Christine M. Cole and Charles H. Ramsey. 2020. "What Defunding the Police Really Looks Like," Washington Post, June 10, 2020.
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard, Arnold M. Howitt, and David W. Giles. 2020. "Crisis Communications for COVID-19" (Program on Crisis Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School, April 2020).
(A version of this article was published in the Crisis/Response Journal, September 2020).
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard, Arnold M. Howitt, and David W. Giles. 2020. "Crisis Management for Leaders Coping with COVID-19" (Program on Crisis Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School, April 2020).
(A version of this article was published in the Crisis/Response Journal, September 2020).
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard, Arnold M. Howitt, and David W. Giles. 2020. "Twenty Things for Organizational Leaders to Know about COVID-19, as of March 13, 2020" (Program on Crisis Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School, March 2020).
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard, Arnold M. Howitt, and Judith B. McLaughlin. 2020. "The 2020 Election Season and Aftermath: Preparation in Higher Education Communities" (Program on Crisis Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School, October 2020).
(See the Harvard Gazette for more on PCL's work on this subject.)
Nancy Koehn and Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard. 2020. "We Need a COVID-19 D-Day—and the Leadership to Execute It," Fast Company (September 24, 2020).
Joseph Pfeifer. 2020. "Crisis Leadership for a Pandemic," (Program on Crisis Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School, April 7, 2020).
Doug Ahlers. 2019. "Observations from the Gulf Coast..." (Program on Crisis Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School, 2019)
Arnold M. Howitt. 2019. "Forward: The Challenges of Disaster Risk Management." In Huong Ha, R. Lalitha S. Fernando, and Sanjeev Kumar Mahajan, eds., Disaster Risk Management: Case Studies in South Asian Countries (New York: Business Expert Press, 2019)
European Science & Technology Advisory Group. 2019. "Socioeconomic and Data Challenges: Disaster Risk Reduction in Europe." (UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, 2019)
This report was co-authored by PCL Senior Fellow Alexander Altshuler
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. 2019. "1 October After-Action Review."
This report was co-authored by PCL Senior Fellow Christine Cole
Nicholas B. Hambridge, Arnold M. Howitt, and David W. Giles. 2018. “Increasing Implementation Effectiveness of NIMS,” Crisis Response Journal 13 (3)
Simon O'Rourke. 2018. "The Future of Police Command," The Strategist (December 10, 2018)
Simon O'Rourke. 2018. "Innovation in Policing: Culture and Cognitive Diversity Are Key," The Strategist (August 8, 2018)
Simon O'Rourke and Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard. 2018. "Operating at the Speed of Challenge: Adaptive C2 as a New Paradigm for Police Command and Control at Critical Incidents," PCL Discussion Paper Series
Joseph W. Pfeifer. 2018. "Preparing for Cyber Incidents with Physical Effects," The Cyber Defense Review 3 (1)
Jerry T. Williams and Matthew H. Panunto. 2018. "Assessing High-Cost Wildfires in Relation to the Natural Distribution of Ponderosa Pine in the 11 Western States (2000-2017)," Wildfire Magazine 27 (3)
Please visit the Wildfire Magazine website to access additional content from this issue.
