
Information on some of the courses, conferences and workshops that Sustainability Science Program members are engaged is provided.


Conferences and Workshops

Sustainability Science Symposium
20-21 May 2016, Harvard Kennedy School

Making Technological Innovation Work for Sustainable Development Conference
11 May 2016, London, UK

Congestion Pricing for Traffic and Air Pollution Management in Delhi Workshop
8 March, 2016, Delhi, India

Transition toward Sustainability after 15 Years: Where Do We Stand in Advancing the Scientific Foundation
14-15 January 2016, National Academy of Science, Newport Beach, CA

The Private and Public, Scientific, Academic, and Consumer Food Policy Group Workshop
22-23 November 2015, Harvard Kennedy School

Workshop on Interplay between Climate, Deforestation, and Hydrology of the Amazon and the Implications for Sustainable Development
20 November 2015, Brazil’s Ministério do Meio Ambiente(Ministry of the Environment), Brasilia, Brazil

Workshop on Energy Technology Innovation Policy
18-19 June 2015, Beijing, China

Workshop on Integrative Social and Ecological Modeling of Crop and Livestock Systems
9-10 April, 2015, University of California at Davis

Harvard Research Symposium on the Nexus of Food, Agriculture, Environment, Health, and Society
27 February 2015, Harvard University
Symposium report

Colloquia on Innovation Adaptation to Climate Change in the Agricultural and Forestry Sectors
Spring 2014, Harvard Kennedy School

Workshop on the Sustainability of the World's Food and Farming Systems
Academic year 2014-15, Harvard University

The Innovation System for Drought and Water Scarcity Adaptation Technologies
10-12 September 2014, Harvard University

Economic Growth and Environmental Protection through Evidence-Based Policy
31 July 2014, Delhi, India

Workshop on Market Mechanisms to Achieve a Low Carbon Future for China
3-4 June 2014, Beijing, China

Sustainable Prosperity on a Crowded Planet - William Clark
Harnessing Market Forces to Protect the ClimateSlides – Rohini Pande
Vaxess Technologies, Inc.: High Technology and Sustainable Development (at 29:45), Slides – Livio Valenti
15 May 2014, HKS

Innovation and Access to Technologies for Sustainable Development: A Global Systems Perspective
24 April, 2014, Harvard University

The Role of Information and Communications Technology in Helping Decision-Makers Meet Food, Energy and Water Needs
18 May 2013, Harvard Kennedy School of Government

Exploring Potential Impacts of Climate Change and Deforestation on the Planning and Operation of Hydropower Plants
6-7 May 2013, Brasília, Brazil

Industrial Pollution, Regulation and Growth: Governance Challenges and Innovations
28-29 May, 2012, San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy

Science, Innovation and Partnerships for Sustainability Solutions
16-18 May, 2012, National Academies Symposium, Washington DC

Research Frontiers in Sustainability Science: Integrative Regional Initiatives in China, Brazil, and India
19 September 2011, Harvard Faculty Club, Cambridge, MA.

China Energy and Environment Conference
9 April 2011, Northwest Science Building at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

Research Frontiers in Sustainability Science: Bridging Disciplines and Practices
19 February 2011, AAAS Annual Meeting Symposium, Washington, DC.

Enhancing Food Security in an era of Global Climate Change
6-8 June, 2010, San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy.

Toward a Science of Sustainability
29 November - 2 December, 2009, Airlie Center, Warrenton, Virginia.

Water and Human Well-being
20-21 July, 2009, Venice International University.

Biofuel Certification Workshop
11-12 May, 2009, Harvard University.

Linking Knowledge with Action for Sustainable Development
14 February 2009, AAAS Annual Meeting Symposium, Chicago, IL.

Scaling-Up Distribution of Water Treatment Technologies in Developing Countries
12 December 2008, Harvard University.

Institutions for Closing the Knowledge-Action Gap in Global Health
11-13 June 2008, Harvard University.

Biofuels and Sustainable Development
19-20 May 2008, San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy.

Linking Knowledge with Action for Sustainable Development
3-4 April 2008, Sackler Colloquium of the National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC.

Global Partnerships for Sustainability Science
16 February 2008, AAAS Annual Meeting Symposium, Boston, MA.

Water, Pollution and the Environment
27 October 2007, Northeast Universities Development Consortium, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

Sustainability Science at Harvard: A Celebration, sponsored by the Sustainability Science Program.
21 September 2007, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Agenda.

Boundary Objects and Agents: Linking Knowledge to Action in Agroforestry Watersheds
26-29 July 2007, Malang, Batu, and Kali Konto, Indonesia.

The Impact of the Global Water Crisis on Health and Human Development, Symposium sponsored by The International Science and Health Network, in collaboration with Harvard, Integrated Life Sciences, Harvard Initiative for Global Health, and the Center for International Development
11 May, 2007, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Speaker list.

Workshop on the Future Implications of a Global Biofuels Market for Economic Development, Environment and Trade
9 May 2007, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

Closing the Knowledge-Action Gap in Global Health: Lessons from Malaria, Panel session at the conference, The Looming Crises: Can We Act in Time?
4 May 2007, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

Grand Challenges of Sustainability Science
17 February 2007, AAAS Annual Meeting Symposium, San Francisco, CA.

Grand Challenges of Sustainability Science Workshop
20-22 October 2006, San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy