 2006. Evaluating the influence of global environmental assessments. In Global Environmental Assessments: Information and Influence. R.B. Mitchell, W.C. Clark, D.W. Cash, and N.M. Dickson, eds. Cambridge: MIT Press: 1-28.

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Clark, William C. 2012. Sustainability science: Origins, evolution and challenges. Worlds within Reach: From Science to Policy. IIASA 40th Anniversary Conference. Laxenburg, Austria. Lecture given October 26.

Clark, William C. 2013. Energy, Technology and Development Challenges for Innovation Policy: What matters most? Presentation given at HKS Energy, Technology and Development Seminar, January 28.

Clark, William C. 2013. From Earth Transformed to Sustainability Science. Geller Lecture at The Earth as Transformed by Human Action Conference, Clark University, Worcester, MA, April 2.

Clark, William C. 2015. London: A multi-century struggle for sustainable development in an urban environment. Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP15-047, Cambridge, MA: HKS.

Clark, William C., James Buizer, David Cash, Robert Corell, Nancy Dickson, Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Helen Doyle, Gilberto Gallopín, Gisbert Glaser, Leah Goldfarb, Anil K. Gupta, J. Michael Hall, Mohamed Hassan, Anthony Imevbore, Maurice M. Iwu, Jill Jäger, Calestous Juma, Robert Kates, Dörthe Krömker, Morihiro Kurushima, Louis Lebel, Yee Cheong Lee, Wolfgang Lucht, Akin Mabogunje, Diego Malpede, Pamela Matson, Bedrich Moldan, Gloria Montenegro, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Ling G. Ooi, Timothy O’Riordan, Dorsamy Pillay, Thomas Rosswall, Jose Sarukhán, and Judi Wakhungu. 2002. Science and Technology for Sustainable Development: Consensus Report of the Mexico City Synthesis Workshop, 20-23 May 2002. Cambridge, MA: Initiative on Science and Technology for Sustainability.

Clark, William C., A. Contreras, and K. Harmsen. 2005. Report of the External Review of the Systemwide Programme on Alternatives to Slash-and-Burn (ASB): Evaluation and Impact Assessment of the ASB Programme. CGIAR Science Council Secretariat, Washington, DC: FAO.

Clark, William C. and Nancy Dickson. 2003. Sustainability science: The emerging research paradigm. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  100(14): 8059-8061.

Clark, William C. and Nancy Dickson. 2016. The Sustainability Science Program: Celebrating a decade of use-inspired research. Harvard University Center for the Environment Newsletter 8(1): 24-25.

Clark, William C., and Alicia G. Harley. 2020. Sustainability Science: Toward a SynthesisAnnual Review of Environment and Resources 45 (1): 331–86.

Clark, William C., and Alicia G. Harley. 2019. Sustainability Science: Towards a Synthesis. Sustainability Science Program Working Paper 2019-01, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

Clark, William C., Lorrae van Kerkhoff, Louis Lebel, and Gilberto Gallopin. 2016. Crafting Usable Knowledge for Sustainable Development. HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP16-005, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Kennedy School.

Clark, William C., Lorrae van Kerkhoff, Louis Lebel, and Gilberto Gallopin. 2016. Crafting usable knowledge for sustainable development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(17):4570-78, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1601266113.

Clark, William C., Nicole A. Szlezak, Suerie Moon, Barry R. Bloom, Gerald T. Keusch, Catherine M. Michaud, Dean T. Jamison, Julio Frenk, and Wen L. Kilama. 2010. The Global Health System: Institutions in a Time of Transition. CID Working Paper No. 193. Center for International Development at Harvard University.

Clark, William C., P.J. Crutzen, and H.J. Schellnhuber. 2004. Science for global sustainability: Toward a new paradigm. In Earth System Analysis for Sustainability, H.J. Schellnhuber, P.J. Crutzen, William C. Clark, et al., eds. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Clark, William C., Patti Kristjanson, Bruce Campbell, Calestous Juma, Noel M. Holbrook, Gerald Nelson, and Nancy Dickson. 2010. Enhancing Food Security in an Era of Global Climate Change: An Executive Session on Grand Challenges of the Sustainability Transition, San Servolo Island, Venice – June 6-9, 2010. CID Working Paper No. 198. Center for International Development at Harvard University.