Arnold M. Howitt, Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard, and David W. Giles. "Leadership in Routine Emergencies and Crises: The Deepwater Horizon Incident," The Coast Guard Journal of Safety and Security at Sea: Proceedings of the Marine Safety and Security Council (May-December 2017)
Mohan Das Manandhar, George Varughese, Arnold M. Howitt, and Erica Kelly. Disaster Preparedness and Response During Political Transition in Nepal: Assessing Civil and Military Roles in the Aftermath of the 2015 Earthquakes (The Asia Foundation, 2017)
Nicholas B. Hambridge, Arnold M. Howitt, and David W. Giles. 2017. “Coordination in Crises: Implementation of the National Incident Management System by Surface Transportation Agencies,” Homeland Security Affairs 13, Article 3 (April 2017)
Nicholas B. Hambridge, Arnold M. Howitt, and David W. Giles. 2017. “Surface Transportation as Second Circle Adopter,” Crisis Response Journal 13 (1)
Nicholas B. Hambridge, Arnold M. Howitt, and David W. Giles. 2017. “What is the Impact of the NIMS Mandate?” Crisis Response Journal 12 (4)
Joseph W. Pfeifer. 2016. "International Anti-Terrorism Preparedness," WNYF
Joseph W. Pfeifer and Ophelia Roman. 2016. "Tiered Response Pyramid: A System-Wide Approach to Build Response Capability and Surge Capacity," Homeland Security Affairs 12
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard, Arnold M. Howitt, Christine Cole, and Joseph W. Pfeifer. 2016, September 9. "Command Under Attack: What We've Learned Since 9/11 About Managing Crises," The Conversation
Joseph Pfeifer. 2016. "Adaptive Resilience Emerges from 9/11 and the 15-Years Following," Homeland Security Affairs 12 (2016)
Alex Altshuler. 2016. "Israel's Emergency Management Challenges," Strategic Survey for Israel 2015-2016 (Tel Aviv: INSS Publications).
Philip Dy and Tori Stephens. 2016. "The Typhoon Haiyan Response: Strengthening Coordination among Philippine Government, Civil Society, and International Actors," PCL Discussion Paper Series.
Joseph W. Pfeifer. 2016. "Tiered Response: Preparing for Novelty," Pro EMS 1 (2016).
Meir Elran, Zipi Israeli, Carmit Padan, and Alex Altshuler. 2015, September. "Social Resilience in the Jewish Communities around the Gaza Strip Envelope during and after Operation Protective Edge," Military and Strategic Affairs 7 (2), 5-31.
Alex Altshuler. 2015, July 27. "A Novel Model for Predicting the Level of Perceived Secureness in the Face of Large-Scale Emergencies," presented at the International Summer Institute for Disaster and Risk Research, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
Alex Altshuler. 2015, July 23. "Are We Protected? Model for Predicting the Level of Perceived Secureness in the Face of Large-Scale Emergencies," presented at the 2015 Researchers Meeting of the International Research Committee on Disasters, International Sociological Association, University of Colorado at Boulder.
Meir Elran and Alex Altshuler. 2015. "How (Un)Prepared is Israel for an Emergency?" INSS Insight 761.
Meir Elran and Alex Altshuler. 2015. "What Can Be Learned from the National Home Front Exercise?" INSS Insight 716, 1-3.
Alex Altshuler and Meir Elran. 2014. "Inter-Organizational Training for the Emergency Management System," Military and Strategic Affairs 6 (2), 37-47.
Meir Elran and Alex Altshuler. 2014. The Civilian Front in Operation “Protective Edge”. In The Lessons of Operation Protective Edge, A. Kurz & S. Brom (Eds.) Tel-Aviv: INSS Publications.
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard, Christine M. Cole, and Arnold M. Howitt. 2014. Why was Boston Strong? Law Enforcement Lessons from the Marathon Bombing. Gazette Magazine 76 (4).
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard, Christine M. Cole, Arnold M. Howitt, and Philip B. Heymann. 2014. Making Boston Stronger. ICSS Journal 2 (2), 14-23.
The ICSS Journal is a publication of the International Centre for Sport Security.
Arnold M. Howitt. 2014. Clearing the Air. Crisis/Response 9 (4), 45-47.
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard, Christine M. Cole, Arnold M. Howitt, and Philip B. Heymann. 2014. Why Was Boston Strong? Lessons from the Boston Marathon Bombing.
Arnold M. Howitt, Haruo Hayashi, Hiromi Akiyama, David W. Giles, and Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard. 2013. An Incident Management System for Japan? Crisis/Response 9 (1), 17-19.
Herman Leonard and Arnold Howitt. 2013. The Medical Response to the Boston Marathon Bombings. ICSS Journal 1 (2), 74-77.
The ICSS Journal is a publication of the International Centre for Sport Security.
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt. 2013. Boston Marathon Bombing Response. Crisis/Response 8 (4), 18-21.
Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt. 2013. Preliminary Thoughts and Observations on the Boston Marathon Bombings. PCL Discussion Paper Series.
