Conference logo featuring title Charting New Terrain A Conference on Emerging School Models

Charting New Terrain: A Conference on Emerging School Models

September 22-23, 2022

Harvard Kennedy School
15 Eliot Street
Taubman Building, 5th Floor, Nye ABC and Allison Dining Room
Cambridge, Massachusetts

New approaches to education are rapidly emerging across the United States. Tech leaders are introducing instructional technologies that extend access to personalized content and allow students to pursue their own educational pathways. Educational entrepreneurs are also forming microschools, learning pods, and hybrid homeschools that seek to meet distinct student interests. At the same time, career and technical programs are transforming themselves to foster opportunities for workforce development and experiential learning.  

From September 22–23, the Program on Education Policy and Governance at Harvard ​University’s Kennedy School of Government hosted a conference on these developments with the nation’s leading innovators in the field of emerging school models.

Agenda and Video

Thursday, Sept. 22

Opening Remarks (1:00pm)

Paul E. Peterson, Harvard University
Daniel Hamlin, University of Oklahoma

Session 1: Microschools (1:15pm – 2:15 pm)

Chair: Derrell Bradford, 50Can
Kelly Smith, Prenda
Don Soifer, National Microschooling Center
Mikala Streeter, The Life School

Session 2: Hybrid Homeschooling (2:30pm – 3:30pm)

Chair: Eric Wearne, Kennesaw State University
Beau Dollins, Second Baptist School
Kerry McDonald, Foundation for Economic Education
Olga Romero, Dallas Hybrid Preparatory

Session 3: Virtual Schools (3:45pm – 4:45 pm)

Chair: Julie Young, Arizona State University
Kurtis Indorf, Great Hearts Nova
Mickey Revenaugh, Pearson Virtual Schools
David Vise, Modern States

Keynote Address (6:30pm – 7:15pm)

Speaker: The Hon. Winsome Earle-Sears, Lieutenant Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia

Friday, Sept. 23

Opening Remarks (8:30am)

Nick Melvoin, Los Angeles Unified School District

Session 4: Education Savings Accounts (9:00am - 10:00am)

Chair: Robert Enlow, EdChoice
Garrett Ballengee, Cardinal Institute
Cara Candal, ExcelInEd
Matthew Ladner, Reimagined

Session 5: Innovations in Instructional Tech (10:15am - 11:15am)

Chair: Michael Horn, Clayton Christensen Institute
Michael Bodekaer Jensen, Labster
Ryan Holmes, KaiPod Learning
Meredith Olson, Vela Education Fund

Session 6: Career and Technical Education (11:30am - 12:30pm)

Chair: Jim Means, U.S. Department of Education
Derek Niño, Build UP
Paymon Rouhanifard, Propel America
Matthew Spinella, Tennessee Department of Education