Clark, William C., Ronald Mitchell, David Cash, and Frank Alcock. 2002. Information as Influence: How Institutions Mediate the Impact of Scientific Assessments on Global Environmental Affairs. Faculty Research Working Paper RWP02-044. Cambridge, MA: Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

Clark, William C., Thomas P. Tomich, Meine van Noordwijk, David Guston, Delia Catacutan, Nancy M. Dickson, and Elizabeth McNie 2016. Boundary work for sustainable development: Natural resource management at the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(17):4615-4622 (originally published online 2011 at doi: 10.1073/pnas.0900231108).

Clark, William C., Thomas P. Tomich, Meine van Noordwijk, David Guston, Delia Catacutan, Nancy M. Dickson, Elizabeth McNie. 2011. Boundary work in research programs for sustainable development: Natural resource management at the CGIAR, Proceedings of the National Academies of Science, doi/10.1073/pnas.0900231108.

Clark, William C., Thomas P. Tomich, Meine van Noordwijk, Nancy M. Dickson, Delia Catacutan, David Guston, Elizabeth McNie. 2010. Toward a General Theory of Boundary Work: Insights from the CGIAR’s Natural Resource Management Programs. CID Working Paper No. 199. Center for International Development at Harvard University.

Clark, William, and Laura Holliday. Roundtable on Science and Technology for Sustainability. 2006. Linking Knowledge with Action for Sustainable Development: The Role of Program Management - Summary of a Workshop. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.

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Collins, Ross D., Noelle E. Selin, Olivier L. de Weck, and William C. Clark. 2016. Using inclusive wealth for policy evaluation: Application to electricity infrastructure planning in oil-exporting countries. HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP16-010.

Collins, Ross D., Noelle E. Selin, Olivier L. de Weck, and William C. Clark. 2017. Using Inclusive Wealth for Policy Evaluation: Application to Electricity Infrastructure Planning in Oil-Exporting Countries. Ecological Economics 133: 23-34. (Earlier version published as HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP16-010).

Collins, Ross. 2015. Using Inclusive Wealth as a Measure of Sustainability for Infrastructure Planning and Evaluation. Dissertation for degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA: MIT.

Cordova, Alessandro, Johanna Dolci, and Gianfranco Gianfrate. 2015. Crowdfunding: Toward the democratization of innovation financing. In The Handbook of Global Science, Technology, and Innovation. Daniele Archibugi and Andrea Filippetti (Eds.) Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

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Creech, Heather, Tony Vetter, Kira Matus, Ian R. Seymour. 2008. The governance of non-legal entities: An exploration into the challenges facing collaborative, multistakeholder enterprises that are hosted by institutions. Winnipeg, Canada: International Institute for Sustainable Development.


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d'Adda, Giovanna. Social Norms and Motivation Crowding in Environmental Protection: Evidence From a (Lab) Field Experiment. 2010. CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 44. Center for International Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

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Devereaux, Charan, and Henry Lee. Biofuels and Certification: A Workshop at the Kennedy School of Government, May 11–12, 2009. CID Working Paper No. 187. Center for International Development at Harvard University, November 2009, and BCSIA Discussion Paper 2009-04, June 2009.

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Diaz Anadon, Laura, Gabe Chan, Erin Kempster, Lee Vinsel, Jennie Stephens, Kathy Araujo, and Patricia Guardabassi. 2013. Energy Sector Discussion Paper: Background Paper for the Project on Innovation and Access to Technologies for Sustainable Development. Sustainability Science Program Working Paper No. 2013-03. Sustainability Science Program, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

Diaz Anadon, Laura, Kira Matus, Suerie Moon, Gabriel Chan, Alicia Harley, Sharmila Murthy, Vanessa Timmer, Ahmed Abdel Latif, Kathleen Araujo, Kayje Booker, Hyundo Choi, Kristian Dubrawski, Lonia Friedlander, Christina Ingersoll, Erin Kempster, Laura Pereira, Jennifer Stephens, Lee Vinsel, and William C. Clark. 2014. Innovation and Access to Technologies for Sustainable Development: Diagnosing Weaknesses and Identifying Interventions in the Transnational Arena. Sustainability Science Program Working Paper 2014-01. Sustainability Science Program and Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

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Dionisio, Kathie L., Stephen R. C. Howie, Francesca Dominici, Kimberly M. Fornace, John D. Spengler, Richard A. Adegbola, and Majid Ezzati. 2012, Household concentrations and exposure of children to particulate matter from biomass fuels in the gambia. Environmental Science and Technology. 46(6): 3519-3527, DOI: 10.1021/es203047e.