For more on the above paper, read the Harvard Crimson article profiling Leonard and Howitt's observations .
Joseph W. Pfeifer. 2013. Crisis Leadership: The Art of Adapting to Extreme Events. PCL Discussion Paper Series.
Joseph W. Pfeifer. 2013, June 12. Statement before the House Committee on Homeland Security's Subcommittee on
Counterterrorism and Intelligence on Protecting the Homeland against Mumbai-Style Attacks and the Threat from Lashkar-e-Taiba.
Faaiza Rashid, Amy C. Edmondson, and Herman B. Leonard. 2013. Leadership Lessons from the Chilean Mine Rescue. Harvard Business Review 91, nos. 7/8 (July–August 2013): 113–119.
Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt. 2012. Leading in Crises: Observations on the Political and Decision-Making Dimensions of Response. In Ira Helsloot, et al., eds., Mega-Crises: Understanding the Prospects, Nature, Characteristics and Effects of Cataclysmic Events.
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt. 2012. Working Together in Crises. Crisis/Response 7 (4), 50-51.
Joseph W. Pfeifer. 2012. Adapting to Novelty: Recognizing the Need for Innovation and Leadership. WNYF 1, 20-23.
Joseph W. Pfeifer. 2012. Network Fusion: Information and Intelligence Sharing for a Networked World. Homeland Security Affairs 8 (17).
Sigridur Bjork Thormara, Berthold P.R. Gersonsb, Barbara Juenc, Maria Nelden Djakababaa, Thorlakur Karlssond & Miranda Olff. 2012.
Organizational factors and mental health in community volunteers. The role of exposure, preparation, training, tasks assigned, and support. Anxiety, Stress & Coping: An International Journal
Douglas Ahlers, Arnold M. Howitt, and Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard. 2011. Preparing in Advance for Disaster Recovery. Global-is-Asian 12 (Oct-Dec), 40-41.
Arnold M. Howitt and Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard. 2011. Systems Failure. Crisis/Response 7 (1), 22-25.
Arrietta Chakos. 2010, May 25. Getting a Jump on the Next Big Disaster. The Huffington Post. Available at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arrietta-chakos/getting-a-jump-on-the-nex_b_588990.html.
Global Agenda Council on Catastrophic Risks, World Economic Forum. 2010. Creating a Better Architecture for Global Risk Management of Catastrophic Risks: A Proposal to the World Economic Forum Global Redesign Initiative. [Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard, Council Chair.]
Arnold Howitt and Herman B. Leonard. 2010. The Strategic Balance of Disaster Risk Management. Administration Reform 8 (8), 27-29.
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard. 2010. Organizing Response to Extreme Emergencies: Testimony to the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission, 2009.
Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt. 2010. Acting in Time Against Disaster: A Comprehensive Risk Management Framework. In Howard Kunreuther and Michael Useem (Eds.), Learning from Catastrophes: Strategies for Reaction and Response. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Wharton School Publishing.
Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt. 2010. Advance Recovery and the Development of Resilient Organisations and Societies. In Simon Woodward (Ed.), Integrative Risk Management: Advanced Disaster Recovery (pp. 45-58). Zurich: Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd.
Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt. 2010. Organising Response to Extreme Emergencies: The Victorian Bush Fires of 2009. Australian Journal of Public Administration 69 (4), 372-386.
Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt. 2010. Understanding and Coping with the Increasing Risk of System-Level Accidents. In Simon Woodward (Ed.), Integrative Risk Management: Advanced Disaster Recovery (pp. 13-26). Zurich: Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd.
Doug C. Ahlers and Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard. 2009. Building the Platform for Accelerated Recovery: The Bay Area and Landscape Scale Disaster. City and County of San Francisco Advance Recovery Planning Workshop.
Doug C. Ahlers and Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard. 2009. Financial Readiness for Landscape Scale Disaster in the Bay Area: A Proposal for an Earthquake Country Mutual Endowment Fund. City and County of San Francisco Advance Recovery Planning Workshop.
