The Harvard Kennedy School Autonomous Vehicles Policy Initiative at the Taubman Center for State and Local Government (AVPI) aims to provide actionable analysis and practical help for the implementation of AVs to city, state, and federal governments. Self-driving cars, trucks, and other autonomous vehicles will fundamentally disrupt how policymakers need to think about urban planning, budgets, public transportation, and mobility in general in the coming years. We consult to stakeholders both inside and outside of the United States.

Through research, teaching, and work with decision makers in administrations, with technologists and business leaders from AV companies and startups, and with other practicing professionals from the autonomous vehicles space, the initiative seeks to improve policymakers’ capacity to deal with a fast emerging technology. They find actionable policy and strategy options to create infrastructure that is livable for humans and AVs, and that helps to mitigate the social consequences of the AV revolution.

Latest Research & Updates

This report examines the implications of a pedestrian incident involving a Cruise autonomous vehicle (AV) in San Francisco, highlighting gaps in the regulatory framework. The research calls for a more robust regulatory approach, focusing on three core challenges


Explore this presentation on AV trucking from Paul Lam, Director of Corporate Strategy & Development at TuSimple, an American autonomous trucking company based in San Diego.



A Brief for Policymakers on the Regulatory Landscape for Autonomous Vehicles Data Sharing and Privacy


This policy brief, Autonomous Delivery Vehicles: Why You Should Care & What You Should Do, explores the current landscape of Autonomous Delivery Vehicle offerings, their impact on urban mobility, and a path for policymakers to tap the benefits and minimize the risks of this new technology.


Developing Urban Mobility Policy in Response to Autonomous Vehicles: A Multi-Party Policy Development Simulation, a publication from Mark Fagan and Dr. Lance Eliot, is a resource for policymakers as they  craft and implement policies in this fast-moving field.


Autonomous Vehicles Are Coming: Five Policy Actions Cities Can Take Now to Be Ready,  by Mark Fagan, Daniel Comeaux, and Benjamin Gillies, is a guide for policymakers on how to prepare for AVs.


A column from Dr. Lance Eliot in Forbes  on the AVPI's November 2021 publication, Developing Urban Mobility Policy in Response to Autonomous Vehicles.


To work through questions about congestion, safety, data privacy, equity and the other issues that AVs will likely bring, local officials, graduate students and faculty held a simulation exercise with the AVPI. 


This presentation from AVPI's Mark Fagan explores how autonomous vehicles can and do play a role in safe, effective airport operations.  

Get in Touch

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Mark Fagan

Lecturer in Public Policy