Dionisio, Kathie L., Stephen R. C. Howie, Francesca Dominici, Kimberly M. Fornace, John D. Spengler, Simon Donkor, Osaretin Chimah, Claire Oluwalana, Readon C. Ideh, Bernard Ebruke, Richard A. Adegbola and Majid Ezzati. 2012. The exposure of infants and children to carbon monoxide from biomass fuels in The Gambia: A measurement and modeling study. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 22:173-181, doi:10.1038/jes.2011.47.

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Dionisio, KL, RE Arku, AF Hughes, J Vallarino, H Carmichael, JD Spengler, S Agyei-Mensah , and M Ezzati. 2010. Air pollution in Accra neighborhoods: Spatial, socioeconomic, and temporal patterns. Environmental Science and Technology. 44(7):2270–2276.

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Duflo, Esther, Michael Greenstone, Rohini Pande, and Nicholas Ryan. 2013. What does reputation buy? Differentiation in a market for third-party auditors. American Economic Review 103(3): 314-19.


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Gilbert, Matthew E., Alicia Pou, Maciej A. Zwieniecki, and N. Michele Holbrook. 2012. On measuring the response of mesophyll conductance to carbon dioxide with the variable J method, Journal of Experimental Botany 63 (1): 413-425.

Gilbert, Mathew and N. Michelle Holbrook. 2011. Limitations to crop diversification for enhancing the resilience of rain-fed subsistence agriculture to drought. CID Working Paper No. 228, Center for International Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

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Gilbert, Matthew E., Maciej A. Zwieniecki, and N. Michele Holbrook. 2011. Independent variation in photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance leads to differences in intrinsic water use efficiency in 11 soybean genotypes before and during mild drought, Journal of Experimental Botany 62(8): 2875-2887.

Giraldo, Juan Pablo, James K. Wheeler, Brett A. Huggett and N. Michele Holbrook. 2014. The role of leaf hydraulic conductance dynamics on the timing of leaf senescence. Functional Plant Biology 41 (1): 37-47.

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Greenstone, Michael, Aparna Krishnan, Rohini Pande, Nicholas Ryan, and Anant Sudarshan. 2011. Improving human health through a market-friendly emissions scheme. Paper presented at seminar on Global Environment and Disaster Management: Law and Society organized by the Supreme Court of India, July 23, Delhi, India.

Greenstone, Michael, Janhavi Nilekani, Rohini Pande, Nicholas Ryan, Anant Sudarshan, Anish Sugathan. 2015. Lower pollution, longer lives: Life expectancy gains if India reduced particulate matter pollution. Economic and Political Weekly. 46: 40-46, February 21. Companion materials.

Greenstone, Michael, Raahil Madhok, Rohini Pande, and Hardik Shah. 2013. Water pollution and public health in India: The potential for a market-friendly approach. In Health and South Asia, p. 61-65, Cambridge, MA: Harvard South Asia Institute.

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Guan, Dabo, Stephan Klasen, Klaus Hubacek, Kuishuang Feng, Zhu Liu, Kebin He, Yong Geng, Qiang Zhang. 2014. Determinants of stagnating carbon intensity in China. Nature Climate Change 4: 1017-1023, doi:10.1038/nclimate2388.

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Guidi, Daniele. 2011. Sustainable Agriculture Enterprise: Framing Strategies to Support Smallholder Inclusive Value Chains for Rural Poverty Alleviation. CID Working Paper No. 53, Center for International Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

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Hachmann, Johannes, Roberto Olivares-Amaya, Sule Atahan-Evrenk, Carlos Amador-Bedolla, Roel S. Sanchez-Carrera, Aryeh Gold-Parker, Leslie Vogt, Anna M. Brockway, and Alan Aspuru-Guzik. 2011. The Harvard Clean Energy Project: Large-scale computational screening and design of organic photovoltaics on the world community grid. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2: 2241 – 2251.

