M-RCBG Senior Fellow-Led Study Group: Gregory Haile

Tuesday, September 17, 10:00-11:00am  Ofer-401 Conference Room

Join M-RCBG Senior Fellow Gregory Haile for a discussion:

America must elevate its focus on the intersection of three key elements of national security: economic mobility, engaging low income and marginalized communities to support our nation’s workforce, and artificial intelligence and generative AI. This study group will engage regarding enhancing exposure to educational and economic opportunity, and why ensuring that all talent is fully optimized during this crucial era of AI and generative AI, and birth rate declines, is crucial to the nation's competitiveness and success. 

This study group / discussion is open to all HUID holders. Registration is not necessary. 

M-RCBG welcomes individuals with disabilities to participate in its programs. To request accommodations or ask questions about access provided, please email: mrcbg@hks.harvard.edu

Gregory Haile head shot photo

Gregory Haile is the Deputy Chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. He is the first educator to serve as Deputy Chair of the Atlanta Fed in approximately 70 years. He is also the Bank’s Audit and Operational Risk Committee Chair. Haile recently served on the U.S.- EU Talent for Growth Task Force. Co-chaired by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce and the U.S. Secretary of State, the task force assembled 6 U.S. leaders from business, labor and education, with counterparts from the EU to build on workforce initiatives from both sides of the Atlantic, to catalyze and advance human capital in technology fields. Haile previously served as the president of one of America’s largest colleges (Broward College) with over 55,000 students. He was recognized as one of the top five community college CEOs in the nation by the AACC, and led the college to a top ten ranking (from more than one thousand colleges) by the Aspen Institute at every eligible year under his tenure. His leadership garnered the largest grant and the largest gift in the College's history, and he set the national example for engaging low-income communities. Haile has 20+ years of board experience and has held 15+ chairmanships. He is a member of the CFR and YPO. He has also taught a self-designed course on Higher Education Law and Policy at the Harvard Summer School. Haile graduated from Columbia University’s School of Law as a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar and served as the Editor-in-Chief of the National Black Law Journal and as an Editor of the Journal of Gender and Law. He holds a B.S. from Arizona State University, Magna Cum Laude, and was recognized as the most outstanding undergraduate in his college. He has an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Nova Southeastern University. Haile’s work at Harvard will focus on the intersection of 3 key elements of American national security: economic mobility, engaging low income and marginalized communities to support our nation’s workforce needs, and AI. His faculty sponsor is Christopher Avery, Roy E. Larsen Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. Email: ghaile@hks.harvard.edu