North Korea: Peace? Nuclear War?
William H. Overholt, Editor
The North Korean nuclear crisis presents the contemporary world’s greatest risk, not just of major war but most importantly of nuclear war. Despite its importance the crisis is being managed in a treacherous context of public ignorance and misinformation. Most Americans could not locate Korea on a map. This volume assembles the work of leading experts in the hope of dispelling the misinformation and lack of information. Every author in this volume writes from career-long study of Korea and personal experience in Korea.
Chapters include a broad-ranging Overview; Countering North Korea’s Carrot-and-Stick Strategy; Why These Negotiations with North Korea Could Work; What Makes Kim Jong Un Different?; Development Strategies Available to North Korea and Their Political Risks; The new leader, the new economic model; Can Moon Jae In hold it together domestically?; Thinking realistically about unification; China’s Policy toward North Korea; Japan’s View of Nuclear North Korea: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?; Alliance Management and Tension: Between “Fire and Fury” and Protecting Alliance Equities; The Role of Sanctions; The history & meaning of denuclearization; The vexations of verification; Could the Trump Administration achieve a breakthrough?; Missed Opportunities: Years of Suspicion, Brief Viable Trust; Hope and History.
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Read the editor's summary here (PDF)