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Hanna, Rema and Paulina Oliva. 2015. The Effect of Pollution on Labor Supply: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Mexico City. Journal of Public Economics. 112:68-79.

Hanna, Rema, Esther Duflo, and Michael Greenstone. 2012. Up in Smoke: The Influence of Household Behavior on the Long-Run Impact of Improved Cooking Stoves Cambridge: MIT Department of Economics Working Paper No. 12-10.

Hanna, Rema and Paulina Oliva. 2011. The Effect of Pollution on Labor Supply: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Mexico City. CID Working Paper No. 225, August 2011, Center for International Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

Hao, Guang-You Hao, Ai-Ying Wang, Zhi-Hui Liu, Augusto C. Franco, Guillermo Goldstein, and Kun-Fang Cao. 2011. Differentiation in light energy dissipation between hemiepiphytic and non-hemiepiphytic Ficus species with contrasting xylem hydraulic conductivity. Tree Physiology 31(6): 626–636. [doi:10.1093/treephys/tpr035]

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Hao, Guang-You, James K. Wheeler, N. Michele Holbrook and Guillermo Goldstein. 2013. Investigating xylem embolism formation, refilling and water storage in tree trunks using frequency domain reflectometry, Journal of Experimental Botany, doi:10.1093/jxb/ert090.

Hao, Guang-You, Mary E. Lucero, Stewart C. Sanderson, Elizabeth H. Zacharias and N. Michele Holbrook. 2013. Polyploidy enhances the occupation of heterogeneous environments through hydraulic related trade-offs in Atriplex canescens (Chenopodiaceae). New Phytologist. 197(3): 970–978, DOI: 10.1111/nph.12051.

Hao, Guangyou. 2011. Effect of Polyploidy on Ecophysiology of Four-Wing Saltbush: Implications for its Sustainable Use in Agriculture and Degraded Land Reclamation. CID Working Paper No. 52, Center for International Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

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Harley, Alicia, Sharmila Murthy, Laura Diaz Anadon, Gabriel Chan, Kira Matus, Suerie Moon, Vanessa Timmer, and William C. Clark. 2014. Innovation and Access to Technologies for Sustainable Development: A Global Systems Perspective. Report of a Workshop conducted at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, April 24, 2014. Sustainability Science Program Working Paper 2014-02. Sustainability Science Program and Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

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Jack, B. Kelsey, Carolyn Kousky, and Katharine R.E. Sims. 2007. Lessons relearned: Can previous research on incentive-based mechanisms point the way for payments for ecosystem services? CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No. 15. Center for International Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

Jack, B. Kelsey. 2009. Auctioning conservation contracts in Indonesia - Participant learning in multiple trial rounds. CID Graduate Student and Research Fellow Working Paper No. 35, Center for International Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.

Jack, B. Kelsey. 2009. Upstream-downstream transactions and watershed externalities: Experimental evidence from Kenya. Ecological Economics 68(6): 1813-1824.

Jack, B. Kelsey. 2010. Allocation in Environmental Markets: A Field Experiment with Tree Planting Contracts. HEEP Discussion Paper 2010-14, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Environmental Economics Program.

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Jack, B. Kelsey. 2010. Essays on Developing Country Markets in Environment and Health. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the subject of Public Policy, Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

Jack, B. Kelsey. 2011. Market inefficiencies and the adoption of agricultural technologies in developing countries. CID Working Paper No. 50, Center for International Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, and Agricultural Technology Adoption Initiative, JPAL (MIT) / CEGA (Berkeley). World Bank blog post on the ATAI white paper.

Jack, B. Kelsey. 2013. Private information and the allocation of land use subsidies in Malawi. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 5(3): 113-135.

Jack, B. Kelsey., B. Leimona, and P.J. Ferraro. 2009. A revealed preference approach to estimating supply curves for ecosystem services: Experimental field auctions and soil erosion control in Indonesia. Conservation Biology 23(2): 359-367.

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