Mark Fagan, Damien Bérubé, Lior Sirkis, William Stevenson, and Jamey Tesler.
It is Time to Change the Autonomous Vehicles Regulatory Approach: Policy Lessons from the Cruise Incident October 2, 2023  October 2024


Mark Fagan, Benjamin Gillies, and Edward Guo
Autonomous Delivery Vehicles: Why You Should Care and What You Should Do May 2022


Anna Kamen and Stephen Henriques 
Student Insights from the Field: Managing a Volunteer Contact Tracing Program in Summer 2020 February 2021 

Mark Fagan
Developing Urban Mobility Policy in Response to Autonomous Vehicles: A Multi-Party Policy Development Simulation October 2021


David Zipper
Urban Mobility Pilots August 2020 


Linda J. Bilmes, Carolyn M. DuPont, and James N. Levitt
Green Bonds and Land Conservation: The Evolution of a New Financing Tool February 2016

Robert Clifford and Daniel Shoag
No More Credit Score: The Effect of Employer Credit Check Bans on Employment February 2016


Alicia Sasser Modestino, Daniel Shoag, and Joshua Ballance
Upskilling: Do Employers Demand Greater Skill When Skilled Workers are Plentiful? May 2015


Sébastien Houde and Joseph E. Aldy 
Belt and Suspenders and More: The Incremental Impact of Energy Efficiency Subsidies in the Presence of Existing Policy Instruments October 2014

Joseph E. Aldy 
Labor Market Impacts of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling Momentum August 2014

Edward L. Glaeser, Steve Poftak and Kristina Tobio 
Greater Boston's Economy and the Entrepreneurial Age February 2014


Edward L. Glaeser
A Nation of Gamblers: Real Estate Speculation and American History May 2013


Fillipe R. Campante and Quoc-Ahn Do
Isolated Capital Cities, Accountability, and Corruption: Evidence from U.S. States October 2012

Amitabh Chandra
Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise: Improving the Productivity of Massachusetts' Health Care Spending May 2012

Katherine Baicker, Jeffrey Clemens and Monica Singhal
The Rise of the States: U.S. Fiscal Decentralization in the Postwar Period May 2012


Raj Chetty, John N. Friedman, Nathan Hilger, Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, Emmanuell Saez, and Danny Yagen
How Does Your Kindergarten Classroom Affect Your Earnings? Evidence from Project STAR March 2011

Edward L. Glaeser
Which Places Are Growing? Seven Notable Trends from Newly Released Census Data March 2011

Thomas A. Kochan
How Massachusetts Can Stop the Public Sector Virus March 2011


December 2010 Gomez-Ibanez, Jose A., Coordination vs. Cooperation: The Simple Analytics of Open Access with Illustrations with Railroads

May 2010 Glaeser, Edward L., Joshua D. Gottlieb, and Joseph Gyourko, Did Credit Market Policies Cause the Housing Bubble?

March 2010 Lerner, Josh, Geography, Venture Capital, and Public Policy

February 2010 Glaeser, Edward L., and William R. Kerr, What Makes a City Entrepreneurial?


May 2009 Finkelstein, Amy, Erzo F. P. Luttmer, and Matthew J. Notowidigdo, What Good Is Wealth Without Health? The Effect of Health on the Satisfaction Derived from Consumption

May 2009 Baicker, Katherine and Amitabh Chandra, Improving Health Care Quality and Values: Local Challenges and Local Opportunities

March 2009 Glaeser, Edward L., Matt Resseger, and Kristina Tobio, Urban Inequality

March 2009 Gómez-Ibáñez, Jose A. and Fernanda Ruiz Núñez, Inefficient Cities

March 2009 Schuetz, Jenny, Rachel Meltzer, and Vicki Been, Silver Bullet or Trojan Horse? The Effects of Inclusionary Zoning on Local Housing Markets in Greater Boston


March 2008 Lazar, David, Searching the Family Tree for Suspects: Ethical and Implementation Issues in the Familial Searching of DNA Databases

March 2008 Glaeser, Edward L. and Matthew Kahn, The Greenness of Cities

February 2008 Behn, Robert D., The Seven Big Errors of PerformanceStat


PB-2007-6 Singhal, Monica, Flypaper and Fungibility: Evidence from the Master Tobacco Settlement

PB-2007-5 Glaeser, Edward L. and Kristina Tobio, The Rise of the Sunbelt

PB-2007-4 Chandra, Amitabh, Productivity Spillovers in Health Care

PB-2007-3 Leonard, Herman B. "Dutch" and Arnold M. Howitt, High Performance and Emergency Preparedness and Response: Disaster Type Differences

PB-2007-2 Williams, Kim M., Racial Statistics and Race-Conscious Public Policy

PB-2007-1 Fung, Archon, Mary Graham, David Weil, and Elena Fagotto, Transparency Policies: Two Possible Futures


PB-2006-2 Howitt, Arnold M. and Herman "Dutch" Leonard, Beyond Katrina: Improving Disaster Response Capabilities

PB-2006-1 Glaeser, Edward L. and Christopher Berry, Why are Smart Cities Getting Smarter


PB-2005-4 Jacob, Brian, The "Third Way" of Education Reform?

PB-2005-3 Fung, Archon, Mary Graham, David Weil and Elena Fagotto, From Food to Finance: What Makes Disclosure Policies Effective?

PB-2005-2 Behn, Robert D. and Elizabeth Keating, The Fiscal Crisis of the States: Recession, Structural Spending Gap, or Political "Disconnect?

PB-2005-1 Glaeser, Edward L., Smart Growth: Education, Skilled Workers and the Future of Cold-Weather Cities