Why Was Boston Strong?: Lessons from the Boston Marathon Bombing was released on April 3, 2014. A sampling of the media coverage of the report and of related public appearances by its authors is provided below.
Media inquiries should be directed to: Daniel Harsha 617-495-4347.
- Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard. April 9, 2014. Testimony before the Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives. The Boston Marathon Bombings, One Year On: A Look Back to Look Forward.| PDF
- Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives. April 9, 2014. The Boston Marathon Bombings, One Year On: A Look Back to Look Forward.| MORE
- Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives. April 9, 2014. The Boston Marathon Bombings, One Year On: A Look Back to Look Forward.| VIDEO
- National Public Radio (NPR) Morning Edition. April 14, 2014. Police Incorporate Marathon Bombing Manhunt Into Crisis Plan (Herman B. 'Dutch' Leonard) | AUDIO
- WBUR. April 14, 2014. A Complex Legacy For Marathon Manhunt (Herman B. 'Dutch' Leonard) | AUDIO
- WBUR. April 3, 2014. Boston’s History of Hosting Large Events Helped Marathon Response (Herman B. 'Dutch' Leonard) | AUDIO
- WGBH Greater Boston with Emily Rooney. April 3, 2014. Harvard Weighs In On Boston Marathon Bombing Response (Herman B. 'Dutch' Leonard and Christine Cole) | VIDEO
- WGBH radio | AUDIO (forthcoming)
- WBZ | AUDIO (forthcoming)
- Mistakes in Watertown: Lessons We Learned in the Hunt for the Tsarnaev Brothers (Boston Globe)
- House Committee Hearing on Marathon Bombing (Boston Globe)
- Harvard Report Praises Response to Marathon Bombings (Boston Globe / also reprinted in Worcester Telegram)
- Boston Marathon Bomb Response Exposed 'Fault Lines' in Policing: Study (Reuters / also by Chicago Tribune, NBC News, Yahoo News, and others)
- Harvard Issues Report on Marathon Bombing Response (Associated Press / also by CBS, ABC, Washington Post,, and others)
- Boston Bombing Report Praises First Responders But Details Police Errors (
- Boston Marathon Bombing: Harvard Releases Study Exploring What Made The City Strong That Day (University Herald)
- After Boston Marathon Bombings, Coordination then Chaos, Report Says (Christian Science Monitor)
- Harvard Weighs in on Boston Marathon Bombing Response (WGBH News preview for Greater Boston Show)
- Report: Boston’s History Of Hosting Large Events Helped Marathon Response (WBUR Newsroom)
- Did Tsarnaev Manhunt Unnecessarily Endanger the Public’s Safety?
Twelve Seconds of Gunfire (Boston Globe) - Marathon Bombings: Let’s Learn from Successes — and Missteps (Boston Globe) (forthcoming)
- New White Paper Examines Response to Boston Marathon Bombing Events (HKS)
- Measuring the Marathon - Analysis Laudes, Questions Aspects of Last April's Response to Bombings, Coordination of Manhunt (Harvard Gazette)
- Measuring the Marathon (Harvard Gazette article, reposted by HKS)
Map of events relating to the Boston Marathon bombing and manhunt, April 15-19, 2013.
Source: Scott Walker, Harvard Map Collection.
From left: Edward Davis, former Boston Police Commissioner; Edward Deveau, Watertown Police Chief; Sgt. Jeffrey Pugliese, Watertown Police Department; and Dutch Leonard, Professor of Public Management, HKS, testifying to the Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives, April 9, 2014.