Arnold M. Howitt and Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard. 2009. The Novelty of Crises: How to Prepare for the Unprecedented. In Stefan Sagmeister; David Ulin; Judith Lewis; and Mariana Amatullo (Eds.), The LA Earthquake Sourcebook (pp. 210-217). Pasadena, CA: Art Center College of Design.
Arnold M Howitt; Ellis M. Stanley; Mike Montgomery; and Andrew Velasquez. 2009. Evacuation Issues: Part II. Crisis/Response Journal 5 (2), 45-46.
Arrietta Chakos. 2008. Seismic Risk Reduction Sparks Community Resilience. 14th World Congress on Earthquake Engineering; Beijing.
Arnold M. Howitt; Ellis M. Stanley; Mike Montgomery; and Andrew Velasquez. 2008. Evacuation Issues: Part I. Crisis/Response Journal 4 (4), 48-50.
Herman B. Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt. 2008. 'Routine' or 'Crisis' - The Search for Excellence. Crisis/Response Journal 4 (3), 32-35.
William G. Barry; Robert Cowher; Charles Harper; Arnold M. Howitt; and Elizabeth Padjen. 2007. Roundtable: Prepared Response. Architecture Boston 10 (3), 18-26.
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt. 2007. Against Desperate Peril: High Performance in Emergency Preparation and Response. In Deborah E. Gibbons (Ed.), Communicable Crises: Prevention, Response, and Recovery in the Global Arena (pp. 1-25). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt. 2007. High Performance and Emergency Preparedness and Response: Disaster Type Differences. Taubman Center Policy Briefs, PB-2007-03.
Arnold M. Howitt and Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard. 2006. Beyond Katrina: Improving Disaster Response Capabilities. Center for Public Leadership Working Papers, Spring, 18-25.
(Also published in the Crisis/Response Journal, June 2006).
Arnold M. Howitt and Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard. 2006. In the Eye of the Storm: Helping Education Leaders Meet the Challenge of Dealing with Disasters. Threshold, Fall, 10-13.
Arnold M. Howitt and Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard. 2006. Katrina and the Core Challenges of Disaster Response. The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 30 (1).
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt. 2006. Katrina as Prelude: Preparing for and Responding to Katrina-Class Disturbances in the United States. Testimony before the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, March 8, 2006. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 2 (3).
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt. 2006. Political Control and Operational Command: Building a Balanced Disaster Control System. Supplemental testimony submitted to the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, March 22, 2006.
Arnold M. Howitt and Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard. 2005. A Command System for All Agencies? Crisis/Response Journal 1 (2).
Arnold M. Howitt and Jonathan Makler. 2005. On the Ground: Protecting America’s Roads and Transit from Terrorism. The Brookings Institution Series on Transportation Reform.
Arnold M. Howitt and Jonathan Makler. 2005. Protecting America’s Highways and Transit Systems against Terrorism. In Bruce Katz and Robert Puentes (Eds.), Taking the High Road: A Metropolitan Agenda for Transportation Reform. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard and Daniel Curran. 2005. Recovery in Aceh: Towards A Strategy of Emergence. Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 05-082.
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard. 2004. Leadership in Crisis Situations. In James MacGregor Burns; George R. Goethals; and Georgia J. Sorenson (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Leadership (pp. 289-295). Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.
Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard and Arnold M. Howitt. 2004. The Heat of the Moment. Compass 2 (1), 19-23.
Arnold M. Howitt and Robyn L. Pangi. 2003. Intergovernmental Challenges of Preparing for Terrorism. In Arnold M. Howitt and Robyn L. Pangi (Eds.), Countering Terrorism: Dimensions of Preparedness. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Additional Publications
The Executive Session on Domestic Preparedness (co-sponsored by HKS’s Taubman Center for State and Local Government and the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs) operated from 1999-2003 with the sponsorship of the US Department of Justice. It brought together scholars and senior practitioners from federal, state, and local agencies to consider how the United States could prepare itself for the possibility of terrorist attack – and particularly to explore issues of intergovernmental cooperation in preparedness and response. This program produced a rich set of research papers, policy notes, and books on these topics.