January 21, 2014

Edward Glaeser (Harvard University), Steve Poftak (Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston) and Kristina Tobio (Taubman Center for State and Local Government)

Greater Boston has been resilient amidst the whirl of the Great Recession, and the region’s technological prowess has been part of its success, but will technology start-ups continue to be an economic engine in the future? Moreover, even if technological success endures as a mainstay of the Boston economy, will technology start-ups provide employment for ordinary workers without advanced degrees? Are there sensible steps that state and local government can take to further strengthen the region’s technology eco-system?

Relatively high wages make it difficult for Massachusetts to compete globally manufacturing ordinary, old products, but over the past 30 years, greater Boston has shown a remarkable ability to survive and even thrive through innovation. The economic health of the region depends upon the continued humming of its innovation engine, and ensuring that innovation helps people throughout the income distribution.